February 18, 2000, 19:00
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Space cities and units. SPACE SPACE SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!
February 18, 2000, 19:12
Local Time: 08:26
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I could find no place to put all of these suggestions, so I will put em here. Tell me where to put em if there is a better place!
I would suggest the following to beef up civ3 (I originally wrote this up for ctp2, but bear these toughts in mind nevertheless):
-Have a proper city view like civ2
-Continue the use of the build cue (que, whatever)
-Give more info about what is being built in the cities (when it is built in the city)
-Put all pertinent info on one city window(happiness, food, units, cash production, industrial production)
-Keep those great underwater and space cities(but make em' MUCH more efficient to get at)
-Civ and civ2 had a city viewing button, which was cool. It let you see what your empire actually looks like. Add this feature for certain, but be sure to update the appearance of the buildings as time passes.
-Be SURE to have the game last longer.
-Make the game continue if you win, like in civ2(i'm mentioning civ2 a lot, get the picture?)
-Make the space view once again, and perhaps add another couple of layers to it. More orbit levels, or even make it possible to colonize the planet's moon.
-Make more units available.
-Keep the unit stack idea, its very efficient
-Make it possible to name ships and units, and have a screen that allows the player to access the unit with these assigned names.(do not make this idea compulsory, however, it will rather tick me off to have to assign names to things if i'm trying to play fast)
-The old goto feature with route tracing was a good idea, keep it!
-I want a unit upgrade wonder, like the leonardo's workshop in civ2
-Have detrimental wonders, make it possible to really screw the other players with your wonders
-The visible trade routes in ctp are good, but try not to make them so bogging.
-Keep the caravan as it is in ctp.
-Include national borders on the map.
-let the player assign the area that the city will draw it's food from. It would be nice if you could assign areas for this outside of the traditional city radius, so you can have vast grain producing areas in a agricultural area, and position your cities in an area wich provides more efficient production.
Don't rush, rushing makes for bad games. I want scenarios included, and world maps included. Have fun, and do a great job!!!
February 18, 2000, 21:13
Local Time: 08:26
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I'd like to have 3 maps on one: The political map (as in CIV1/2), the Religion map (Only possyble after Monotheism), The Market Dominance map (After the Corporation)
You could win: as in CIV1/2 by military conquest/AC, but also by converting all the map to your religion, or by market dominance of all the map.
In this way, a small, no army, country could be a major power in the game (Vatican, Swiss, ...).
February 19, 2000, 04:56
Local Time: 09:26
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Only ONE???
Okay, then I say: <font size=4>STACKED COMBAT</font> (or combined combat or lets say: a better UNIT-model!)
February 19, 2000, 09:14
Local Time: 09:26
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Advanced population dislocation control system.
What I mean by this, is a system that would allow you to move citizens between existing cities, without the use of Settlers/Engineers/Colony Pods/whatever.
February 19, 2000, 17:59
Local Time: 10:26
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You said just new ideas. But I can live without them and I cant live without an old one: animated water.
February 19, 2000, 19:45
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This idea is essential because though it is one idea it adds or fixes many things. For instance it fixes ICS because the main reason people were able to expand so easily in Civ 2 was that it didn't cost them anything to do so.
In the Energy Model that I posted to The List forum, the larger the Civ the more energy resources required to support it. That way ICS theoretically remains possible, but a player would have to have huge amounts of resources. Some features of the model:
Unit construction now includes "energy barrels" along side production shields;
Adds new levels of strategy to trade, unit supply, and movement;
Players must also compete for strategic control of seeded natural resources "Coal Deposits," "Oil Fields," and "Uranium Deposits."
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by raingoon (edited February 19, 2000).]</font>
February 19, 2000, 20:15
Local Time: 08:26
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Expanding City Radius
As a city grows in way of population and improvements, the radius of the city itself should grow too. Instead of only occupying one of the squares, it could take up 2, 3, maybe 4 as the city grows. As this happens, maybe include more squares that the city can use for food, shield, and trade production.
Maybe also as cities grow, if two cities were close together, they might grow together (e.g. Dallas/Ft. Worth).
February 19, 2000, 21:48
Local Time: 04:26
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raingoon, have you forgotten the combat systems that were described in the Lists already? I'll have to bump it.
Audevourahn, you may only choose One item for discussion.
February 20, 2000, 05:18
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Theben, thanks for pointing that out. Might I suggest you choose which language from the Combat thread you want to use to describe LASS/CLAS-D? It'd be helpful, at a glance, to those who have no idea.
Korn469, heads-up to this idea. If you're up and running on this thread now, note thes outstanding issues: Theben's idea still needs to be posted and Seeker hasn't responded on what he wants to do about his (see above).
February 20, 2000, 05:45
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One thing, eh? Well then Improved Trade like in Imperialism, but tailored for Civ.
February 20, 2000, 15:35
Local Time: 03:26
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i'm on it...got the afternoon set aside to manage the thread
February 20, 2000, 17:07
Local Time: 03:26
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thread is current to this post
unresolved issues are:
seeker picking his idea, and Audevourahn
limiting his idea to just one thing (if he doesn't want space cities)
February 20, 2000, 18:38
Local Time: 02:26
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Supplies lines, dependancey on fresh supplies in order to maintain fighting effectiveness of a units.
This could easily be shown by giving a unit a resistance value of 1 to 10.
Early warriors and settlers could sustain large and distant marches, thus having a resistance of 10, and Modern units like, armor ect, which require fuel ect would have a resistance of 1, and cant wander too far from supplies without losing fighting effectiveness.
You could select "view supply lines" and the map would sow the supplies that could reach various squares. The closer to cities, allied cities, or special supply units, the better supplies are. THe supplies reach less effectively over rough terrian, or enemy lines obviously.
February 20, 2000, 19:10
Local Time: 01:26
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how about being able to set borders, not just between civs, but to separate regions within your own civ. with each region having its own tax rate, troop support, units and improvements queue.
February 21, 2000, 00:49
Born Again Optimist
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February 21, 2000, 12:34
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I think religion should be implemented the way it was presented in religion thread - entity that is not dependent of civilizations, that spreads on its own power and competes with other religions, but which would still have huge impact on game and nations.
February 21, 2000, 19:17
Local Time: 03:26
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I want a revamped trade system that effects diplomacy and vice versa. For instance, one could argue that why we sided with the allies in WWII/WWI because of the economic ties with that country. Essentially, I want economic ties (uncontrolled by the user) to be complementary to diplomatic ties (controlled by the user). Going against the flow of your nations 'economic will' in the diplomatic arena would be detremental to your trade and income and detremental to your own people's happiness with you as a ruler.
February 22, 2000, 16:27
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thread is current to this post
February 22, 2000, 18:30
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A killer soundtrack. It should be:
1. Big, as in LOTS of tracks to choose from
2. Diverse, with the ability to select/disable tracks for playback
3. Different for each age, or even based upon how well the player's civ is doing
4. High quality - heck, even console games are in Surround Sound(TM)these days. Just say No to MIDI
Some individual music selections are suggested in the Music for CIV III thread under General Suggestions
February 23, 2000, 12:24
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the thread is current to now, with the last idea being #31, a killersoundtrack
February 23, 2000, 14:15
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back to top
February 23, 2000, 16:48
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this thread is closed please do not post in it
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