September 8, 1999, 07:42
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In regards to my brother, He's moving on Sunday and should be connected soon after that, so if we can keep an ai slot open for him it would be appreciated. He'll probably be able to post between 6.30-11pm GMT due to his work.
The diplomatic suggestions seem ok, clarifies a few things.
I'd prefer to be the Sioux or the English, my brother's favourite is the Russians, but any tribe will suffice.
September 8, 1999, 14:23
Local Time: 00:19
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 BINGO!  WE HAVE A GAME!  seven players are in (Originally, I thought, an 8 Player game is possible, but it isn't, I wondered...!). There is only poor Pastieman and poor Eddy seem to must kicked out, cause they were too late (please forgive us, Eddy & Pastieman!  I sent Eddy an email, superstar, please tell Pastieman the bad news).
Next thing I will do is to organize a turn order.
Skryke: you are the only player from whom I don't have a specific moving time yet. Since I know, that you live in Western Canada and have to work, I assume for you a time between 20.00 and 22.00 EST, is this ok? Otherwise, please send email to me as soon as possible, please.
Superstar: From you I didn't get a reply with the form yet, but since you posted your times and the important game settings, I will begin game setting.
Details are coming soon!
greets from the Warrior of sky
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by kengel (edited September 08, 1999).]</font>
September 8, 1999, 16:56
Local Time: 00:19
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Ok, Here is my suggestion, based on the likes of the player majority (thanx to all for replying the form!)
The game will start on thursday, perhaps even today if the players manage it.
We play a 7 MP game at emperor level, with double production and single movement, having an accelerated start at 3000 BC.
On a medium sized map with normal landform, landmass and temperature there will be restless barbarians moving around. It will be wet (a lot of rivers, some swamps) on this 4 Billion years old world.
Not knowing, where the other civs are settling, every civ tries to rule the world or to reach Alpha Centauri. City bribing is not honorful on this world, and all leaders promised not to do this.
I suggest following moving orders (avail.time = availible time for moving, send.mail = the latest time, when the player should have finished his turn and sent email to the next, all times are EST)
___player__|color___|avail.time____|send.time__|em ail
2. MacUser__green__20.00-
3. Zeebo____blue___19.00-
4. Makeo____yellow__2.00-
As you see, we can do pretty good 1 turn/day, if we all get discipline to hold the sending time!
So next, how it works: I suggest to determine a "host", responsible for the running game and the contacting person if someone hangs or is not availible for weeks. I suggest, zeebo will do it, if he agrees; I could do it also, but the disadvantage on me is that I am mostly not availible at the weekend.
Every player gets the saved game of the player before by email; the player no.1 gets it from player no.7. The game is loaded by choosing "multiplayer session", then "internet game", then "load saved network game". The program will ask for a network name and then for a game title, you can type in whatever you want. Then you confirm the forgiven IP-adress and just start the game without waiting for any players (alternatively, if you have a diplomatic date with one of the other players, you could let him in on this way). Then you choose your civ (which you can password protect if you want) and go on for moving. When you finished your turn (Be sure to check "Always wait at end of turn" in the gameoptions menu), save the game (Be sure not to press return, the AI must not move!!!). The saved game you will send per email once to the next player in the moving order, and second to the host to tell him whose turn is.
And now some tips for the running game:
So, what to do in the case if you already know that you cannot do a move the next days? The problem is just to avoid that AI takes over your place for a round (geee, you really will not want it!). The best way is to find a player who will move for you. He just has to load your game, to pass all the city reports and then to save the game, eventually he could also act as you have instructed him. Of course, this player (for example the player after you) need to know your password, and you have to told your foreplayer to whom he has to send the game instead to you. If you deactivate your password or send your password to a confident host, this protects you from the AI for the simple case you forgot to move, cause the host will be the one who will "move" for you and send on further the game.
Well, we will see how it works in practice.
Now, I will ceremonially open the first CivII MP PBEM game, by sending it to the first player skryke.
All following players, please be sure you choose the next free civilisation triple in agreement to the list I give you above!
If someone don't agree with something above, thats no problem, we will simply discuss it and restart, ok? We surely have to discuss a lot of things in the next time (for example who is the "host"), but we can do it during the game is running.
So I wish us all a great, glorious and honourus game! Have fun!
greets from the Warrior of sky
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by kengel (edited September 08, 1999).]</font>
September 8, 1999, 18:15
Local Time: 00:19
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Germany
Posts: 519
Actually, I noticed that the civs are determined when starting the game, so unfortunately all players are now correlated to the following civilisations:
Skryke = Romans,
MacUser = Babylons,
Zeebo = French,
Makeo = Egypts,
Kengel = Americans,
Superstar = Greeks,
Monkey = Mongols.
I am really sorry about this, but the only way on how you guys could get the civ you wish is that one we have to login ALL together when the game is started, what should be pretty difficult...
greets from the Warrior of sky
September 8, 1999, 18:29
Local Time: 23:19
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Just to let all players know:
September 8, 1999, 23:42
Local Time: 23:19
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Posts: 89
Hi All,
just wondering, shouldn't we be using HOTSEAT rather than INTERNET game for PBEM? It may work using the internet game, and perhaps we should just see how it goes since the game is already in motion, but HOTSEAT may make more sense, as it is theoretically the same aas PBEM - each player has his turn in order one the same PC (ie without establishing a connection between 2 or more PC's). Let me know what you think,
September 9, 1999, 00:39
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Monkey: (w/- french accent) I fart in your general direction!
September 9, 1999, 05:10
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Hi zeebo,
HotSeat is not possible cause of one reason: You cannot choose the civilisation when you load the game, i.e. you will see the civ from your foreplayer, or even not this, if he got passwordprotection...
But it doesn't matter (this is for all):
So it is just "formally" an internet game, for reason you can choose your civ at the beginning. I don't know, if a home PC is goin online automatically, but you can break the connection and even then the game starts (at least, my PC does it).
greets from the Warrior of sky
September 9, 1999, 05:17
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I am just wondering about some strange behaviour my emailprogram showed as I sent the PBEM email #2 and #3, so I just wanna be sure it really works: Is there aynbody who didn't get the emails?
greets from the Warrior of sky
September 9, 1999, 07:33
Local Time: 23:19
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Thanks Kengel for organising this, but a few probs/questions. First, I'm confused between the est/gmt time difference. Is GMT 5 hours ahead??
Second, your first Email was corrupted, I don't think it was my connection but it was possible. I did get the second ok and bits of the first, but this is probably irrelevant.
It's probably a good idea to de-select Pastieman as with his moving he doesn't know when he's going to get re-connected.
The only game parameter that disturbs me is the non-bribe option, to me this has always been a major part of the game, but I guess we go with the majority.
Thanks again Kengel, and may the best man win.
-he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath-"The horror!The Horror"
September 9, 1999, 11:08
Local Time: 00:19
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Superstar, you are right, for ex. 0.00 EST = 5.00 GMT (=UTC)
There is a nice link to compare time zones fast, please have a look at
Another fine link with detailed information is where you also can check on which time zone you are (links are taken from a thread in the MP forum)
Seems, the city bribing thing should be discussed here further: At the moment, it stands 3:2 against city bribing. I am neutral about it; I agree, that it is an important element of strategy, but I also think there are not enough defence possibilities for these players which are not yet on democracy (in fact, in a city bribing game the players with democracy will simply "buy" all others). In my opinion, bribing is the best strategy (I use it on myself against AI), but also leads to a pretty "boring" game.
Well, I am not worry about a non bribing game, it will be fun!
greets from the Warrior of sky
September 9, 1999, 11:49
Local Time: 23:19
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ok, when are we getting started? Tommorrow?
My case for city bribes:-
1. It is/always has been a natural part of the game.
2. It requires reasonable effort to save up gold to perform such a task and is not as straightforward as one might assume.
3. It gives a player able to get into democracy a reward, and managing this Govt. system early on deserves some form of bonus. It is supposed to be the best peaceful govt. system.
4. Removing this option removes anti-bribe stratergies, something that I've always enjoyed practising.
5. I like my diplo/spy units.
This said, I will go with the majority, and look forward to all you're ultimate destructions :-)
Cry victory for England, Harry, and Saint George!
September 9, 1999, 11:51
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Posts: 388
How long before I become a fully fledged Civer?
And I guess I bet to be crying victory for Greece, Alex and St.greek saint-bloke.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Superstar (edited September 09, 1999).]</font>
September 10, 1999, 06:46
Local Time: 16:19
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Whats happening? Have we started?
September 10, 1999, 08:00
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Has anyone recieved a saved game yet or had their turn?
September 10, 1999, 09:19
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I've played my turn as the french and sent on the file to Makeo.
It seems there is a problem with opening the saved game file with a Mac, so perhaps that won't work out...
Also, I suggest compressing the file using Winzip before sending, to save on download times (the file compressed from 71K to 6K),
September 10, 1999, 11:36
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Hi to all,
great, it seems the game is running. Hope, that MacUser will manage it.
Unfortunately, I am away this weekend (I told makeo to send his turn directly to superstar so the game is goin on).
Meantime, please post here how it is goin on. Wish all a nice weekend & see you
greets from the Warrior of sky
September 10, 1999, 18:26
Local Time: 16:19
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Game sent to superstar.
September 10, 1999, 23:53
Local Time: 17:19
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Kengel sent me a test game to see if I could open and play it, and I had no problems. So something was different or wrong with the first file that I downloaded. Having said that, however, I do need to make sure that everyone is using the current patches on their games. In order for PCs and Macs to play together in MP, the PC game must use patch ver. 1.3 (available on the MicroProse site) and the Mac game must use ver. 1.1.b.1 (available either from ACS or MacSoft, see the Mac Forum). I am using the current Mac patch, are all the PC players using the patch 1.3? Skryke, don't count me out yet! Hopefully, the first turn was an anomaly and the next one will work for me.
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad
September 11, 1999, 15:32
Local Time: 17:19
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Here is the answer to the "Do we all need the current patch" question. I copied this from the MicroProse patch 1.3 Read Me file:
"Due to game balance and cheat issues, this patch will not work in
tandem with older versions of Civ II Multiplayer. That is, everyone
in a multiplayer game must have the patched version in order for the
game to run properly."
The PC patch is available at
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad
September 12, 1999, 00:54
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Super star,
if that was you sending me the e-mail game I think you forgot to attach the game to the mail. I didn't see anything attached to it.. so please send it again...
September 12, 1999, 09:24
Local Time: 17:19
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I got GAME! Skryke sent me the 2900 BCE game and I had no problems playing. The file has been saved and sent to Zeebo.
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad
September 13, 1999, 14:17
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I've been offline lately due to HArdrive problems, I'm still not fully operational so I won't be able to take any turns for a couple of days, keep me posted as to what is going on and let the AI take my turns or KENGEL can take them if he wishes, sorry about this but it is unavoidable.
September 13, 1999, 15:53
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No problem, superstar. I will take care for your mighty civilisation, for that no AI will ever take over your people  (as soon as I get this game file... where is it now?). Hope you will fix your problems, please email if you are ready again!
greets from the Warrior of sky
September 14, 1999, 15:22
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Posts: 519
 Really bad news: I found something like a "bug" in our system of PBEM gaming, making trouble by a partial overtaking of every player by the AI. If during the move of a player an unit wasn't moved (for example an in the round before fortified unit), it will be moved by the AI till next round, even if the player got the blinking message "end of turn"!!!
 Really good news: I found out how to avoid this nuisance. Just before you save, you simply have to press "Ctrl" + "n" (="end turn" in the orders- menu). You should do this even then, when at the right bottom corner the "end of turn"- message is blinking and this menu point seems to be deactivated!
I think, the reason for this behaviour is found in the saved game file: If you save a game, there are saved the moves of the units you used, but there is also saved the information of units, which have the possibility to move (that means, the left moving points of every of your units is saved; hence, the fortified units, for which the program did not ask you about moving, still have their full moving points!). If the next player starts the game with his civ, the saved game tells the program that it is still your turn, but of course you are not connected anymore to the game. So the program will takeover your civ with an AI, which will move the rest of your units which you didn't move.
Now, if you are hitting "Ctrl" + "n" before you save, the program will set automatically the moving points of all your units to zero, so there is nothing left for the AI! To my knowledge, the AI will also not change your city stati.
Since this message is widely relevant for game play, I will send it as PBEM Mail #4 to all. Thanx for reading this, and I wish you all a nice go on of the game. Have fun!
greets from the Warrior of sky
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by kengel (edited September 14, 1999).]</font>
September 14, 1999, 23:30
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Turn sent to Makeo...
September 15, 1999, 00:06
Local Time: 16:19
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If its the turn you sent to me yesterday..I sent it on yesterday. If its an new turn. Excellent the pace is picking up. btw I'm at work at the moment.
September 15, 1999, 09:28
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Sorry Guys, I'm waiting for some drivers to be sent through, I reckon I'll be out for another day or two
September 15, 1999, 23:42
Local Time: 17:19
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I sent the 2800 B.C.E. turn to Zeebo about a half-hour ago (ca. 10:00 CDT). Things are moving along!
Different is GOOD!
AOL IM--JacSamDad
September 16, 1999, 00:43
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Posts: 519
I agree, the timing works very well. I did my next move as well as that of superstar (be nice to your harddrive  ) and sent it to monkey 24 h after the last one. This is great!
greets from the Warrior of sky
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