February 17, 2000, 19:09
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"I would return the natural disasters to Civ III, but with the extra suggestions we compiled back in August & September."
February 17, 2000, 19:54
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Yes!! Epidemics, volcanos, floods...Perhaps a rarely occuring "____ in arms near ____!!" event where the fanatics/rebels/pirates whatever are more strong then usual.
February 18, 2000, 10:08
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Yes please
February 18, 2000, 11:57
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That's allright, but only if you can influence the chance of preventing such events.
I mean, the chance there will be a flood depends very much on geographic features like rivers and oceans. Cities that build certain improvements (dykes, walls and such) could reduce their chances to be hit by a disaster. The same counts for a pestilence and improvements as hospitals and auquaducts. I guess you people can think up more possibilitie along these lines.
Adopt, Adapt and Improve
February 19, 2000, 14:52
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Marcel, in Civ 1 building city improvements prevented certain disasters, like barracks prevented pirates and temple prevented earthquake.
February 19, 2000, 14:57
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I'm for disasters, but it should be an option like barbarians. Like stable for no activity all the way to cataclysmic where there is something going on every 5 to 10 turns.
February 19, 2000, 19:47
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The idea of truly random disasters adds a definite unpredicatable flavor to the game. In smac, there were 'disasters' with improvements to prevent them. I would hope the same would be true in Civ III.
February 20, 2000, 10:51
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One thing I think should be added: If one subtages a hydroplant up-river [and we'd have to have some way of knowing the flow of the river] from a unit [up to 2 or 3 spaces], then those units get flooded and either die or lose hit points.
Next idea: River flow. If you go with the river you get a 1/3 movement penalty- if you go against it you get a 1/2 movement penalty.
NATURAL DISASTERS: I think if the game expands into the distant future, then we should have the possiblity not only of global warming but also of asteroids, and the developement of technology to resist it. Now, I think in a 1 in a 10000 chance we should have asteroids hit in ancient times, just for little balance. But with lasers should come more possibility for asteroid impact.
February 22, 2000, 01:22
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possible disasters:
-tsnamis(tidal waves)
-astroids maybe?
Its predicted that there should be 1 major impact -1 km or so- every 100,000 years. Although there are smaller -100 m- impacts that could wipe out a city. These may occur on average as offten a 1 per century. Anyway, you should be able to deflect them(maybe you'd be warned and have several turns to lauch a mission to deflect it).
pleas add any other ideas for the actual disasters and effects.
February 22, 2000, 02:45
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Here's an idea:
In the late game, when pollution become a problem, some natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, diseases (caused by chemical or biological experiments) should occur more frequently.
February 22, 2000, 03:13
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i like the idea of random disasters... the way they did it in civ 1..... although i think improvement should prevent disasters but also pollution of black plague should have some real nasty effects.... historically of course
February 22, 2000, 06:57
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Was it an earthquake or a volcanic eruption that a temple prevented. Either way how on earth did it manage to do this???
February 22, 2000, 20:22
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It prevented the volcano disaster, which was caused, of course, by the anger of the gods.
February 22, 2000, 21:56
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well i dont' think a temple should prevent any natural disaster....
However accidents should happen anyways regardless of your improvements to account for human error and such......
City walls is good to prevent flooding though
But plague should be rampant in the early beginnings ..... i would love to see the empires thing discussed in the other thread have a decline due to plague  that is somewhat realistic
February 22, 2000, 23:04
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yeah, keep it realistic. walls help prevent flood. aqueducts help prevent fire. hospitals help prevent plague. we don't want temples preventing volcanoes.
and personally i don't think you should be able to absolutely rule out most of the disasters from occuring. some improvements should drastically reduce the likelihood, but no one should be immune to disaster.
keep it realistic
February 23, 2000, 01:16
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hey... civ (and maybe civ2, i don't remember) had you pick an age for the planet when you set it up, right? 3, 4, or 5 billion years as i recall... well, if that is used in civ3, it would be a nice tie in to the probability of an asteroid impact. to keep it realistic, you know
plagues, floods, famine, earthquakes, volcanos, asteroids, barbarians, pirates... this could be an interesting game, as long as the player can select the frequency of all of it. particularly on an individual level... that would be nice.
February 23, 2000, 07:53
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I agree it has to be realistic, cities suffer from flooding today even with their modern day barricades, and every so often new bugs come out, and of course there's always the annaul flu attack here in England, so nothing should stop things definity just reduce the chance of it happening.
February 28, 2000, 06:00
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first can you define what the problem is? is it a significant problem? how does your ideas fix that problem specifically? does your fix effect any other areas of the game? if it does effect another area does it upset game balance in those other areas? is there a simpler way to fix the problem? does your idea hurt gameplay? why out of all of the ideas does your fix belong on this list?
there are lots of good ideas in this thread keep it up! and think about what you wanna say in the final draft of your idea
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