Randomness is a great feature of this game that we all love, but we need the options that could minumize it when needed when starting games.
1: To be able to choose that no one starts next to each other or starts with free techs or 1 vs 2 settlers. -instead of wasting time restarting or trying to make a scenario...
2: To be able to choose equal or more equal starting points, terrain, and landmass wise.
- this way no one needs to end up starting five squares from an opponant, or being in arctic while another is in river/grassland.
3: To be able to customise your titles and Civs name and save them so you don't have to type them in every time.
4: If it is a no AI game then no AI should be able to take over a human Civ if he drops from game.
The journey itself is the thing~Odysseus
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