December 27, 1999, 19:33
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-=BUMP=-... again :-/
December 27, 1999, 19:33
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-=BUMP=-... again :-/
January 1, 2000, 11:49
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my opinion on: Debate: Should the world be 3D too?
Sort of Populous, a 3d world (not units and other graphics), meaning walking across the south pole would get you to the opposite side of the world (though getting across shouldn't be allowed by ancient units due to the cold climate), also walking around the south pole should go faster than walking around the world on the equator. This maybe is a bit hard to make without doing the rest 3d :-(. But if the choice is between completely 3d or not 3d at all, I'd go for the no 3d at all...
January 5, 2000, 04:02
There's been huge debates over a 3D world.
Personaly a 3D world like populus 3 wouldn't work for Civ (It's too small).
But a planet like Black and Whites engine would work very well. VERY WELL.
February 10, 2000, 21:24
Local Time: 01:29
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1) "Debate: Should the world be 3D too?
sometimes obscures units behind a mountain...." I think Age of Kings had a good solution to this problem by providing a color toned outline (I guess for editors this outline would have to function similar to the sentry function where it provides a color over the .gif)
2) This is not really based on graphics but a suggetion on organizing graphic files.
a) For scenarios and games have separate folders for civ1, civ2 (meaning players) and in each folder you could have a units.gif, cities.gif, flg.gif, leader.gif, people.gif, throne room.gif. and so on. So each civilization instead of drawing from one file like civ2 does now it would read from the the specific folder for that civ (not to big of a technology leap) this would also work well with civilization specifc units, wonders, city improvements so they would all have unique graphics, names, abilities. The trick would be having the rules text jump and read properly from the other rules text.
b) there could also be a game folder that would carry the different terrains (for the other maps if its like TOT) and also for seasons (a terain1winter.gif, etc) that would also have a rules values text so as seasons change so do the values of the terrain. (i.e. harvest season, winter less food, etc)
c) I think since the wonders videoes and graphics take up so muh memory if Firaxis would sell the games as a multi-disc set. by this i mean like some of the games like byzatine have more than one disc for all the info. Firaxis would have one disc with the game gine on it. The second disc would have several folders as a graphics and even a civilizations library. several foldes labeled romans, byzatines, etc. so when you start a game if you pick your opponents you select a folder that is a name of a tribe for major civ 1 - 10 and then pick the ones for minor civs (or however minor, major works). Or have a random function that randomly looks for the folders (maybe have an identifyier folder like D:\civs thtt the game looks for to find tribes). This would make it so if there are major minor civs or start up civs it would randomly pick from the disc each time (so it'll be different and you can probably store over 100 civs). This disc could also be the copyright disc that the game will probably have or this disc will be inserted after the game begins i.e. insert disc2).
d) This two disc system would also make add on future disc for more and more civs to add to your game possible. This could be linked to future scenarios discs that have scenarios and specific civs (and wonders etc.) that you can play with or if you build your own can access that civ folder on the disc 3.
Is this making any sense? any supporters?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by E (edited February 10, 2000).]</font>
February 11, 2000, 17:29
Local Time: 08:29
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Location: Herzberg, Niedersachen, Germany
Posts: 25
Many people made suggestions, to bring more informations directly on the map. But then, you couldn't see anything or have to press 't'.
Another possibility to fix this problem is to make a zoom-function without the big pixels. This could be done, when you make three graphics (or animations) for the units etc., normal zoom, (very) closed zoom, (very) far zoom.
February 12, 2000, 17:42
Local Time: 08:29
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Location: Tartu, Estonia
Posts: 49
I would like 3D indeed. I just hope that they do not sacrifice the customizability. Maybe they should add some kind of unit graphics editor... Would we civ fans be content if we have the possibility to alter the textures or colours of 3D units? There should be all original units, a dozen of sci-fi and RPG units to edit als of course in this case so the user could create a pink tank or a red dragon...
February 16, 2000, 15:09
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Location: Blackburn,Lancs,UK
Posts: 8
I think that there should be a choice whether you either edit the outside of your palace,(civNET) or inside (Civ II).
What do you others think?
December 27, 2000, 16:59
Local Time: 08:29
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 8
| thing i HATE about CTP are the animated infantrists......they just slow down the game and have poor detail....and the sounds they make are plain creepy...
so either VERY good 3d or just hgh detailed 2d iso...
6 directional pics would be nice, especially for the ships and airplanes.....just looks a little crazy if your battleship moves sidewards....
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