April 5, 2001, 13:50
Local Time: 18:21
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Tales from the Monday Night Diplo Front - The Climax
It appears that the time has come to begin a new thread, since the other is over 150. It is great to be part of one that long.
Here is the link back t the orginal:
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Epik (edited April 05, 2001).]</font>
April 5, 2001, 14:23
Local Time: 18:21
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Zarvox emerges from the Palace of Asylum
My meditations are complete and I have heard the views of this world's leaders.
Evolution of this species requires the environment of Alpha Centauri. It is the ultimate test of the species, and they must go to the stars or become extinct in the attempt.
Suas has shown some wisdom. Carthage is well defended and any army that invades would be destroyed. It is illogical to waste the lives and production of a tribe in such a futile endevour. He has offered Carthage peace and we will accept it. We will welcome his colonists when they arrive at Alpha Centauri and reserve a small portion of land for them. We will also remain vigilant during our remaining years on this world, in case he has not completely renounced deception.
I once again, call upon SunTzu and Desdenova to realize the futility of war and to join the star trek. Certain death awaits those that enter the Holy Orange Homeland. It would sadden us to watch blue and purple blood flow.
Zarvox mysteriously dematerializes
April 5, 2001, 19:08
Local Time: 23:21
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UN Podium
suas of egypt
"Here in Egypt we don't believe you'll be able to stop Epik's ship, but if you can prove that you at least have a shot, then we'll consider halting the space program here.
As for you Zarfox, we merely accepted peace on the grounds that we could do little more to hurt each other. We would like nothing better than to crush your civ to the ground, and live a life here on a egyptian led earth than in AC. Unfortunately this is not at all possible.
You Mongols have a shot i guess at invading Carthage, if I can see you successfully advancing, I won't launch, thats the best i can do for you, sorry."
April 6, 2001, 09:56
Local Time: 23:21
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More words of wisdom from The Capo...
It seems as if the tables have turned on Egypt. The once proud imperialistic Democracy has succumed to a Fundamentalist Regime who has been proven impotent by the Carthagines. All of the past few decades have occured in vain, the fighting, invading, wars of words, everything has been put asunder as Zaravox has began construction of his space ship.
Egypt has shown they have no resolve, no mettle. They would rather accept a Carthagine victory, and go against their own policy in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. I make a plea with the Egyptian government, to the Neanderthal government, and to the Mongolian government not to go down with out a fight. Not to go quietly, why accept defeat?
He who accepts defeat merely at the sight of his enemy is the weakest of the weak. If the combined efforts of the world, including the mighty Egypt can not topple Zaravox and his insane cultic religion, then what was the fear in Egypt anyway?
Stop trying to hold on to your pathetic power! Throw everything you've got at Carthage, every soldier, ever bullet, every ounce of oil, every peice of metal, throw it at Carthage. Do you really think they could survive such an onslaught?
Hah, it makes me laugh that such proud and powerful men have been neutered by a crazed lunatic who believes himself to be an alien. The imposing Big Yellow Empire is now a laughable beast...
Oh how the mighty have fallen.
April 6, 2001, 20:52
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Capo, Maryland
Egyptian Ambassador
1896 AD
The story is not so simple Capo. Big Yellow Egypt has still has plenty of mussle, but not the means to break through a close knit network of defense specifically designed by Zarfoxian Carthage to avoid invasion. Sure Egypt can try combining forces with the other nations of the world to bring down the space ship, but what if we don't get there in time?
Here in Egypt we have explored our 2 options, try to destroy a Carthagian Spaceship, or build our own and beat them to it. Even with Mongolian and Neanderthal land assistance, Egypt still believes that it is a greater risk to invade Carthage than to simply beat them to AC, which Egyptian accountants believe can likely happen.
In an attempt to not abandon the Mongols and Neanderthals in this world, we have given them a last hope. If they can show that they are able to stop a Carthagian ship, we will abandon our own ship. Unfortunately Egypt will not join them in such a war as it would compromise our position.
April 7, 2001, 10:05
Local Time: 18:21
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We have heard the threats of the Neanderthals and Mongols.
Are you offically declaring war, or do you plan to wait a little longer before taking that drastic step?
Just want to be sure that our diplo game standard of a 1 turn warning is maintained.
April 8, 2001, 16:42
Local Time: 19:21
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It was snowing outside of Desdenovas bastion and winter was just setting in. "What a sad day it is" thought Desdenova as he approached the media room in his palace......
The room grew silence as Desdenova took the podium. The look of worry was on each and every person's face.
"Friends, family and fellow man, it is a dark day in the history of man kind. Two of our worldly neighbors have made it clear that they will soon be building starships in which to escape this earth and leave all other nations behind. Their selfish quest for glory has brought them to this decision and it seems that nothing will change their minds now. Our country and our Neanderthal allies have been feuding for years over the use of seemingly un-neccesary violence and barbaric practices, but the true monsters of this world are now clear as day. Obsession to finish first has overcome both Carthage and Egypt and it will be this obsession that leads them both to hell. We Mongols are not stupid and obviously do not believe that we have the resources to take down either the Carthaginians or Egyptians alone or with the Neanderthals help for that matter. But we do know what is right and we will hold onto that until our deaths. Many of our countrymen will die fighting no doubt, but it is a cause worthy of fighting. Though the Egyptians and Carthaginians have always been friends to the Mongols, the day has come in which this friendship will cease. As the ruler of Mongolia, we hereby declare war upon Carthage and Egypt for their clear intent to build spaceships and the crime against humanity that this represents. Lock your women and children away in bunkers, for something evil comes to this world...."
Desdenova moved quickly to the exit of the room as reporters yelled frantically for questions to be answered. Some however had gone into shock and were sitting quietly in their seats, tears streaming down thier faces. Everyone's nightmare had come true....a war to end all wars was going to begin......it was only a matter of time.
Since technically, the game is still on my turn, my declaration of war is valid starting then. Offensive manuevers will be "legal" on my following turn. If Egypt and Carthage wish to counter my declaration, let it be known. We also will be looking for SunTzu's support in declaring war against the traitors of the human race......
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited April 09, 2001).]</font>
April 9, 2001, 15:46
Local Time: 19:21
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Tonights the night. Lets all be nice and early so we can fix our little apollo program (This means you SunTzu! It's ok to be on time  ).
April 9, 2001, 17:27
Local Time: 23:21
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War Room of Sao Paolo Military Base
My fellow generals we have all heard cries for help from neanderthal and mongolian citizens alike to stop the traitors to the human race. We will do so but not now. When we strike we will throw all we got to the war our nuclear capabilities are growing with a stockpile of 4 nuclear missles based all around the globe. This is our finest hour!
I'll be there tonight
April 10, 2001, 08:50
Local Time: 19:21
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Sun, you better have a good reason for dropping offline last night and not coming back. If not, please find a sub. Your inconsistency is damaging the game whether it's intentional or not.
April 10, 2001, 13:27
Local Time: 18:21
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Perhaps SunTzu was abducted by aliens... Zarvox has warned of the Klingons...
April 16, 2001, 09:28
Local Time: 18:21
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Well I hope the connections are better this week... no thunderstorms forcast in my area (too cold for that).
See ya about 6 PM eastern time.
April 16, 2001, 09:52
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Yes, enough of prolonging Mongolian world domination  !
See yall tonight.
April 16, 2001, 16:19
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I'm taking the long way home from work today because my normal route home is closed for the marathon, so it might take a little longer than usual. I don't think I'll be late for our game, but if I am, you know why.......
April 17, 2001, 03:39
Local Time: 23:21
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Egyptian Capital This_Being_Milk
1899 AD
High Priest Suas
The earth has sunk to a new low this session. Neanderthal nukes assist Sun Tsu the Insane's promise to burn the world to a crisp. Egyptian military had the burder of kiling weaker Neanderthal soldiers with modern missiles and stealth type bombers.
Next came the Mongolian advance, taking many Yellow owned subsidiary areas of control including Japan, Suez Canal, parts of the South Pole near New Zealand, and Saudi Arabia. Egyptian response was equally as painful, as treaties of this earth were torn with Yellow Nuclear missiles near Japan.
In reponse to the Nuking, Zarfox and the Carthagians have declared war and begin an advance at the Kancutchka region.
As High Priest of a still hugely profitable civilization, I must stay in the capital building where it is safe for now. Our worldly branches are being liberated by the local people's of different civs, but our core in North America remain protected. I have announced that I will be leaving as one of the 10,000 colonists abord the ESS Suas after the completion of the project. All law and reason in this world has been used up already, and its time to go.
April 17, 2001, 09:36
Local Time: 19:21
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Update from Desdenova the Righteous
All hell has broken loose. Nukes have been fired and thousands of lives have been lost. The world is close to global warming. The once proud army of the Neandethals has been neutered. Zarvox and his followers are coming out of their shell and Suas is busy breaking his word and building a spaceship that will fly his slimy followers to the dark recesses of space.
As promised, the Mongols have not launched any nuclear weapons, however the notorious liar Suas of the Egyptians cannot say the same. His actions are a true crime of humanity. The Mongol army had just taken over Egyptian cities in Japan and were busy securing their fortifications for an egyptian retaliation, perhaps a naval raid. Since Desdenova had been given both Zarvox and Suas's word that they would not use nuclear weapons and that honorable warfare would be conducted, there was no fear of a nuclear attack. Apparently we have learned our lesson. Suas's evil empire has no sense of morality or dignity. They bombed their own people for god's sake. They really need to build the Eiffel Tower or something, for their world reputation is lower than that of a cockroach; a cockroach scuttling into the dark, fleeing like a coward.
My insane ally, SunTzu of the Neanderthals plans have been vaporized...literally. The entire Afrika Korps unit (some 35 units) were wiped from the face of the earth when Zarvox launched a nuke at them. This missile of destruction therein ended any hopes that the Neanderthals had. An enraged and frustrated SunTzu vows revenge for this Carthaginian atrocity, though his ill equipped army will probably not be able to back up his words.
Zarvox finally came to the reality that his spaceship is not going to win the space race unless he acts and acts quickly. He apparently over-estimated his chances of beating the Yellow empire as he is way behind in parts production. Our nations have met and temporarily agreed to combine forces.
Suas does not care if millions of his citizens are killed as long as his cowardly plan succeeds. The defenses that the Mongols have encountered in Egyptian cities to this point have been pathetic at best. Suas has basically allowed his cities to be taken and his people to be slaughtered. Make no mistake, the Mongols are not fools and know that this is part of Suas's plan. It is merely a way to bide time. But he is putting all of his eggs in one basket. Yes, certainly the odds are in his favor, but his breathing room is going to continue to get smaller and smaller.
Time grows short for the Mongols. All production and money is now being poured into the army. We will not hold anything back. As we said before, we believe in our causes and represent what little good is left on this earth. We have the least pollution in the world and have yet to use nukes. We are in essence, the defenders of mother earth. If justice is served, both Suas and Zarvox will be obliterated for betraying their earth, but only time will tell.
We can only do what is right. However, our spies report that the Egyptian ship, The "SS Cockroach" is almost ready to be launched......
Can it be stopped????????????? We'll find out next Monday
April 17, 2001, 10:51
Local Time: 23:21
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Mongolian Nightly News...
Lana Aguilera: Thank you Steve for that interesting report about homosexuals in the Egyptian military. We now have special reporter Antonin "The Capo" DeNucci live in Japan. Tony, what is it like there?
Tony: Lana you will not believe the destruction and carnage I am witnessing right now. Look over there (camera pans out to the right) that was once the governor's home. He was allowed to live there, Mongolian forces did not imprison him however he was under Mongol survelliance, the Egyptian nuclear bomb ended that situation quite bluntly. He was one of their governors for god's sake, this is insanity Lana!
Lana: I can't even begin to express my emotions at this point in time, are there any reports of strikes in Mongolia or India?
Tony: At this point I wouldn't want to speculate, literally anything can happen. This was proven true last night when Carthaginian and Mongolian forces combined after years of arguments and decided now was the time to end the Egyptian space project for good. Word has come as recently as this morning that High Priest Saus is attempting to exit the earth aboard his space craft, shades of some sort oc space cult are obviously being shown by High Priest Saus. This is quite an insane moment I can not fathom how the Earth will overcome this.
Lana: What, if any, information do you have concerning an invasion of North America?
Tony: There really is no officially information regarding that at this point, however it must be achieved eventually. The clock is ticking. Carthage and Mongolia must at some point invade North America.
Lana: Thank you...
April 17, 2001, 13:07
Local Time: 23:21
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UN Podium
Egyptian Priest Suas (behind bullet-proof glass and under close guard)
If I put all my eggs in one basket building these parts, then certainly Zarfox did the same with his superior defense. A quick spaceship is the only Egyptian offensive move that can hurt Carthage now. I am very sorry for the blatant disregard of an outdated treaty. Egyptians are very sorry as well for the warming of the world due to yellow Nukes. We express our regret for the loss of life to Japanese-Egyptian civilians in Japan. We will not however issue any formal apology for the actions we felt necessary to overcome Carthage. For now you must settle for 2 very sorry's.
Egyptian Ambassador to Mongolia
April 17, 2001, 16:08
Local Time: 19:21
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<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font>We express our regret for the loss of life to Japanese-Egyptian civilians in Japan. We will not however issue any formal apology for the actions we felt necessary to overcome Carthage.
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
Desdenova steps up to the podium with a frown upon his face.
"How is bombing your own people going to help stop the Carthaginians? 
It was a cowardly action on your part and you will pay for it. As the builders of the UN, we formally dismiss Egypt from their seat. They will now be considered a terrorist organization, one not worthy in participating in worldly affairs. Their in-difference to death is sickening........Zarvox may have alien blood, but he is more human than you shall ever be High Priest Suas......"
Armed Mongolian guards escort Suas in his bulletproof bubble out of the building.....
One guard says to the other: "He should be glad he's got that bubble around him.....coward......."
The cockroach then scurries back to his hole in North America............
April 18, 2001, 13:19
Local Time: 18:21
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Carthaginian Cronicle
Peace can not be found on this planet any more. All tribes are at war with each other. The Egyptians are currently the target of all the other tribes, however the Neanderthals or Mongols could turn on Carthage at any moment.
The Mongols convinced Zarvox to renounce the peace treaty with Egypt, after the Egyptians nuked Japan.
Italy Nuked!
SunTzu did not heed the warning given in the Carthaginian Nuke Use Policy, and assembled a large army in Italy. SunTzu was able to capture the Italian Wall, but Zarvox ordered a nuke stike on the Neanderthal Army assembled there. Some estimate the Neanderthal casualties to be over 30 military units.
Here is the current casualty report:
Big Yellow is not the biggest anymore!
The Mongol offensive has been very successful. The Mongols now have the most cities.
Is the Space Race Lost?
The Egyptians have cleverly obtained a huge lead in the space race. It is believed that they tricked Zarvox into building up the homeland's defenses, while they built freight to be used to build spaceship parts.
It may still be possible to destory the ESS Suas during the current war, but our chances of reaching Alpha Centuari first do appear to be slim.
April 18, 2001, 13:45
Local Time: 19:21
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Very good reporting Epik, thanks!
I totaled up the casualties and yet again we get further evidence of how dispensable Egyptian citizens are to the madman Suas..........
Carthaginian Casualties: 24
Egyptian Casualties: 100
Neanderthal Casualties: 62
Mongol Casualties: 16
Note: the reason my army size decreased so much in the three years was because a lot of older units, such as fanatics, were disbanded to help build more modern units. The Mongol army is almost completely composed of modern units at this point.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited April 18, 2001).]</font>
April 23, 2001, 09:48
Local Time: 19:21
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It's Monday again guys, and I can't help but wonder what will happen this session. Things are really up in the air.
Suas's SS Cockroach will most certainly be launched into space early on in the session. The SS Zarvox is coming right along and will probably be ready for flight very soon as well. The Mongols and Neanderthals will continue assaulting the villians of the earth, but it's very un-likely that they have the strength to stop not only the massive and powerful yellow empire, but the well defended and wily Carthaginians.
Zarvox still concentrates on building his starship, but unless he makes some offensive manuevers against the Egyptians, his spaceship will certainly be for naught. A waste of time! The glory he desires will never be achieved unless he drops all spaceship parts building NOW. Not after the SS Cockroach has been launched. It will be too late then. Zarvox needs to get his priorities straight and fast!
In the kingdom of the Mongols, Desdenova and his masterminded military have been quite sucessful, but their work is far from being done. Some of Egypts limbs have been broken but their body and mind are still intact. If we are to stop them, we must eventually go for the heart. And if by some miracle, we can do this, we must then dispatch the underdog Carthaginians. The odds are not in our favor, but we have good and righteousness on our side. Regardless of the outcome of the following sessions, we have already shown ourselves to be the strongest entity on the earth. No silly spaceship can prove it otherwise.............
Desdenova surveyed the various maps and charts in his himalayan bunker and gazed intently.......
"General.....here is where we shall attack next....we shall move fast and leave no prisoners........."
"Yes sir......."
April 24, 2001, 00:56
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This Being Milk, North America
President suas (via satellite)
1902 AD
Aboard the the E.S.S Suas I can see the earth becoming more purple as the Mongol Horde raid former Egyptian colonies in areas including New Zealand, Africa, and Kamchutka. The slaughter continues in Greenland as the Carthagians use Nuclear Weaponry to take control of the south. Meanwhile, Sun Tsu the Insane uses countless nukes on the poor city of Prague in South America for no other reason than to kill Egyptian lives and cause sure pollution. Sun Tsu's army used its nuclear military to march into the Panama Canal and has nationalized all of South America, Central America, and now all of Mexico except for the Baja region.
Global warming looks to be inevitable now. Our spaceship, schedualed to arrive sometime in 1905 will hopefully land first. I have instructed Egyptians to continue trying to secure the coast of North America, especially since the rest of the Yellow world has been overrun. With the Mongols hitting hard from the West, the Carthagians coming now from the east even while building a spaceship, and finally the Neanderthals and their insane military tactics from the south, the question is the safety of my spaceship. As Egyptian leader for 5902 years i wouldn't even want to know an earth without myself as leader of Yellow Egypt. Global Warming, Nukes, a Carthagian Spaceship, a huge Mongolian army and empire, and an insane leader in the Southern hemisphere make for a grim looking world.
April 24, 2001, 09:03
Local Time: 19:21
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Desdenova the Righteous was content for the first time in many years as he woke from a refreshing sleep. Mongolia was now the largest and most powerful nation on the planet. Yes, Suas and his baby cockroach citizens will probably land on that cold rock deep in outer space, but the lush green earth is ours. The Egyptians empire is crumbling. In most pathetic fashion might I add. If glory is landing on an un-habitable peice of space trash then let the Egyptians and Cathaginians have it. The Mongols will take the earth. Yes my fellow humans, the future is bright for the people of this planet.
Hey Epik, could you post another report?
April 26, 2001, 11:45
Local Time: 19:21
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Desdenova and his followers have come to the reality that everyone on the earth have gone completely mad. Suas and Zarvox are destined for the stars and SunTzu is doing his best to cause global warming. Desdenova and his people have had enough. In the next few years, all the disgust and frustration that the Mongols have built up will be un-leashed. Nothing can be done to stop the Egyptian spaceship. It's too late. And so instead of wasting time trying to stop it, the Mongols will spend their last few years on earth preparing for the new world order. This will be achieved by dismantling the Neanderthal Nation as much as possible and gaining a foothold in Carthage. Egyptian attacks will continue as well.
We apologize to our closest ally SunTzu, for he has always been a good friend to the Mongols. We did not wish to have to take his power away like a parent taking a childs toy away, but at this point we have no choice. SunTzus toys are causing pollution and mother earth is suffering. SunTzu has been a very naughty boy, and we must discipline him. South America is his, but we suggest to him that his people start clearing Africa ASAP. That land is now claimed as part of Mongolia. We anticipate being able to take the entire continent in a single year.
Carthage is a much tougher egg to crack and we anticipate little to no progress there in the next few years.
April 26, 2001, 17:25
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Hope is very hard to find, but Zarvox insists that we try to stop the ESS Suas.
Too bad that it will not continue long enough for Carthage to show the Big Puple the great power of the Orange Army and Air Force.
It has been a fun and well played game.
Here are some game stats:
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Epik (edited April 26, 2001).]</font>
April 26, 2001, 19:21
Local Time: 19:21
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<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font>Hope is very hard to find, but Zarvox insists that we try to stop the ESS Suas.
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
Ever heard the saying "too little too late" zarvox? Now if you could have envisioned how badly Suas would have beaten you in the race, you couldve diverted your production to military and egypt would be little more than a memory by now.........instead, he is stealing your glory. Good luck in the attack zarvox, the Mongols have other plans.......
I concur, its been a great game....probably one of the best played in MP civ history......
April 27, 2001, 14:15
Local Time: 23:21
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Yes is a great game! my only regret is not being the person to start of the Neanderthals i wouldn't name them the neanderthals....) I would've been more of a threat if i would've started =\ Anyways Drake you suck cause your a traitor my the firiery hell of my wraith rain down on you and your loved ones
April 27, 2001, 14:23
Local Time: 19:21
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The Mongols didnt want to have to do it SunTzu the Insane, but we've got no choice. Your people are admittedly ruining the Earth and we must stop you. We may be betraying you, but you are betraying your mother (earth). Which is worse my friend? It's time to pay the piper. There shall be no war, as long as you hand over Africa as soon as this weeks game begins. Do that and there will be no death. Refuse and your people shall be slaughtered, much like we have slaughtered the Egyptians........What are you going to do? Send your phalanxes out?
(Just having some fun sun, dont take it personally  )
April 30, 2001, 09:25
Local Time: 19:21
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It's Monday once again, and perhaps the last Monday of this game. The Mongols, Carthaginians and Neanderthals have two years to stop the Evil Empire, but it doesn't look promising. In the event that Suas does in fact land on AC, as in all likelihood will happen, the game will see it's conclusion. If this is the case, I just want to make sure that everyone knows that the games been great and that its been a pleasure playing with all, including Clay. I hope to get in a game with you guys in the future, so keep in touch.
I suggest we all write a few paragraphs each to sum up each civs history at the conclusion of the game, to wrap it up properly. See you guys tonight  !
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