April 27, 2001, 22:23
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Russia is the Best
well since im japan i guess ill get this game rolling. i think playing by emailis the only way to do this game and i think it would work out pretty good. i can make a small web site to hold the saves on and then i can post them in order on this post for the players to download and everyone can see. all i have to do is edit this post everytime i want to post the new save. ill play my turn and set up the site so it works and then post my save link here. everyone else just send your save to alein375@aol.com. after i get it ill upload it to the site and then post it here.
ok the web site is http://civgames.50megs.com  it wont let me link to files from another server, but the site is up and running 
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<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Moker Guy (edited April 28, 2001).]</font>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Moker Guy (edited April 28, 2001).]</font>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Moker Guy (edited April 28, 2001).]</font>
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Moker Guy (edited April 28, 2001).]</font>
April 28, 2001, 17:30
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anyone know what the turn order is for this scn?
April 30, 2001, 11:53
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Turn order is:
Japan - Moker
Germany - Ozzy
Neutrals - AI
USA - Zylka
Britain - GNGSpam
China - AI
Russia - Easthaven
April 30, 2001, 16:10
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hey i need confirmation that the people that signed up are definatly going to play. if not then there slots will be given to someone else. ive noticed that no one has responded to this thread in about a week except for my and ozzy so if you want to play then post now so your spot doesnt get taken.
also the web page has instructions and a turn order list now
April 30, 2001, 17:53
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Well the German Reich has finished its first turn. And I decided to play rather catiously so i didn't take half of Russia as Smash claims is possible.
Captured Russian cities:
Destroyed Russian cities:
Captured British cities:
Modest gains, but i dug in to prepare for the counter-attack. Others may snicker in disgust that i didn't take half the world on my first turn (if its even possible) but I'm being prudent and preparing for the long haul. Plus I wasn't reckless and didn't loose many units.
April 30, 2001, 18:17
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You took Alexandria? You bastard...
April 30, 2001, 23:42
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The Americans got off to a slow start and no cities have been liberated as of yet. We're currently hanging up our "loose lips sink ships" posters and having housewives collect various bits of garbage to make explosives with. Hope you boys across the Atlantic can wait a while
May 1, 2001, 00:04
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Since there is quite a lot of room for cheating in this game, i want to remind everyone the standards we should abide by.
Once you open the save and start moving your troops you must play till the end and then save. There are no practice turns, or playing it out to see what kind of defence the opponent has. If you start you must finish. If you reload to get battles to go your way, or anything else that isn't completely linear and honest then its against the rules.
Obviously there is no way to really police this, so we must trust in the honor of each other.
ANything else people wish to outlaw, or remind people of feel free to do so.
May 1, 2001, 00:16
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an excerpt from a telegraph to empereror hito
our head of our war department has made plans to drop bubonic plague infected fleas over the russian armies by the millions, we are breeding them now and using the american and british pow's as test subjects. our war in the pacfic is going well so far. we have succeeded in destroying the american fleet and now have the yanks on the run. also our devlopment of our new bomber is going as planed and should be released early next year. our men have fought with honor emperor you have much to be proud of.
May 1, 2001, 00:21
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if anyone not involved in this game would like to follow along you can goto http://www.civgames.50megs.com  and get the save files. they will be posted there.
May 2, 2001, 00:36
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Oh what a situation im in. Darwin of Australia fallin, Alexandria of Egypt in german hands, and I havent even gotten to move yet!
But all is well, the tougher it gets, the more the british dig down...
Launched air strikes in Northern France. Besides suffering many casualties to their ill prepared Infantry divisions, We suprised the U-Boat base in Boredeaux sinking about 8 docked U-Boats.
Further, British Naval forces in conjunction with the RAF decimated the German garrison in Norway. Oslo feel to a small force of scouts, Bergen is empty, Trondenhiem is under siege, how will German respond? Can Germany respond?
Japanese attacks in the Pacific were the most disheartening. We lacked an adquate response to these assaults. Carriers controlling the South Seas have effectively grounded British Aircraft from any truly useful sorties, and the invasion of Australia makes prospects look bleek.
In Africa, the fall of Alexandria sent shockwaves through the British High Command. General Montgomery was immediatly replaced (never liked the pompous bastard) and reserves from the Middle East were called up. We feel confident about our ability to stablize that region.
And before the BBC goes off the air, we would like to send a message to our boys working on the continent
Red Dawn 21, Badger to Albotross, proceed to Checkpoint 31.
May 2, 2001, 03:30
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*Gasp* Allies intercept coded German message sent to France.
PrprthmnfrvstbythFhrrHwshstvstthbrvmnrdytlndnBrtsh slHwllmktrfththrlrgstbssfrthnvsnmstrdmLllndBrstThF hrrwntsssrncsthtyrplnftkngllthBrtshIslsnnmnthwllbs cessYvrqstdmssvfrcfrmthNzifrcs lvngfwrsrcsfrfrthrcnqstfthSvtsThFhrrwntstmksrthtth ywrllctdtthcrrctsrcndthtthprtnwllbsccssnythnglssth ncmpltvctrywllmnyrhdfhrrsvrydsspntdwththlssfsltthB rtshfjstrtrbtnsnthnddtnwsvrpns hmntsfrllwstrnfrntffcrswllccr
May 2, 2001, 23:22
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Any word from Easthaven?
How are them Ruskies doing?
May 3, 2001, 11:11
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Posts: 184
Hi, Moker Guy,
Could you alsop put the original scn-zip on your site. The link Ozzy provided was broken. Without .scn , the sav files are meaningless. Most of Japanes troops are phalanx.
May 3, 2001, 13:58
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Total Anhilation is the best all out war game
May 3, 2001, 16:55
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Try Starcraft/Broodwar
May 6, 2001, 13:29
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I talked to East on Friday and he said he started his turn. East if you are reading this, send the file to Moker or I pronto.
Just so everyone knows i'm going to be gone starting Thursday the 10th. I'll probably be gone for a week or a bit more. So hopefully i can get through my turn before I leave and then my absence won't be too much of a problem.
May 9, 2001, 00:28
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Turn 1 finshed!
ozzy said he is going to michigan so it will be a little while but im done with my turn.
check the site for the saves
May 9, 2001, 00:34
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sorry sekong since its a free site it will only allow 1meg uploads or less. i could possibly split the file and make two zips to get it on there but i will have to check it out.
ill let you know
May 9, 2001, 17:18
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Posts: 184
Thanks, Moker. I found it in civfanatics forum. I got it from there.
It makes sense now.
May 10, 2001, 02:10
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Opperation Sealion was a total success!
All the British Isles have been taken. London, Plymouth, Bristol, Dublin, Birmingham, and Glasgow have fallen to Nazi troops. This is a dark day for the British Empire, loosing their homeland in one month of Blitzkreg. New Wonders of the World will help the German machine dominate the rest of the world. A sense of jubulation was felt all through the Third Reich. Prime Minister Churchill escaped the rapidly pursuing Nazi troops to Glasgow, hoping to hold onto the island, but when it seemed even Scotland would fall, Churchill boarded a ship and left his beloved homeland. A handsome reward was offered by the Fuhruer himself for the officer to locate and capture the Prime Minister's fleeing vessel.
This is an important victory for Germany, preceeding with a war on two fronts is difficult at best. The Russians in the East and the British in the West formed a dangerous pinscer for Hitler's men. Now that one of the allies has fallen troops are being redirected to the eastern front. Now the Soviets will recieve the full attention of the German war machine.
Last month's loss of Oslo was rectified this January. Apparently after hearing of the fall of their homeland the British occupying troops in Oslo ran for the hills and were never seen from again. A lone batalion of German Fallschrimjager were paradropped in to reclaim Oslo from the toothless British Bulldog.
As all forces were tied up in the invasion of Britian not much progress on the Eastern Front. Soviet forces successful in reclaiming Leningrad were able to hold onto the city with little resistance. However brutal shelling of the city of Kalinin has reduced the city to rubble. German troops dug in, hoping to weather the brutal Russian winter that has decended upon the region. All recently acquired cities have had tank defences built to fend off the Red Army.
No progress made in Africa. Brutal fighting and shelling in the city of Alexandria has reduced the population significantly. The Union Jack still flys proudly over Britian's last remaining European holding, Gibraltar.
The Americans are suffering losses in their Atlantic fleet to German U-Boats.
Things are looking good for the Germans now, but with causulties high and our forces spreading thin can we hold onto our gains? Or will the tireless Red Army march through Europe? And how long till the Americans mobilize and reopen a second front? With limited resources will the Germans be able to survive the onslaught of the Russians?
This is still truly anybody's game. Been fun so far, don't loose heart, the true benifit of the Allies is time. The Axis get a huge kick early in the game, but their edge wears down after time. The United States' massive production and rapidly advancing technology can really change the course of the war. And of course once they get The Bomb is there anything that can stop the Americans?
Fun game folks, keep it coming.
May 16, 2001, 13:02
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I'm away but i finished my turn before i left, you all should still be playing? What's going on?
May 16, 2001, 16:24
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I can't download the last 2 saves off the site, we might have to do this by email or ICQ
May 30, 2001, 22:39
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What's going on folks?
I'm back. Lets keep this thing moving.
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