March 20, 1999, 08:58
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Handles, handles, handles...
Ancient gods, initials, abbreviations, movie characters, cartoons, historical persons, wifes who don't like computer games.
The list goes on and on and on. Where did you get your handle from, what does it symbolise?
Mine is latin for King Charles, in my case representing a Swedish king who lived 1682-1718.
March 20, 1999, 10:58
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Gerardus Mercator was a famous 16/17th century (not sure) Flemish cartographer. Since I am so good at making Civ2 maps (won the Map Contest of 1998 :-) ), and especially because making maps is the thing I do most, concerning Civ2. And also because I'm Flemish too, I decided that this name was quite appropriate.
March 20, 1999, 14:19
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Hey there Carolus. Didn't we have this discussion before? For everyone else, not like you see my handle much as I do more lurking than posting, but here it is: Lord Grey was a British politician/noble who is most known for the line, "The lamps are going out all over Europe, we will not see them lit in our lifetimes" as the Great War began. I picked the name because I like that quote and also because I like the handle Grey, and I figured it needed a rank on a Civ2 board.
March 20, 1999, 15:00
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Forgot to tell you why I chose Carolus Rex. I admire that king, not so much for what he did as for his character.
March 20, 1999, 19:51
First name: Kent. Last name: Wang. You put two and two together... That gives you 3.
March 21, 1999, 05:35
It's my first name.
*yawn* Creative I know! ;-)
March 21, 1999, 17:42
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Mine's kind of funny: back about 3 years ago, when I was first going online, I was playing a lot of civ2. I liked to play as the mongols, and one of my oldest nicknames was Con Man Ed. I changed it to KhanMan when I started posting on the universal/herk fanfic forums, and, now, a couple of years later, it came full circle as my civ forums handle...
March 21, 1999, 23:18
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Mine is from an AD&D (remember that ???) character I had many many years ago. A fairly successful, somewhat obnoxious, half elf who had a panache for getting into trouble and losing other peoples money.
March 22, 1999, 12:29
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Ming is from the old black and white movie serials. He is the arch nemisis of our hero Flash Gordon. His nick name in the movies is Ming the Merciless. It matches up to my style of Civ.
March 22, 1999, 14:34
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No, it's not what you think.
For those of you who are NOT college hockey fans (and I just can't imagine how empty your lives are), when your team scores a goal, everyone taunts the opposing goalie by yelling, "Sieve sieve sieve sieve!" over and over.
Well, one day we were playing rubberband hockey (don't ask) at work and I scored a particulary righteous goal so I started in with the "sieve sieve" routine. A buddy of mine, who unbeknownst to me was also a college hockey fan, popped his head up and said, "So you like to yell sieve too? And I thought I was the only hockey nut around here!"
I never gave that day much thought until I stumbled across this site.
March 22, 1999, 16:38
Just another peon
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I use this one because I like the reference to the Egyptian God RA. But since, I'm not a god, I added an H. I also always laugh at the rah rah type people. And lastly, and most original, these are my initials. When I first came to this site, I wasn't sure if I'd ever be back so I used something I might remember. (God knows how many posts later) Being an IT Director means I have to remember many differenct logon IDs and passwords. I'm too brain dead when I get home to think up and remember new ones.
March 23, 1999, 01:19
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Mine is also an old favorite AD&D character of mine. I suppose this officially labels me as a geek. ^-^ Oh well. Anyways, I always saw this character & another one as two sides of my personality. Theben was a loyal, trustworthy, reluctant leader, fighter wanna-be-paladin type(lawful). The other was a not a care in the world elf cleric/thief(extremely chaotic).
March 23, 1999, 01:20
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It seems like I'm following Ming around today...
March 23, 1999, 17:03
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I picked my name becuase I'm always doing it.
Right now I am laughing at Sieve Toos hockey story. You'd never have to explain such a silly thing in Canada.
March 23, 1999, 22:53
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Okay, I was looking around the SimCity 2000 Special Edition CD when I stumbled on a very interesting city. I think it was called something along the lines of St. Chrisopolis. In it all the landmarks were named in honour of "St." Chris. I was inspired to build my own similarly themed city and then started using it as my handle on the 'Net.:-)
March 24, 1999, 04:17
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I used to use "Fistandantilus" from AD&D Dragonlance as my handle. However, it's a bit too long to type, so I shorten it to "Fist". For uniqueness, I add my surname "Leaf" behind "Fist".
March 24, 1999, 17:59
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A recent archeological dig in Egypt uncovered the name of Double Falcon and several other Egyptian kings. They ruled long before any historian had previously believed Egypt had rulers. It seems that kings back then, instead of adopting the names of gods, took the names of animals believing they would then acquire that animal's attributes (they're not sure yet since this is a recent discovery). King Double Falcon was, apparently, the son of King Falcon.
Since I love that archaic stuff, and I needed a new handle, I adopted it.
My wife says it sounds like the name of a spy. This is Civ II, so that'll work.
March 25, 1999, 21:05
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Fraser's my first name. I also have a few other handles, though:
The Red Penguin: A cross between 'The Red Baron' and 'Penguin'.
Cullden45: An important battle in Scotland's history.
WebDesigner: From User Friendly.
Ummm . . . I think they're the only ones I actually use.
March 27, 1999, 02:22
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My given name is 'Anton'.
Backward, 'Anton' is 'Notna'
'Notna' pseudolatinized is 'Notnus'
The Romans didn't have 'u's, so:
I want to get some feedback from you people-is my handle clever, or stupid?
March 28, 1999, 01:23
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I originally chose my handle in the Caesar III forum. Most people there use Latinised names. And well, it described my position on the game quite well. Unfortunately by the time I chose the handle, I actually started to get a bit tired of the game and returned to my all time favorite. The handle seems to apply to civ as well, at least in some limitted way (I don't always play as Caesar.
Rah: You're not a god? But I thought you always played as diety.
March 29, 1999, 00:21
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I owe my handle to an older post from Carolus Rex, discussing the Swedish monarchy. Sten Sture the Younger was a populist regent that never became King, who came to power in the early 16th century during the wars with Denmark for autonomy. He, more idealist than good military leader, was with his peasant army crushed by the Danes at Bogesund, in 1520. However, his death and defeat gave rise to a new leader within the ranks, his consort's brother, Gustavus Vasa. Plus in English it sounds more like Sten-ster, which seemed appropriate for California. (It only took me 3 months to correct the century typo error!)
[This message has been edited by Sten Sture (edited June 16, 1999).]
March 29, 1999, 10:39
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Do I need to explain?
March 29, 1999, 10:46
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NO!... The first time my wife was looking over my shoulder and saw your handle, she just started laughing... and then started to give me grief that other wives felt the same way. You still have my favorite handle.
March 31, 1999, 15:46
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I chose my name based on my interests. I love the outdoors, especially wilderness canoe-camping. In the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness of northern Minnesota, there is a lake right at the end of the Gunflint Trail that straddles the U.S.-Canada border called Saganaga. I chose that lake for my name (out of hundreds I've been to) because it's a cool-sounding name.
On other forums I attend I've shortened my name to simply "Saganaga".
In case you're wondering, my preferred pronounciation for "Saganaga" is
Sa-guh-NA-guh (where the "a" in "Sa" and "NA" is like it is in the word "had").
Other pronounciations I've heard from other BWCA canoers are:
April 1, 1999, 12:20
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well, my name is pat weber, simple.
April 2, 1999, 06:19
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I`ve chosen this handle because Zaratustra is a hero of the main book by one of the most adored (by myself) philosophers - Friedrich Nietzsche (Also sprach Zarathustra)
April 4, 1999, 13:19
Just another peon
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Notnvs: After looking at the list as it grows, I can honestly say that I think none are stupid. On whether your's is clever, I think obscure would be a better definition. I kept trying to focus on the Not in yours and tried to figure out what the nvs stood for and ended up thinking Not?.
Caesar Addictus: I always liked and laughed at, especially since I always play the Romans. (only since it's the default which saves time when you're looking at a lot of different starts to try one of the challanges)...and cute diety line.
All of the old D&D names doesn't surprise me, people had a large investment in most of those names in terms of identity.
It was nice to get confirmation on Sieve Too's origin. I thought something like that but said, just a coincidence.
I like Carolus Rex also but I think I would like anything with a Rex or Lord attached to it.
But my all time favorite is still MWHC. My wife also found it hilarious.
I've really liked reading these. Any more out there?
April 5, 1999, 07:36
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Erm, it is my name
April 5, 1999, 10:04
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I agree with Rah (no surprise there)...
It's great to see where peoples handles come from. There are indeed many people on this site where I would love to know where they come from.
And yes Stewart, I think we all knew about yours... but would your handle be if you couldn't use your name?
April 13, 1999, 00:00
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I am doing this to save this topic from falling off the screen. There are a lot more handles that would be interesting to hear about... Any more takers?
I am glad to see a few ex-AD&D/rpg name characters. I used to use one of mine as my online handle, but somehow Grey and LordGrey replaced it.
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