May 6, 1999, 15:59
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I wanted Machiavelli, but it was taken.
Googlie is a cricket term for a ball bowled with a wrist flip, but over the back of the hand. To the batsman it seems that it is going to spin one way when it hits the pitch (a regular "leg-break"), but in fact it spins the other way due to the flip-wrist action, offering an unexpected deflection off the bat that may be caught.
Closest thing I could think of that seemed to typify Machiavelli in action. (For those of you who also play SMAC, you'll have guessed that I love framing the other factions!!)
May 6, 1999, 18:38
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My favorite movie is Raiders of the Lost Ark whose main character is Indiana Jones. In fact when I was in college my friends used to call me Indy since I have seen the movie uncountable times.
May 7, 1999, 00:25
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Righto. I study Chinese, and Qinglong is by way of being a particular favorite word of mine. Literally it means 'proper-coloured dragon', although my preferred translation is 'dragon-coloured dragon', the implication being that any civilised person would know what colour a dragon is.
Oh, and I have only one thing to say to DaveV
May 7, 1999, 00:52
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My first handle was T-Head, cos of a T shaved in the back of my head. Then I thought it was boring, and changed it to CougarD (sounded cool), but then back to T-Head, since noone stopped calling me that. But when I signed up for Apolyton, they wouldn't let me have the - so it was time for good old Coug to do the honors again.
Vote LSD!
May 7, 1999, 08:51
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Gah, everybody's like, "Well, my name comes from the ancient greek king known as Anti-ichthies".
Well, you know what? My name come froms the ancient greek cartoon character that looks like a sumo frog, noneotherthan Frogman302. He was born in 1997 and has been the star of many of my games that I have programmed. He's also a jerk, and a hard guy to work with. But we get along pretty well, as long as he gets his paycheck. So there ya go, he will someday be the ruler of Latvia if my equations are correct.
May 13, 1999, 00:34
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Ver-r-r-ril-l-ly-y-y interesting, but stupid!
If U know that's from, U'l know my age bracket. As for this "handle" it's my obvious, boring 1... the name's Ken Thurman.
A little more is behind my CivLeague & ICQ handles...
the former is "My Master"; so when people address me, they do so with the appropriate recognition of our relative positions. ):-))
the latter is "Milo Mindbender" from the book & movie "Catch 22". He was the guy that arranged all the wheeling & dealing up to & including, arranging for the Americans to bomb their own airbase on behalf of the Germans so the Germans would take the Egyptian cotton off his hands that he couldn't sell elsewhere(due to Rommel NOT conquering Egypt, as Milo had thot when he bot the cotton). However, by the end of the war, he owned large portions of the occupied countries & most of the Air Force's bombers (which he, of course, had converted the bomb bays into cargo bays!). Sort of my general style of play & approach to life... wheel & deal; make money, not war!
May 13, 1999, 13:51
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To keep things simple, I used the same name as my ICQ handle. How did I pick my ICQ handle??? I looked up and saw my dog, Frank.
June 14, 1999, 14:40
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Just taking this thread to the top. No, not because I started it, but because there's a lot of new handles to explain.
So don't just read, get on it!
June 14, 1999, 18:15
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"Krafter" is a nickname beacause so many people get my real name wrong, and you probably don't have to ask where "Darth" comes from...
Every time I see Ming's name, I can hear Queen in the backgound.
I also agree that MWHC is the best handle.
June 14, 1999, 20:35
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Well, my name story isn't that interesting. I have always liked the name Shawna, but I think the spelling is boring. Ergo, I changed it to Seana.
I am also known as Seana Rain. Rain is my favorite weather.
AOL IM--SeanaRain
"When I'm good, I'm good. When I'm bad, I'm better."
--Mae West
June 15, 1999, 06:40
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Well, I got this name from the MTG game. The trolls had a saying printed on the card that I can't get out of my head since I read it.
Me got a hurt in here
Me smell a thing is near
Me gonna bosh
Me gonna gnosh
Then the hurt will disappear.
June 15, 1999, 13:03
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I'm actually a group of English soccer hooligans...and you thought that the Vikings were formidable!
All my mental energy goes in name calling during the far, no problem with just one game under my that I got stuck with the Romans, so became Romulus.
In the current one, to my own map and scenario, I wanted to play a perfectionist game so dubbed myself Datwichwerx leading a tribe of Pragmatic Utilitarians.
For my next, I'll get simple, use a christian
name, and call the tribe Algy's Lot.
My big ambition is to play George 3rd and make the American Revolution come out different...
The big headache is naming cities so that one can remember where to find them, when one's civ expands...there are just so many town ships that can be named Llanfairpwhyhlgphhalechhgoghgogogh, Middle and Nether Wallop (I am not making up the last two). How do others solve the problem of naming ninety or more cities? And do folks use only their user names when playing? There's so much scope within the game itself for being Montezuma's Revenge, Hagar the Horrible, Alaric the Unready, etc...
Thanks be to Carolus for resurrecting this entertaining thread.
June 15, 1999, 14:55
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Natives from Nicaragua and Aztec were both part of the Nahuatl family. Since I'm from Nicaragua, some of my ancestors were probably Aztec. That's why I choose the name of that great Tlatoani (king) : Moctecuzuma (better known as Montezuma). Of course I always play as the Aztec.
"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees"
- Emiliano Zapata
June 15, 1999, 15:38
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Well my handle is quite boring, it is my first name. I started here along time ago, and for the past 6 months or so, I have wanted to change my handle to Thrasymachus, but I did not want to confuse people or want them to think I was new here. He was a charecter in Plato's Republic. He, IMHO beat Socrates'/Plato's own arguments, but being that it was Plato who wrote the discoruce, he spun Thrasymachus' arguments to Plato's liking inorder to seem as if Socrates had won the argument.
In light of the fact that I have poped my head out of the off-topic forum and found this great thread (thanks Carolus Rex) I may just start posting under Thrasymachus.
"All wish to know, but none want to pay the fee"
-Decimus Juvenal
June 15, 1999, 22:29
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Behold the Man, a quote from the Gospel (John 19:5, I think).
The phrase Ecce Homo has become infamous in Swedish Christianity during the last year, because it is the name of a photographic exhibition, which depicts Christ together with homosexuals, cross-dressers and AIDS patients. Many Christian Swedes oppose the connection between God and sex, and they get a good chance to kick dirt on sexual minorities.
My communion, which is located in a wealthy suburb of Stockholm and about a century before the rest of Sweden concerning renewal of belief and religious practices, has displayed this exhibition.
By the way, I am straight.
[This message has been edited by Ecce Homo (edited June 15, 1999).]
June 15, 1999, 23:55
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<<There's so much scope within the game itself for being Montezuma's Revenge>>
Who in their right mind would want to be "Montezuma's Revenge"?
June 16, 1999, 10:54
Perhaps they're in their wrong mind.
June 17, 1999, 01:55
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i've only posted once before (and noone has answered yet - guess i'm not as popular as i thought i was) so you've probly never heard of me. anyway, my handle is in honour of the greatest australian rules footballer that ever lived, gary ablett. one particularly over-the-top commentator would scream yyyaaaaablllettt!!!! whenever he went near the ball, and since someone else stole ablett as an email address, i use yaablett, hence the handle here.
June 17, 1999, 06:57
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haha yaablett, I say your nickname and thought surely thats not what I think it is.
June 17, 1999, 08:33
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it's my sad obsession......
June 17, 1999, 14:49
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I forget really, maybe an old high school buddy... mostly it just sounds like my real name: ethan.
June 17, 1999, 20:03
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Whenever I see rah, I think "Robert Anson Heinlein".
According to Sten sure, my handle indicates a secret organization. Not true of course.
June 17, 1999, 20:59
Quite simply, IMO the greatest statesman in the 20th century. Came rather naturally to an ardent history buff and anglophile like myself...
Breaks my heart to learn that in a recent study, 30 percent of Danish 1st year high school students never heard of Ol' Winnie.
So, GP, you actually want us to believe you're not one of the Grey Panthers ?
June 18, 1999, 13:23
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HAHAHA! I didn't catch that, now I may have to change my handle to Sten Sure  complete with appropriate graphics! I don't know much svenska but I think sture may be a derivative of styre which either means government (folkstyre=democracy) or handlebar (as in steering a bicycle) either one is fine with me. So Sten Sture could mean governments by a bunch of rocks, or flipping and doing a header on your mountain bike, scapping the hell out of your handlebars and backside. Thanks for the enlightenment!
June 18, 1999, 16:41
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Gramps, have you been drinking? Or was that last post just indicative of your normal thought process? Please don't tell me both.
June 18, 1999, 17:26
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It might be the soy and bean sprout shake with a beta carotene chaser I'm drinking, or maybe the candy I bought from that hippie had some extra ingredients in it...
June 18, 1999, 19:43
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Maybe just Alzheimer's. well i've got a year before my brain goes too.
June 19, 1999, 00:46
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Ha ha ha! GP called Sten Sture "Sten sure" which means Sten the Sulking in Swedish!
(Both Sten and Sture are Swedish names. Sten means Stone. I do not know what Sture means, and it is not a very common name. It is most known for naming a street in Stockholm where Sten Sture rallied his troops - that part of Stockholm was built six centuries later.)
June 22, 1999, 11:10
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When I started this thread I would never have guessed that it would turn into an English-Swedish dictionary
Sten Sture,
The first time I saw your handle I thought you were Swedish for Sure. My country's history in general is not common knowledge, not to mention Sten Sture. So (if you don't mind me asking) what is your connection to Sweden? Is your grandmother from here?
BTW, I've failed miserably in fixing the weather during her stay
June 22, 1999, 14:39
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Location: SF, CA don't call it frisco... Striker!!
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GP: you watch your ass, as soon as I find my glasses and my teeth, I'm gonna teach you a lesson from the old days with this cane... ssswwaack.
C-rex after this post, since it is getting pretty long, would you care to start a Handles2? This has been one of my favorite threads. Thanks to everyone who posted here!
My grandparents on my father's side were both from central Sweden: Ludvika and Grangesberg. He heroically emmigrated to the US in 1915 to avoid WW1. (at that time neutrallity was not assured) He returned to Sweden in 1929 and met my grandmother, bringing her back to Chicago with him. Since his death 10 years ago, she has been spending summers in the 'old' country. I have only been to Sweden once for a couple of months in 1996, but can't wait to get back.
I am a medival history buff, mainly Fall of Rome/Rise of Christianity and the Viking era. My knowledge of Swedish history comes from a 1909 book that I bought at an antique store for $5! (Kalmar was the big news)
My swedish consists of about five words, but my lack of knowledge doesn't effect my enthusiasm: I attended the Swedish women's World Cup soccer match on Saturday and yelled myself hoarse. (to no avail)
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