Tried out this save last night and landed in 1859, 2 turns earlier than in Paul's Island OCC save.
I was left pretty much to myself by the AI, given their remote starting locations and the Aztecs' surprisingly expansive approach. They knocked off the French really early and the Carthaginians later on.
I tried to ally with the Aztecs a couple of times, but they were very reluctant, to say the least. Allied with the Americans instead, not that they were much help though.
It seems the starting locations of the AI's, so far away from the human player, is a little too twisted to have happened on a randomly generated map, but what do I know?
It was lots of fun playing it anyway, and for the first time, I went on a crusade after the launch and wiped out the Americans and Romans alltogether. What a relief after all that beakercounting and incremental rushbuying!
I highly recommend this post-launch rampage to anyone. Kind of a brush-up course in pre-OCC civing.
BTW, whatever happened to Carolus' proposed challenge of a combined OCC and world conquest game. Did anyone try out the score scheme?
After the game ended, I spent half a minute gazing (out of old habit) at the WHITE powergraph in disbelief: Funny, I didn't remember having such a hard time around 1500 A.D....
So who else plays OCC these days?