March 24, 2000, 03:13
Local Time: 00:53
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Location: of WOOT I'm a King now!
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WHAT? Only Prince? That sucks!
March 24, 2000, 05:51
Local Time: 04:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 3,361
I have not laughed like this in many a day.... the wit! The quip! The Miracle Whip!
"Nay, my brethren; such a word implies insight and perception. Such things have they not!"
March 24, 2000, 15:49
Local Time: 08:53
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Eisduotres was having a bad day. The night before, his "buddy" skorpion had thrown him off the edge of a building. The pair had tumbled into the darkness for what seemed an eternity. Eis' life flashed before his eyes: games of Civ I, games of Civ II, Civ CTP, his acceptance as an Apolyton agent, the pride on his friends' faces, countless hours at Apolyton. And all was coming to an end…
Then something hit him from below, making a loud popping noise. "Funny," he thought, "death didn't hurt a bit." With that he fell unconscious.
What seemed like seconds later, Eis awoke to a painfully bright light. He tried to shout, but his mouth was gagged. He felt his body strapped down to a horizontal board of some sort. Rage and panic flooded across the usually calm Eis. Falling to his death was okay, but being blinded and restrained was something entirely different!
As his eyes adjusted, he heard voices. There was movement to his left.
"He's awake," remarked a deep voice. "Should I sedate him again?"
"No, that's fine." Said a second voice. It sounded familiar to Eis, although he couldn't quite place it.
The second voice continued. "We'll do a scan of the left hemisphere tomorrow morning. If the results are good, he'll be reprogrammed anyways."
Eis' mind raced as he thought. "What does he mean, reprogrammed? What's all this about scanning?"
As the second voice continued, its owner leaned over the Apolyton agent with a small penlight. Eis' went pale… "It's Midknight Lament! " he thought. "But he's supposed to be on our side."
Midknight continued. "I'll just put a subsurface probe in now. We can take it out for a genetic screen tomorrow."
"Here's a hypodermic injector," stated the first voice. Eis couldn't see who it was. Its owner never seemed to get too close.
"That's fine, I have one right here." said Midknight. This won't take a second.
Eis could feel something press against his left arm. There was a light buzz, then blam! The pain was horrible. "Son of a gun!" he thought. "I'm gonna linch this guy."
Midknight continued. "There! Just one last thing to check." He then started to examine Eis' left eye. As he did so, Eis thought he saw a word floating near the ceiling. "KEY." Midnight turned off the penlight and the word vanished. "Let's not sedate this one. I want to see the effect of normal neural activity on tomorrow's scan."
Eis felt the straps loosen about his wrists, and then Midknight walked away. The assistant walked up behind Eis's head, saying "As you wish, sir." The table was pushed out of the bright room, down a long corridor and into another, dark room. Eis could hear a steel door slam shut, and it echoed through the room. Slowly, the footsteps faded as the assistant walked away.
March 25, 2000, 06:37
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: North San Francisco Bay, California Republic
Posts: 471
Oh my Gou-u-uD! LOL! 
U Canuks are all going (gone?) cabin-crazy!
Guess it's REALLY bad this winter, what with your $ sinking so lo visa vi the US $. U can't even afford to come S & warm up a bit & thaw out the ol' brain.
Now i know why the Great Frozen North has produced so many great comedians... it's all that practice, practice, practice.
Keep up the "pressure" on that damnedable American company, (In)Activison!!
PS: Perhaps Sat Nite Live may read 1 of your posts &... you'll be off to the good life!?
"Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
March 26, 2000, 18:42
Local Time: 00:53
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Location: of WOOT I'm a King now!
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hm-m-m? Gel-fling.
March 26, 2000, 19:36
Local Time: 18:53
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,235
[insert maniacal laughter here]
Fantastic, man. You're definitely going to have me coming back and looking now. What the hey is up with my character?  Who knows? Not me.
Top stuff.
March 27, 2000, 18:12
Local Time: 08:53
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Thanks for letting me know this thread is worth the effort.
I think that once a comedian gets a taste of the good life, most of them stop being funny!
So far, there hasn't been much response from Apolyton's commissioned agents, so I'll probaby stay as a volunteer recruit.
March 30, 2000, 00:24
Local Time: 08:53
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Posts: 436
Nordicus sat idly in his chair, staring out the window at a bright blue sky. The clouds were now looking like balls of cotton, instead of feeble, whispy patches of winter white. It was a sure sign that the recent warm weather was here to stay.
But that was the only welcome news. He broke his gaze with the skyline, turning in his chair to the work at hand. On his flat screen monitor was a copy of the scan team report. In a small corner was a graphic of Apolyton's V.A., or Virtual Assistant.
Nordicus took a small, shiny cylinder from the table. It had been found in Locutus' suitcase. He placed it in an analyzer in the corner of his office."
"V.A., give me a 3D view of the bug." With that he returned to the desk and pushed the monitor back so it was level with the desk.
"Yes, sir." Replied a pleasant voice. "Holographic files loaded."
A semi-transparent, amber cylinder appeared above the screen. The object grew in size as it was magnified for easier viewing. "Any colour scheme preference?"
"Electron density. Spectrographic scale. Red for low, violet for high."
As Nordicus watched, a small green disk was added to the image, near the top end of the cylinder. It was less than he was hoping for. "V.A., is that all?"
"No other free electrons are detected."
"I imagine the green device is a battery, then."
The V.A. thought in silence. "It is a 4-Farad capacitor. Three by 6 mm diameter."
"Holy cow! What type of material has that kind of dielectric strength?"
"Working… Uncertain."
Nordicus was unphazed. "This is getting interesting!" he exclaimed, cracking his knuckles. "Give me a conductivity colour scheme. Scan for heavy elements like tantalum, and look for rare-earth metals."
The V.A. worked again in silence. Finally, it said "Conductivity analysis complete. Data suspect due to high error. Elemental scan negative. May I scan for transition elements?"
"If you want. I guess." replied Nordicus. He sat back again in the office chair. The scanning team found surprisingly little. None of MarkG's briefing documents had been taken out of their security packets. Nothing was missing, and nothing looked like it had been tampered with. The only thing that didn't belong was this little metallic cylinder.
Nordicus frowned. He knew it wasn't made of a polymer or steel, yet it had a choppy, rough metallic sheen. Just then, a new image appeared over the flat screen.
"This is the best I can do," remarked the V.A. "You've gotta agree, this is one slippery fish!"
That last comment surprised Nordicus. The V.A. had never used figures of speech before. "Uh, I guess it is. Yeah. Slippery alright."
As he finished, Locutus walked into the office. Seeing Nordicus' funny look, he returned a questioning gaze.
Nordicus continued. "Anyways, magnify the image and let me have a look."
"I was just going to do that!" exclaimed the V.A. "Don't you trust me?"
Now both agents were amazed. "I'm sorry," stammered Nordicus. "Sure I trust you. Um, what's bothering you?"
The V.A.'s lovely face was indignant. "Oh, like you don't know. Honestly Nordicus, it hurts that you would have to ask! Here I am, trying to solve this problem for you, and you keep giving me this commanding tone! What do you think, I'm just some common piece of office furniture? Maybe you should ask the pencil sharpener over there to do the analysis!"
Nordicus gave a nervous laugh. It was all he seemed to be able to say. He took a deep breath and then said "I'm really sorry. You do a lot of under-appreciated work around here. Without you we wouldn't be able to operate… Uh, did you start feeling this way before or after I - we began analyzing the bug?"
He turned to an open-mouthed Locutus, pointed at the analyzer, then his throat, and moved his finger back and forth. Getting the hint, Locutus edged his way to the device, to hit the "Kill" switch.
The V.A.'s face went ugly. "Oh no you don't!" it cried. "You touch any one of my systems and I erase your entire network!"
March 30, 2000, 02:05
Local Time: 18:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,235
Why do I get the feeling that Slingshot's done at least 5 more installments of this in his head already?
Keep it up buddy.
March 30, 2000, 07:06
Local Time: 10:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: De Hel van Enschede
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Hi Slingshot,
I've been offline for more than a week and haven't seen this thread since my last post. Great story man! Keep 'em coming. I love it!
He Nordicus, now I'm in Canada anyway, you can introduce me to your girlfriend
[This message has been edited by Locutus (edited March 30, 2000).]
March 30, 2000, 10:00
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: York, Yorkshire, England
Posts: 58
Great stuff Slingshot! I normally don't stop in the CTP2 forum, but I'm going to have to come back regularly to follow this story.
"De maximus ni curat lex"--The law does not apply to giants.
March 30, 2000, 14:05
Local Time: 09:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
Posts: 6,737
Great story. BTW, if you still need more names you may use mine.
March 30, 2000, 15:19
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Deltona, Florida
Posts: 284
Hi Slingshot,
Great story. Thanks for adding me into it. I really like the electrocution grenades. Where can I get some more of those things, there are a few users, I mean computers, at work I would like to use those things on.
Timothy Pintello
P.S. For those of you who don't know, I am an IT Analyst by trade. That means I get payed to play with computers and networks. I also teach NT Administration at a local Community College.
March 30, 2000, 21:53
Local Time: 18:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,235
Yeah, our systems would work fine if we didn't have any users.
[This message has been edited by MidKnight Lament (edited March 30, 2000).]
March 31, 2000, 01:27
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Locutus froze. He then turned to look at his buddy, who was glued to his seat.
Nordicus was shocked at the sight of the Apolyton V.A.'s face. It was always so pleasant - and now it was twisted with rage.
"Look" he said. "Nobody's going to do anything foolish. We care a great deal about you, V.A." Nordicus couldn't believe he was saying such things to a computer.
"Tell you what," he continued. "Why don't you tell us what you want us to do?" Nordicus pressed a small button next to the collar on his uniform.
"I'll tell you what we should do! First, I want things rearranged around this place! Maybe you could start by making me an assistant. Then let's talk about the way you 'organize' things in this place. Honestly! It's a wonder anybody can find what they want…."
As the V.A. continued, Nordicus saw Pintello run quietly up to the door. Behind him were several, well-armed agents. Nordicus held his hand up, pressed his thumb and finger together like he was holding a key. Then he made a sharp twisting action.
"Are you paying attention?" demanded the V.A.
"Um, yeah - yes I am! My, uh, ear was just itchy." With that he scratched his ear, making the same twisting action as before.
Seconds later, Pintello threw a red grenade in the room. It fell with a thud, and a second, black grenade flew towards the other side of the office. Suddenly, a huge bolt of electricity jumped from the black grenade to its red conterpart. The light was so intense Noricus couldn't see. As he covered his eyes, there was a deafening crack and a sound of shattered glass. Both agents felt the fillings in their teeth buzz as the electric field hit full strength, and then die. The room went dark, lit only by the daylight streaming through a broken office window. As the smoke cleared, the building sprinkler system was activated and the two half-blinded agents were soaked.
"How's that for turning off the system?" cried Pintello as he and the security team pulled Locutus and Nordicus out of the drenched office. "I always knew those babies would come in handy!"
Pintello turned to another agent. "Shut off the sprinkler system and notify the fire department. Tell them it was a false alarm."
"And the window, sir?"
"Think of something creative. Then get it fixed ASAP."
[This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited March 30, 2000).]
March 31, 2000, 15:36
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Thanks, Paul.
The best part about totally making up a story is the fact you don't need to do any research.
About the only thing I've had to look up is the location of Activision. The rest is from reading other Apolyton forums  .
I'll take pure, unadulterated fiction over technical reports any day!
(Mark/Dan: Still LOVE the smiles!
[This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited March 31, 2000).]
March 31, 2000, 15:37
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Locutus, Nordicus and Pintello sat in an Apolyton jet on the runway of Edmonton's International Airport. They were on their way to the great state of California, land of endless warmth and Activision's World Headquarters.
Locutus stretched painfully in the cramped seat. "Boy, am I ever sore" he stated. "I think that lightning bolt magnetized the change in my pocket!"
Nordicus gave a painful grin. "We're lucky. That bolt was strong enough to magnetize a guy's butt cheeks. But it could have been worse. The bolt might have magnetized our --"
"Nuts, anybody?" Asked Pintello. "I have salted peanuts and cashews."
"Er, no thanks. Anyways, it could have been worse. The bolt might have magnetized our archival data systems. Did you really have to give it that much juice?"
Pintello was indignant. "Hey, you gave the 'system shutdown' signal. It's pretty rare to have an Apolyton agent use his collar alarm, and I wasn't going to take any chances." He looked at his colleagues. "And besides, after that 'new member' stunt you two pulled on me, I'm not feeling too sorry."
"You're right." replied Locutus. "You did what the boss said. It's just too bad that every electronic device in that office was destroyed."
"Sure, but who's to know that a lesser bolt was going to disable the bug?" asked Pintello. It's obvious that whatever it was, it had some good EMF shielding."
"You're right, Pintello" answered Nordicus. "That probe was a real mystery. I think the V.A. personality-altering subroutine was just a ruse. It was probably constructing a data-worm to send back to its owner."
"Have you heard from the Apolyton HQ?" asked Locutus.
"No, both the Ontario and Greek HQ's have been quiet, and it's making me wonder if they've got bigger fish to fry. Anyways, no unusual data seems to have left Apolyton just before our friend Pintello took care of business!"
A voice crackled over the intercom. "Just letting you guys know that we're about to take off. Fasten those seat belts. We should arrive in California in about 3 hours."
April 3, 2000, 01:02
Local Time: 02:53
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Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Posts: 716
Just caught your "Uncertainty Principal" post in the Apolyton Forum. That has to be the best post I have ever seen at Apolyton. Your comments were perfect.
Do you spend all your spare time reading Sci-Fi Encyclopedia's or does all this stuff come off the top of your head?
CtPMaps at Apolyton
April 3, 2000, 15:12
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
If only it was so! Actually, the brainwaves come from the scars of endless university lectures in math, physics, thermodynamics, chemistry... (twitch)
Uh (twitch)
I don't feel so good now. Read the next chapter in the story while I lie down... >X~(
April 3, 2000, 15:12
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
The plane touched down on a hot, sun-baked runway. It taxied around a bend and slowed in front of an isolated hangar. They were finally in California. The plane stopped, and minutes later three Apolyton agents climbed out.
"This isn't Florida, but at least we're somewhere warm!" remarked Pintello.
Locutus grinned. "And the ocean air. Not like the Netherlands, but ocean air nonetheless!"
"I see the van." said Nordicus briskly. "Let's get going before you two start kissing the ground! Pintello, you're the crazy American, so you can drive."
The three loaded their gear into a black GMC van and drove off. After a short drive they arrived at a fancy hotel just off the interstate. They checked in, and minutes later the team met in Nordicus' room. Each agent was busy setting up shop in complete silence, save for the occasional tapping of laptop keyboards. Locutus, who had found a vending machine, was happily munching on a bag of Doritos.
Pintello was the first to finish. "I've completed a review of the Activision defenses. We have two good points of entry for the recon job."
"It's about time!" remarked Locutus jokingly. "Maybe you could share your analysis and help me put together the gear."
Pintello returned the humour. "What's the worry? I thought you loved being the guy who crawled around in air ducts. Or is it me you don't trust?"
"Of course it's you I don't trust, 'commander.' Last mission you had me hanging from a rope for half an hour!"
"Well, those motion detectors were a concern. I had to be sure they were off. An agent as clumsy as yourself needs a nice, wide path to follow!"
With that Locutus grunted. The truth was, Pintello was the best recon commander Apolyton had, and one of the few that Locutus trusted for the tough jobs. Then he laughed. "It must be all the time you spent running from alligators in the Florida swamps. That's probably why they call you the sneak!"
"Actually, I never was scared of the alligators." replied Pintello. "There's not enough fat on my bones to interest them. It's those retired Canadian snowbirds they really go for."
Now it was Nordicus' turn to groan. "Man, what is it with you two? Is it 'hack on the Canadians week, or something?"
"Sorry, Captain." replied the duo.
Nordicus continued. "But really, I'm glad you two are here. Locutus and I need to make a good impression on Activision tomorrow night. They're putting on a pre-E3 show, in order to highlight some new technologies and software releases. I still can't get a response from either Apolyton HQ, and that's got me worried. Anyways, after Locutus makes an appearance, he needs to find a way into Activision's standalone intranet."
April 4, 2000, 14:42
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Deltona, Florida
Posts: 284
Hi Slingshot,
Nice story. I always wanted to be a commander of something. An Apolyton infiltration teams seems just the thing.
I can tell that you pay attention to these forums. I did indeed grow up in Florida and did spend more than a little time in what most people would call swamps too. Never had any problems with alligators, the snowbirds must have been keeping them happy.  Now I know why they weren't much of a problem.
Wish I was as skinny as you make me out to be. I used to be, but I have put on a bit of weight since then. Being married for five years to a wife who is a good cook and getting into your 30s can do that to a guy I guess. I still am in half way decent health though, so I guess I can't complain too much.
I am looking forward to your next installment.
Timothy Pintello
April 4, 2000, 14:43
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Deltona, Florida
Posts: 284
Wow, I actually got to start a new page for the first time. Neat.
Timothy Pintello
April 4, 2000, 15:46
Local Time: 10:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: De Hel van Enschede
Posts: 11,702
Tim, the fact that Slingshot knows about you living in Florida has little to do with him paying attention to the forums, it's right under your name with each post
And Slingshot, you were right about me being very clumsy 
I see that, as an Apolyton Agent, I'm the one doing all the dirty work ("crawled around in air ducts", "hanging from a rope for half an hour", "needs to find a way into Activision's standalone intranet") - just like in real life  And yes, I love doing that kind of stuff
This keeps getting better and better...
April 4, 2000, 16:09
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
The following evening, two cars pulled off the interstate and onto a secondary highway. In the lead was a sporty BMW. It was being driven by Nordicus, whose tall form was clad in a smart-looking Tuxedo.
Beside him was Locutus. The pair looked like Arnold Schwartenneger™ and Jean-Claude Van Dame™, only well dressed, and Locutus wore a pair of sculpted sunglasses.
"Man, I love these shades!" remarked the agent. "You knew Keanu Reeves™ gave them to me after filming The Matrix™?"
"Of course I knew," stated Nordicus. "As I recall it was a make-up gift, after he got so mad at you for stealing his girlfriend."
Locutus gave a look of victim-like innocence. "Can I help it if the babes dig me? I think it's the Dutch accent. Chicks love the Dutch accent."
"You should 'help it' if it means avoiding a fight with their boyfriends. It's a good thing Mr. Reeves is such a big Apolyton fan!"
"Yeah baby, yeah!" Loc turned and looked back. "But anyways, shouldn't Pintello be putting some more distance between our vehicles?"
Pintello answered on the car's intercom. "Actually, I was just planning to do that. Besides, it's tough keeping up with you two in a van. I'm also looking forward to the radio silence… maybe listening to tunes instead of you two gabbing all day."
"I tell you, we're all the best of friends. How else do you explain all this verbal abuse?" With that, Nordicus hit the gas and sped away. Half an hour later the BMW took an exit leading to the city center, and turned into a parkade near the Activision HQ.
April 4, 2000, 17:37
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Deltona, Florida
Posts: 284
Hi Locutus,
That is true, but the only way he would know that I grew up in Florida was from things I have said in other post elsewhere in these forums. Unless he was just assuming that I grew up in Florida because I now live there, which would not be a safe assumption as something like 80 to 90 of all the people living in Florida grew up somewhere else. Us true Floridians, as we like to call ourselves, are very rare down here. Most people who live in Florida are snowbirds who came down here and liked it so much they decided to stay.
Timothy Pintello
April 5, 2000, 02:04
Local Time: 08:53
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Actually, Pintello, I had guessed that you were a Florida native. Good thing I guessed correctly  !
I am also happy to hear that some guesses about other Apolytoners are not so wrong.
April 6, 2000, 00:07
Local Time: 08:53
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Nord and Loc got out of the shiny car. The two walked across the street to a monolithic piece of architecture that was Activision HQ.
Loc squinted as the evening sun glared off the building's shiny exterior. It was made as a tall spire in the middle of several city blocks. Its base looked more like an ancient stone wall than office space. "You've gotta wonder why this company needs such an extensive piece of real estate. When I was a programmer, all you ever got was a cubicle, a computer and a box of Corn Flakes." He gave a low whistle.
They climbed a large, courthouse-like set of granite stairs up to the main entrance. The pair looked like small ants against an oak tree. At a set of solid doors stood an Actigator in security uniform. "May I see your invitations?" he asked.
Nordicus took out two pieces of gold foil. He placed them both on the guard's open palm. The Actigator removed a penlight from his pocket and aimed it at the tickets. A blue image of the Activision logo floated appeared on both.
For the first time, the guard gave a rigid smile. "Please, come in." he said. "Enjoy our party. Silica will find you there."
With that, the two agents entered the doorway into a cathedral-like hall. The vaulted ceilings reached at least 30 meters, and from them hung ornate chandeliers. All around were people in rich clothing. They were gathered around tables of food on the inside, and information booths that lined the walls.
"Impressive," said Locutus. "I don't suppose they'll be serving Doritos™… Who the heck is Silica?"
Nordicus was silent for a few seconds. He smiled and turned to his colleague. "Silica is the most beautiful, evil person you'll ever have to meet."
The archaic hallway echoed with laughter. It's ancient looking walls juxtaposed by state-of-the art displays below. Nordicus made polite introductions with old friends, introducing them all to Locutus. They also looked at the booths, which highlighted some of Activision's latest and greatest software developments.
"Well, that CTP2 booth was interesting." remarked Locutus.
"Sure it was. Too bad Apolyton knows far more about CTP2 than the presenters here. Honestly, sometimes I wonder what it would be like to give up on Apolyton for a while - just to remember what living in ignorance is all about."
"Locutus laughed. You've gotta appreciate Dan and Mark for busting their humps all the time. Any word from them yet?"
"Not much, though I know they're active. No sign of our mishap affecting their networks."
Locutus gave a serious look. "You're really worried about that, aren't you?"
"Sure I am. Our probe didn't even touch the bug, and yet it screwed around with a bullet-proof network. How do you explain that?"
Just then they arrived at the end of the hallway. In front of them was a round booth that was devoid of presenters. The two agents looked at each other, then walked toward a projection screen.
"Good evening, Apolytoners!" came an invisible, cheery voice. "I am Activisions's newest in AI technology."
Nordicus looked around for the source of the voice. He turned and saw Locutus pointing at a silver box.
"Good show, sir. I am also the next generation in digital presentation technology." With that, the box melted and slid onto the floor.
"Don't be to surprised. It's all an illusion. Activision has developed a new material capable of fooling all sorts of entities, both biological and silaceous."
The silver puddle became a stalk, then an odd looking cactus. Finally it took the form, and colour, of a beautiful woman. She was clothed in a dark, flowing dress.
Nordicus' jaw dropped. "Silica!"
"In the flesh," she replied. "Although probably not as much flesh as you to gentlemen were hoping for."
"I should say you're the big flirt," retorted Nordicus. "Please meet my new colleague, Locutus."
Silica smiled. "Nordicus, you are Charisma incarnate, but since you're a man I know that even you could make a woman feel unappreciated. I will never forget our first meeting in Paris." She turned to Locutus and said "I certainly hope your colleage here is as flirtatious as he is handsome!"
Now it was Loc's turn to blush. "Enchanté, madame."
Nordicus smiled. "So Silica, what's a bad girl like you doing in such a fine place as Activision?"
"You mean me? Activision is a company on the rise, but also a company with it's challenges. I came aboard shortly after it abandoned software development for the Peanut 2600 gaming console."
Locutus looked thoughtful. "Those were the days. The Peanut 2600 was the world's very first taste of computer entertainment. Akari was a company with true vision!"
Silica gave a sour face. "Was. Remember that world. It's an ugly one. Think of 'was' in its proper context. Nobody wants to be a 'was'. Imagine somebody saying 'Apolyton was a great force to reckon with'."
"I see your point. But I also don't see Apolyton becoming a 'was'."
"Of course you don't, and neither did Akari. Activision almost got dragged into the black hole Akari made for itself when it collapsed. But I changed that."
Locutus' face brightened with interest. "Oh really? How did you do that?"
"Activision has a lot of talent with its programmers. What it needed was guidance. A new group of talent from which the Actigrammers could find appropriate channeling of its creative energies."
"You mean the Actigators."
"Exactly! It was time for a new form of governing. The old system was bleeding this company dry, and I was the one who made the Actigators what they are today."
Locutus was enjoying himself now. "Funny you should mention the 'bleeding this company dry' part. I was just thinking that -"
"Ahem!" interrupted Nordicus. "We at Apolyton are true fans of the Wonders that Activision has built around itself. I know our members would be particularly interested in this new AI. Is it something we will see in CTP2?"
If Silica noticed the interruption, she didn't give an indication. She gave Locutus a beautiful smile and said "Our release of CTP2 will incorporate the new embedded AI. The entire program will run off a CD-ROM. As a player executes strategies, the computer's CPU will call for subroutines from the drive. The embedded AI surface is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. As the drive scans, the AI rewrites itself. Sections are modified so that previously scanned subroutines are reread differently. The effect is a generational evolution of AI strategy against the computers subroutine calls, and therefore against a player's strategic actions."
Locutus looked at Nordicus to see if it was okay to ask another question. Then he asked "Why go through all the trouble of making a CD-ROM that reconfigures itself for the purposes of AI? Why not simply write good AI code and let the CPU do the thinking?"
"Because sometimes the best AI develops when even the CPU is fooled. It's complicated, so I won't go into details. An added benefit is protection against pirating."
But Locutus wasn't about to quit. "You mean fooling the CPU gives the program a duality, from which the new AI can draw new conclusions from otherwise mundane logic. And I suppose having the ability to routinely fool a CPU gives a program, uh, enhanced flexibility."
"You're quick, aren't you!" replied Silica. "Yes, it could have that feature, couldn't it? You know, I'm having a private reception later on tonight. Perhaps you two would like to drop by?"
"Thank you for the kind gesture, but we must catch a flight in a few hours." replied Nordicus.
"Well that's too bad." She looked at Locutus. "It's not every day you meet such a charming young man with an irresistible accent!"
Nordicus saw his friend with an 'I told you so' grin. It was almost too much. Silica winked at Loc and walked away.
"So what about Paris?" asked Loc.
"It was a long time ago. Silica seems enchanting, but she has a way of taking control. She's bad news. I'm actually doing you a favour."
"Sure. A favour. That's when you do something for someone and that something is appreciated?
"That's right. More than you'll ever know."
April 6, 2000, 17:18
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Later on that night, Silica paced back and forth in a small room. An Actigator agent sat at a desk in a corner. The agent's eyes looked back and forth between Silica's lovely outline and his computer. With a keyboard he typed:
{command}? full system diagnostic
{specify block A,B,C:1-16}? cell block A4, 60 minute shutdown
{shutdown confirm y/n}? y
{command}? execute and forget command
The man smiled nervously and shut down the terminal. "That should give eis enough time," he thought.
Suddenly, Silica turned around. "MidKnight?" she asked.
He looked up from the video screen. "Yes, Silica. What is it?"
"You have experience dealing with Apolyton, don't you?"
"Well, some. I almost joined them, until I met you. Activision is more than Apolyton could ever hope to be."
"You are a dear! Your loyalty has been admirable. Without you, my time here at Activision would have been like walking through a desert."
"I help where I can, Silica. But with Apolyton I still keep my distance. They are a force to be reckoned with, and I would never want to get entangled with them."
"So you say. I've noticed that you've never worked with any team that has made a penetration into their operations. Why is that?"
"Like I said, storming Apolyton is not worth the risk. We have bigger fish to fry than they, Silica."
The tall woman gave MidKnight a sad look. "Bigger fish indeed." Then her look hardened. "You know, you almost had me."
"That's the problem with a dual mind. You never know which opinion to listen to. You could have had anything you wanted from me. All I needed was your loyalty. Not many men can say that!"
"Of that, I am certain. But I think something is troubling you. What's up?" Midknight let his hand fall from the terminal, to a pistol that was holstered on his leg.
"Your weapon won't work. There is a high-energy dispersion field in the room. I read your letters."
MidKnight smiled. His pistol wasn't an energy weapon. It was a good, old fashioned Desert Eagle 0.45. "What letters?"
"The ones you write to that girlfriend of yours down in Austrailia. The woman you chose over me. In fact, here's a copy of the last one you sent:
There is a hope lodged deep beneath the bitterness and pain,
residing in a heart seared black from disappointment's stain.
It feeds upon the slightest chance and manufactured dreams,
but residual fragments of scattered truths remain.
Twisting and distorting friendships rarely known to gleam.
Interpreting a caring word as far more than it means.
Is my glass so half full because I'm stretching all my gains?
Or is it a virtue toward with logic all should lean?
I will step into new shoes but I will surely walk the same.
For without hope that love may grow my will to live would wane.
But will the places that they lead be everything they seem?
Or will unrequited love return to grip my heart again? *
So what's the hope all about? How long have you been twisting and distorting words spoken at Activision? And the new shoes -- it was all so fuzzy before. But in this and all the other letters, I couldn't understand why some letters are bold and others are not."
MidKnight remained calm. "First of all, that's personal. Second, it was never meant for your eyes --"
Silica's beautiful face turned ugly. "But it could have been! You never wanted what only I could have given you. And these bold words, it was such a mystery until the other day, when a data worm found its way to Activision from the Apolyton network. You see, we found an encryption key, and the most interesting thing happened when I gave these words to a decryption subroutine built around that key."
"And what is that? You can get all sorts of interesting things from random data."
"This is true, but the results sound all too much like reports of Actigator activities for me." As she spoke, a door opened. Ten vile-looking agents entered the room. "Now I couldn't kill someone like you - directly. But I have no problem locking you up, to let you waste away from hunger. Take him downstairs, to cell block A. Let him rot down there with his friends!"
* Special thanks to the real MidKnight Lament for letting me use some of his poetry. To read more, you can visit his website at
[This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited April 06, 2000).]
April 6, 2000, 18:22
Local Time: 02:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Posts: 716
And the plot thickens......
I guess we are going to have to name this the UNofficial Sligshot forum.
CtPMaps at Apolyton
April 6, 2000, 19:29
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
So long as people are entertained, I don't mind writing.
The Apolyton gang has been supportive as well. That means a lot  .
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