July 10, 2000, 09:40
Local Time: 18:53
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,235
Yeah, it's been a while... I wonder where he's gone? He's certainly not stopping because of lack of interest in his story. There's plenty of that to go around.
July 10, 2000, 13:25
Local Time: 08:53
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Pintello's head hurt. He couldn't hear and it was starting to get to him. He and the Apolytoner team had painstakingly climbed down through rubble-filled floors and they were finally getting close to the new Activision HQ.
Eis and Locutus were getting worried about their team leader. It seemed obvious that his hearing wasn't about to return any time soon. The two were trying their best to communicate. Locutus had even found a pen and paper in his pack, and they had spent quite some time writing out plans.
But the written word was slower than the spoken one - especially when climbing down through endless floors of blackened steel. Pintello's frustration was mounting every hour.
One good thing was the fact that he could speak. "Sorry guys!" he said for the thousandth time. "We'll get closer to the target and find some shelter. From there we can figure out what's what and make some better plans. Heck! Not much to plan right now anyways!"
Locutus secured a rope and prepared to jump down another floor. He looked up and saw Pintello waiting for a response. Loc smiled and gave another 'thumbs up.' "How much farther, Eis?"
Eis checked his watch. "I'd say not too far. We should find a hallway about seven floors down. From there it will be 100m or so." Eis waved and caught Pintello's attention. He then raised seven fingers and pointed down. Pintello nodded in understanding and the three continued their descent.
When they arrived at the hallway, the three looked around and packed away the climbing gear. The hallway was dark and long. Locutus noticed that the whole area was quiet. Ever since Eis' super grenade had been detonated, he hadn't heard a sound.
Even stranger was the fact that the building wasn't completely on fire. The grenade itself must not have been a conventional one, he thought. It seemed as though nothing was too crazy to be found at Activision HQ.
Pintello looked down the hall. He tried to whisper but instead gave a loud, raspy voice. "Can you guys see anything?" Locutus jumped in front of him and made a 'shhhh' motion. Then he shook his head.
Pintello made another attempt at being quiet. With slightly less volume he said "Eis, you take the lead and point everything you've got down the hall. Locutus can scan and alert the team if anything funny comes along. We'll try the direct route once again, but if things go awry we bolt and regroup. There's only three of us now so it should be easy to stay invisible."
Locutus gave a questioning look and pointed at Pintello. "I'll keep close behind you both. That way I can see if you find anything."
Eis and Loc nodded. They got their stuff together and began a slow march down the hall.
July 10, 2000, 13:27
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Pintello felt like a ghost, stumbling in a mute darkness full of undetectable dangers. It was almost paradoxical, he thought. At least when you see your enemy you know something about when the fight is about to break out.
He looked over Loc's shoulder and saw the scanning device. LED's sparked to life and then faded. Everything seemed normal on the short range setting. Long range was another matter, and Pintello could tell that Loc was having difficulty sorting out the background data from anything that could be important.
Eis was a tower of weaponry. He lumbered along like a robot. Pintello was thankful that the brute was on his side.
Then suddenly Loc's scanner went ablaze with red lights. He started to adjust the reading when the entire floor lurched at a sharp angle and crumbled beneath them. The three fell within a jumble of concrete and steel. The height was amazing, and finally they smashed against a rubble-filled floor.
Pintello's life flashed before his eyes. He was certain that this was the end - that the momentum shields would finally give out. This time, the force was strong enough that it knocked the wind out of him. The agent rolled on his stomach and fought hard to breath. It was like being dunked under water - his brain screamed for his lungs to work until finally some air rushed inwards. Pintello waited for his head to stop spinning and looked around.
Far above him was a string of lights on some sort of machine. It looked like a crane and it was bashing away material about 50m above them. All around he felt dull thuds of debris hitting the ground. Pintello strained his eyes in the darkness. He now felt blind as well as deaf. His partners were nowhere to be found. The agent rummaged through his pack for a flashlight but came up empty. He tried the light of his scanner watch but it wasn't powerful enough. In resignation, Pintello surveyed his surroundings again and saw a faint light. It was probably another piece of machinery, he thought. But then again, what more was he going to find here? Debris continued to crash around him, and he took that as a cue. Pintello gathered himself up and crept toward the light.
July 26, 2000, 11:00
Local Time: 00:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Posts: 1,815
Slightshot--once again, genuinely entertaining. 
But honestly, during a two-day period without sleep, I had begun wondering if you were my subconscious double-login (!). I write quite a lot--well, used to--and it's astonishing how similar our styles are, and we're both from the same place...and you're writing here while I'm away.... 
Are you my DL? Someone check the IPs while I make another appointment to see my psychiatrist.
Oh, and BUMP!
[This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited July 26, 2000).]
August 3, 2000, 18:40
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Great Britain
Posts: 85
Great story Slingshot. You've got me and pretty much anyone else who has read it on
Hope to see more soon.
Hey Pintello, what do you think of your character now that he's, er 300 metres under and possibly alone.
August 3, 2000, 18:42
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Great Britain
Posts: 85
Great story Slingshot. You've got me and pretty much anyone else who has read it on
Hope to see more soon.
Hey Pintello, what do you think of your character now that he's, er 300 metres under and possibly alone
August 5, 2000, 03:22
Local Time: 00:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Posts: 1,815
Ah, Pintello's been thru worse sh*t
Oh, and *bump*
August 6, 2000, 17:55
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Great Britain
Posts: 85
So, anyone know what Slingshot started this
post for. I assume he originally wanted to
write a bunch of sugestions for CTP2 and
discuss them. I could be wrong, but then I
could be right now coundn't I.
Speaking of Slingshot, where the hell is he,
Im dying to read the next installment of his gripping little epic.
August 12, 2000, 02:15
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
I'm back!
- Problems with computers
- Out of town for a week
- Working too much
All bad excuses for not contributing to the storyline.
New episodes will be forthcomming, and thanks for all of the good feedback.
Mandinka - I remember hearing a Sinead O'Connor song to that effect, but what does it mean?
The purpose of this thread was to encourage more readership of the CTP II forums. It was started at a time when there was very little feedback from Activision.
To be honest, I never thought it would be so long!
August 12, 2000, 18:29
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Great Britain
Posts: 85
Well, nice to see you again Slingshot. I think this has lasted so long because all of us-even actigrammer St Swithin-thought better of your now great and mighty work of fiction than you originally expected. Am I right, wrong, half way between. See Ya!!!
August 15, 2000, 15:18
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
"Dang it!" yelled Ogre.
MidKnight looked up to see the Actigrammer's fist smash against his keyboard. "I take it you're still not getting anywhere," he said.
The poor fellow had been sitting in front of his computer for 14 hours, and his monitor was awash with information. "Certainly not! You know, the first 500,000 kills were easy, and I really thought that it was all we needed to do the job." He looked at MidKnight. "I mean think about it, that's a lot of Actigator agents!"
MidKnight's stare retuned to his own monitor. "Don't look at me. There's no way I would have guessed a number that high either. But then again, I had no idea how deep the Activision building went. How many levels are there?"
The Ogre tuned in his chair. "At least 40 below ground, below that we can't tell."
"What do you mean, 'can't tell?' Surely you've sent one or two Actigrammers down for surveillance."
"One or two, yes. None have ever returned. They go down and disappear without a trace. My former boss tried to find out what happened and disappeared herself. Poor Cici! I never had a good enough reason to ask what happened, and figured that this was a battle for a later time."
"Well the time might be now. Whatever it was that rocked this building ended up making a spherical crater deep underground. I'm surprised that Activision is still standing!"
Mr. Ogre grinned. "There's lots of surprises in a place like this. But anyways, what's going on with Eis, Pintello and Locutus?"
"Not much that I can tell," said MidKnight. "Last time I got a position report was about 10 seconds before the explosion. That was over two hours ago. I hope they're still alive!"
"Hmmm. I'll bet Eis was responsible for the crater. He packed some pretty exotic stuff with him, and it's possible he took a fusion grenade."
MidKnight was horrified. "A fusion grenade? You mean nuclear fusion?"
"That would be it. Of course, it's not designed to give off radiation. The whole thing works by dissociating chemical bonds. The fusion sequence is used purely as an energy source."
"Oh, that's all, huh? So what else can we expect from the great Eis then?"
Mr. Ogre looked thoughtful. "I don't know, really. Hey Swichthin! You know what Eis took with him?"
A younger fellow dressed in an Actigrammer uniform ran up. "Sir yes sir! Eis loves high calibre weaponry and so he took lots of that. He also grabbed a few fusion grenades and some food."
"Food?" asked Mr. Ogre. "What food?"
Swichthin smiled. "You know, the sour candy in the silver cans! It's got a picture of a dark person with his mouth all puckered in like he ate a vinegar shake. Heh heh. Eis loves sour stuff, so I told him to bring along a six-pack!"
A nervous smile came over the Ogre. He laughed like John Candy after driving between two semi-trailers on the highway.
"That's a pretty expressive, depressive laugh there Ogre!" said MidKnight. "You look like John Candy did after he drove a station wagon between two semi-trailers on the highway!"
Mr. Ogre put his hands in his head. "Time to fess up, guys. I can't make a second modification to the gas chemistry. 500,000 Actigators is all we can kill. The rest just aren't going to react to our product."
MidKnight gave a look of concern. "That's okay, I guess. You tried your best, and you know that it's not worth releasing garbage that won't do anybody any good. In fact, this is a good thing! I mean the old Activision might have done it anyways!"
"Yeah you're right," replied the Ogre. "But that's not the bad news. You see, I've been doing some calculations based on what we know of Actigator biochemistry and our first carrier modification attempt. It seems that the few Actigators that have survived are mutating as a result of our extermination efforts. In fact, I think we could have a new problem on our hands if more are made with a mutated blueprint."
"And how do you make more Actigators?"
"Darned if I know. Hopefully Eis et al will find out when they reach floor -40."
MidKnight grinned. "That's the spirit! I'm sure that our Apolytoners haven't died yet. It's good to hear you talk that way!"
"Oh I know for a fact that they haven't died yet. Or at least Eis' equipment bag is still entact."
"How's that?" asked MidKnight.
"Let's put it this way," said Ogre. "You'd know it if somebody opened a can of Whoop Ass® below you."
[This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited August 16, 2000).]
August 17, 2000, 01:38
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Pintello stared at the light directly above him. He was at the edge of a cave of some sort, and to his left was a chute-like hole in the wall of smooth, sandy rock. "Darn it!" he thought. "What I'd give for a scanner right about now." Pintello had lost his backpack in the fall and now carried nothing but a small sidearm. The air was cold and damp. It seemed to absorb light from this angle as well, and he had trouble seeing more than an arms length away.
The agent peered inside the cave. It was black and cramped-looking. Along its base he saw the glint of water trickling down from above. "This must be a tunnel!" he thought - not that the agent relished the thought of wriggling through a narrow space amid tons of dirt like a worm. Yet something told him this wasn't the sort of place that was loaded with ways in or out. The whole thing felt like a quarry, or maybe a large expanse to be used for storage.
Pintello looked around again, but it seemed useless. His comrades couldn't be seen, and he couldn't hear a thing. He could make lots of noise and maybe even fire the pistol, but then what? Maybe the noise would alert more than just his friends, and he knew that a firefight here would be suicide. Pintello felt violated - like some hateful, immaterial force had sought him out and then peeled away his senses. The agent placed his hands at the entry of the tunnel. "At least I can feel things," he thought. "Eis, Locutus, good luck!" With his jaw set, Pintello climbed inside.
The tunnel started off at an easy slope, which was good because it was so narrow. About 4 meters in, it climbed upwards at a steep angle, and this presented a new problem. Pintello could feel moisture everywhere, and the walls were narrow and slippery.
He wedged his arms apart and pulled himself upwards as far as he could go. Then he pushed against the tunnel with his knees and back. Pintello hung there and released his arms, reaching as high as he could and searching for some area to grip. As he got higher, the ground became harder and a little rougher. Sweat began to bead on his forehead from the exertion and his stomach muscles hurt from holding himself up for so long. After what seemed like an hour, his left hand found an invisible ledge, confirmed by a second grasp with his right.
Buoyed by the new discovery, Pintello forgot his fatigue and tried to scrambled up. The ledge seemed to be a continuation of the tunnel, although the corner was very tight. He could feel the side against his back slope forwards, and a couple of times he bumped his head against that surface. After a few more wriggles, Pintello managed to get his left elbow on the ledge, then his right. The agent gave a sigh of relief, as the extra leverage made hanging easier and he took a few extra seconds to breathe. The ceiling above the ledge was about 30 cm above. It was a tight fit.
"This is crazy!" he thought. Everything around him was black, and everything seemed to press in against him. He started thinking about his situation. Tonnes of cold dirt around, a passage that might not lead anywhere, no way to turn around if he hit a dead end. And what if the ground collapsed? What he really needed was a real-life 'save game' function, or maybe a reset button.
"If only I could get on this @#$ ledge!" he thought. "It's not shaped right. This can't be a way out. Nobody could ever get through here. I'm going to die! Crap, I'm going to die in the middle of a whole pile of cold dirt a bloody mile underground!"
Pintello started feeling frantic. He kicked hard against the tunnel with his feet. The cold stone refused to budge. He had managed to get his body wriggled up a few more centimetres. Pintello let out a gasp of breath and found that it gave him some more room to move. He fought some more with all of the air out of his lungs and managed to get his whole torso on the ledge, his body screaming for oxygen. Hands stretched out and head twisted, he tried to breath in and only got half a breath before the rock pressed against his rib cage. He struggled like a mad man, breathing out quick and shallow puffs of air. Finally his hands found a widening of the tunnel in front of him, and he clawed at the muddy rock for all he was worth. Slowly he moved forward, and he snaked his way out of the tight bend.
"Think forward. Almost there. It's okay! It's okay!" he thought. When at last Pintello broke free of the narrow constriction. He lay in the wider section of tunnel and shuddered happy, deep breaths of air in his lungs.
The tunnel was now much wider, although just as dark. He traced dirty fingers around its circumference, and found it to be about a meter high with a slight incline - almost comfortable - and travelled its length by crawling on hands and knees. The thought of entrapment came back to his mind. "What if this is a dead end and I have to go back? There's no way I could get through that ledge going down!" Pintello shook his head and pressed forward. There had to be another way. He kept crawling along, and it felt as thought the tunnel began to spiral upwards and to the right. Then he heard a thud.
Pintello stopped cold.
Visions of being crushed flashed in his head again. Or maybe it was something that followed him up the tunnel.
"Forget it!" he thought. "It's nothing, keep going!" The agent crawled as fast as he could.
The whole tunnel shook that time. Pintello was in such a panic that he crawled straight into a wall in front of him.
Quickly he felt around in front of him. Then to the left and right. Nothing but solid rock.
Pintello felt sick. "There's got to be something. Maybe a door or a handle. C'mon, think!"
He tried again, this time going higher. The tunnel ceiling seemed to be sloping up, and he followed its contour with his hands. In seconds he was standing and he still hadn't felt the top.
That's when he saw the light up above.
Pintello staggered back like a drunken man. There was a dim light glowing from and exit just above him. It was low enough that he could probably jump and climb out.
"Freedom!" he thought. "Blessed freedom from this cursed tunnel of death!" and for the first time in a long time, Pintello grinned. He made certain his sidearm was securely fastened and made the leap. The agents legs were still cramped up from crawling around and it took a few attempts before he made it. As soon as he got a good hold he pulled himself up to the top and looked around.
About 3 m away from him were two Actigator guards with startled looks on their faces. They were in a closed room with heavy-looking walls. Recovering from the shock, one of the Actigators leapt toward the Apolytoner and kicked his hand. The blow knocked Pintello's his hand loose and he slipped, falling to the floor of the tunnel on his back. Seconds later, a shiny cylinder fell towards him and slowed as his diffusion shield kicked in.
Almost as a reflex, Pintello grabbed the cylinder and threw it upwards into the room. There was a blinding flash of light followed by what he felt as a rumble. The agent sprang to his feet just as the tunnel began to collapse. He jumped as high as he could through the opening and clawed upwards. Sand, rock and mud fell all around him, and he almost got buried alive. Then the ground settled and he found himself alone in a crater with two crispy fried Actigators. To his left was the charred surface of a door.
"Diffusion shields. Don't leave home without one!" Pintello dusted himself off and walked towards the door.
[This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited August 17, 2000).]
August 18, 2000, 00:10
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Deltona, Florida
Posts: 284
Hi Slingshot,
Nice continuation of the story! That last one had me sitting on the edge of my seat! You really do a good job of making a person feel the suspense of the situation. You really are a very good writer. I look forward to seeing where the door goes!
Timothy Pintello
August 18, 2000, 00:11
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Deltona, Florida
Posts: 284
Sorry about the double post.
[This message has been edited by Pintello (edited August 17, 2000).]
August 18, 2000, 02:18
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Paarl,Western Cape,South Africa
Posts: 11
Wow, I almost had trouble breathing myself. I started reading this thread yesterday, not knowing what to expect. This is a very nice story, very well written (applause).
When will this story end? When CTPII gets released? When the last bug of CTPII gets killed?
How about bringing some colour into the story, I hear Green suits villains very nicely!(nudge nudge)
August 19, 2000, 00:01
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
When the corridor began to shake, Eis leapt forward and fell face down on the ground. As soon as he landed, the floor itself twisted like a rotten stick and behind him Eis heard a splintering sound. Wide-eyed, the agent grabbed a titanium knife from his belt and thrust it into the hardened wall beside him.
Suddenly their section of the corridor broke and rotated from horizontal to near-vertical. Eis swung from the floor, now hanging off his makeshift anchor. He felt a pair of hands clasp around his left ankle and then a shout.
"Pintello! Darn it, I couldn't get a hold!"
Eis let go with one hand and looked down. Locutus was hanging from his ankle, searching frantically for a sign of Pintello. Then he looked up at Eis.
"I hope you've got us, buddy! Pintello was behind me, and he fell. I can't see where he went - it's too dark!"
"Just keep hanging on," said Eis. He grabbed a second knife with his free arm and punched it into the wall a little higher than the first. Slowly, Eis climbed up the broken corridor, Locutus in tow, until he got to stable ground. With one last thrust, Eis set the knife through a level piece of flooring, returned the other to his belt and offered his free hand to Locutus.
As soon as Loc grabbed hold, Eis lobbed his buddy onto the ledge in a heap. Locutus was about to say thank you, but he only managed an 'Aaaug!'
Eis calmly climbed over the ledge and stood beside his now-recovered comrade. "You said that Pintello fell? Where?"
"He fell behind me. I didn't see him fall, but when I grabbed your ankle and looked back he was gone. I think some kind of wrecking ball hit us."
"Yeah, it was something big all right. Can you locate Pintello with the scanner?"
"Nope. I had the scanner in my hand. It got dropped in all the commotion." Locutus looked beyond the ledge, down the toppled corridor where they had climbed from. The whole thing looked like a garbage shoot that ended in blackness.
"What do you suppose is down there?" asked Eis.
"I dunno. Maybe it's part of the crater you made with that grenade of yours. You got any more of those?"
"One more, safely packed away!" said Eis with a grin.
"Be sure to use that one with a little more caution. I'm surprised the last one didn't bring the whole building down on us!"
"Me too. Do you suppose we should look for Pintello now?"
Locutus throught for a while about that. Below them were sounds of large objects being bashed about. "I don't know if we can. Whatever is down there sounds dangerous. I'm worried that if we tried to follow, we might land in a bunch of gears or maybe a crushing mill."
"Do you suppose that's what happened to Pintello?"
Locutus paused. "I'm not saying that. Gee, this is hard! Eis, we've got to keep on with the mission. If things go well we can come back and find Pintello. Jumping down there is too risky!"
Eis looked at Locutus to see if he was serious. "I can't imagine leaving a fellow agent."
"Do you want to risk completing the mission?" asked Locutus.
"Do you think Pintello is dead?" returned Eis.
Loc was feeling angry now. "Pintello is crafty. He's got a diffusion shield and he's smart. We finish the job and then we search for him. That's my decision and that's my order!"
Eis' stare went cold. "Lead on, sir."
Locutus wanted to say more. He opened his mouth to do so and then thought better of it. 'What was the point?' he thought. It was obvious that Eis disagreed. By saying more, Locutus risked having Eis doubt his ability to command. That was all there was to it.
Loc stepped forward and the pair strode down the corridor.
August 19, 2000, 19:13
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Great Britain
Posts: 85
Wow!....Wow!....I mean........WOW!!!!
This is brilliant Slingshot.
In the wizened words of Skorpion59;
"When did you say the books coming out?"
But anyway, I can't wait to read more.
"PING" Oh dammit! Gotta go.
See ya!!
August 22, 2000, 00:09
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
They were close. They had to be! Locutus was going by memory now. He had taken two turns earlier on, and he and Eis had encountered a few Actigator patrols along the way. The first had been easy to skirt around. The second time they weren't so lucky. The pair had almost ran into three Actigators while turning a cornor. Locutus had narrowly missed a rifle blast aimed point-blank at his chest, and it was a real scramble to finish them off.
Their third encounter was a result of their skirmish with the second patrol. One of the Actigators managed to call for reinforcements before Eis broke the creature in two with a savage kick. His foot traveled with so much force that it got stuck in the opposing wall. Instead of trying to break free, Eis pulled out his gattling gun and waited for the owners of hurried footsteps to round the corner. It was the third patrol, and they lasted about three seconds before the Apolytoner's torrent of depleted uranium shells.
"Quick, let's finish this job!" shouted Loc. He peered around the corner and then ran off. Eis pulled his boot from the wall and followed suit.
August 22, 2000, 14:56
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Two Actigator guards walked along the sandy floor of a dark cave, their flashlights casting ominous rays through the air that was thick with suspended dust as they walked rigidly along. One light became still as it focused on a body that was strewn in a heap on the ground.
Moments later the two figures reached their target - a ragged-looking human dressed in Apolyton uniform.
"It's unconscious and wearing a diffusion shield," said one of the Actigators. "The flux dart worked," it continued. Then the guard lifted the body off the ground.
"I see another set of tracks," said the other. The first Actigator shone the flashlight on its comrade, revealing its part humanoid, part maggot-like form.
"You hunt for it. We have this one for hybridization. You can kill the other agent when you find it."
The second Actigator grinned a jagged smile that was all mouth. Without a word it slithered away towards a hole in the wall.
[This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited August 22, 2000).]
August 22, 2000, 15:04
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
MidKnight gave a smirk, and then decided he would be the fool who asked the question. "Whoopass? Who's opening up a can of that?"
Mr. Ogre didn't laugh. "Whoopass sour jawbreakers a codename for a weapon. It's produced at an Activision subsidiary in Denmark. We own a small shipping company that delivers stuff around the world, and they have a modest manufacturing arm. We need to smuggle them into various countries and customs agents ask a lot fewer questions when you tell them it's candy your importing."
"I can imagine that. Candy sounds so much better than weapons. Does it look like a jawbreaker?"
"Oh yes. Just don't try and eat it!" exclaimed Ogre. "It's got a protective shell, but once that's penetrated, the weapon detonates."
MidKnight gave a nod. "So it's like a grenade or a land mine?"
"Mmmm. Sort of. Actually, it's a miniature black hole - like the kind you would see in space."
"A black hole! Ha! As if it were that easy to make a black hole. Especially one you could fit in your pocket."
"It's easy enough to make one if you know what you're doing. One way is to collapse a star under its own gravity. Another way is to - well that would spoil the secret now, wouldn't it!"
MidKnight threw his hands up in the air. "So one of our best agents has six black holes in his pack. I suppose this is going to suck the life out of California if it goes off!"
"It's not that bad. The technology was developed by a leading scientist - Dr. D. Hoffman. He's big into cosmology and found a way to make sort of a quantum vacuum. It'll suck maybe 10 tonnes of material into a cubic micron, turning a small fraction into X-rays."
"I doubt Eis' head weighs 10-tonnes. I hope it's not the size of a cubic micron when he gets back, either!"
[This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited August 22, 2000).]
August 22, 2000, 15:06
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Minutes later, Eis and Loc arrived at a closed door near the end of a broad hallway.
"This is it!" exclaimed Locutus. Beyond the door is our target, the new Actigator HQ."
Loc continued. "Eis, I need you to put a scope through the wall. Try the proximity imager first, and if there isn't too much activity you can drill the hole for the scope. I'll be behind you guarding your flank and searching for control circuitry. When we're ready we'll cut power and blow their little Popsicle stand!"
"You mean 'blow them to smithereens.'"
Locutus looked confused. "Huh?"
"Blow them to smithereens," Eis repeated. "You always use that expression."
"Well this time I'm saying that we blow their little Popsicle stand. A guy can change, can't he?"
"Not in my books." Eis's stare was cold again. He turned away and started to do his work while Locutus simply stood there. Finally, Loc pulled a pair of silver 'electron-sleuthing' sunglasses, and then backtracked some distance away.
Finally Eis finished his work. He had scanned through the doorway with a proximity sensor and found that there were three individuals next door. The room was big enough, so he chanced drilling a hole and setting up the spy scope. Work took longer than expected, as both the wall and door ended up being about 2m thick. In fact, he had failed a couple of times and ended up making some jagged, shallow holes with sharp edges around them near the centre of the door.
Looking through the instrument, the agent gave a low whistle. It was Silica and two of her goons. All faces were turned away from his door, and Eis could tell that the three were very involved in some tactical data on a monitor. Beyond them was another door that opened, and in came another individual dressed in a white lab smock, and a conversation ensued. Eis was bad a reading lips, so he couldn't tell what was being said. The conversation continued for several minutes, and Eis decided to stop looking for a while.
Feeling bored, the agent grabbed his pack and rummaged through. He found one of the cans that Switchthin had given him and felt hungry. He pulled the can out and set down his pack. The label had a cartoon with a kid's mouth all puckered in after eating something. It read:
Whoopass® Jawbreakers. So sour we had to put them in a can!
Candy wasn't what Eis had hoped for, but any form of energy would do right about now. The agent looked at the lid and found it was a screw cap. The whole can was awfully heavy for a jawbreaker, and upon opening it he found out why. The can itself had about a 2cm wall of stainless steel. The agent popped the jawbreaker in his mouth just as Loc rounded the corner, returning from his own mission.
"You got what you wanted?" Eis asked.
"Yes, I did," returned Locutus. "And I see that you finished your job." Loc walked straight past Eis and looked through a jagged hole, pressing his face against the door.. "How come you made so many drillings? Isn't one hole enough?"
"The surface is hardened, and the door is 2 m thick. I had to use a physical drill to get started before the laser drill took, and that wasn't so easy. Watch yourself, those edges are sharp!"
Just as Eis gave the warning, Locutus moved his head to get a better look and jumped back with an 'ouch!' "Darn it!" he continued, holding both hands over the cut, facing away from Eis.
"Let me see. Is it bad? I've got a bandage here."
"Stay away!" shouted Locutus. "It's not bad. I - uh - want you to go down the hall and double check my work. Here's my glasses." The agent took a hand off of his face and threw the silver sunglasses Eis' way.
'Gee, what a wimp!' thought Eis. After all they had seen, you'd think that a tiny scratch would be nothing. But then again, Loc was acting like a real jerk. His decision to leave Pintello was a surprise and it seemed like all sorts of things were going through his head that shouldn't be there. Eis figured that Locutus was thinking how bad it would be for a superior officer to bleed in front of a grunt-Apolytoner. He shook his head in disgust and walking away. What was worse was the jawbreaker. So far it had no taste, and Eis started gnawing at it in his mouth.
As he walked, Eis looked down at the sunglasses. He had used them a few times now, under the direction of some Actigrammers the day before. 'They sure like stylish tools!' he thought. It was then he noticed that one of the arms was slimy to the touch. 'Must be Loc's blood, the jerk!' Then he heard a voice in the back of his head.
'What colour is blood, Eis?'
The agent answered aloud. "Blood is red, of course! Unless you're an actigator, then its sort of green and sli-"
Eis stopped dead in his tracks. He turned around and slipped on the glasses. "Adjust to sense for silicon!" he barked. The glasses adjusted their view and the words Scanning - Si blinked on an off in front of him. Eis went to grab a weapon when he realized that he had left everything but a knife behind. He hadn't been thinking about danger at the time - only about what a jerk Loc was.
The agent's footsteps quickened now. He was anxious about what was waiting for him when he got back, and where his real buddies had gone. He slowed to a walk and rounded the last bend, expecting to see Locutus.
There was nothing.
In the corner of his eye, Eis caught a movement. Then before he could react a hand swung around and caught the agent in the head. He got slammed clear into the opposing wall, and despite the diffusion shield, the agent made a crumbly dent on its stony face.
Without taking time to get his bearing, Eis sprang up from the floor. It was a good thing, too, because the dent he made suddenly dissolved into rock chips as a second blow struck. The agent ran towards the other side of the wall and launched himself up into a flip. He heard another boom that had been meant for him. Eis landed facing Locutus who was holding a harpoon-like weapon. Loc's form glowed brightly through the Eis' silicon-sensing glasses. The agent grabbed his knife and meant to throw a deadly lob at Loc's throat when he heard a click from the harpoon, and Eis' left shoulder became pinned against the wall.
[This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited August 22, 2000).]
August 22, 2000, 15:16
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
Double Post
[This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited August 22, 2000).]
August 22, 2000, 23:11
Local Time: 00:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Posts: 1,815
Hey, Slingshot...

Mandinka - I remember hearing a Sinead O'Connor song to that effect, but what does it mean?
Huh? To what are you refering? Vancouver Island? "Someone check the IPs while I make another appointment to see my psychiatrist"? Or the part about Pintello being thru worse sh*t?
Excellent stuff--consistently gripping, says the New York Times.
Rolling Stone exclaims: "An instant classic...a masterpiece...and just plain narly, dude."
what happened to Paul and I, dang-nammit!?!
August 28, 2000, 15:28
Local Time: 08:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Alberta, Canada
Posts: 436
The pain was overwhelming. Eis struggled for a while, but it was useless. Locutus walked toward him and laughed.
"There are some weapons that are immune to diffusion shields - especially when the projectile is made from Beryllium," said the Locutus doppleganger. He loaded another bolt in the harpoon. "I have another projectile to kill you with right here. The only question is where to shoot you."
Eis gave a look of pure hatred. He said nothing.
The creature grinned back. "I could shoot you in the heart and you will die instantly. I could also shoot you in the stomach. That would really hurt and you would end up bleeding to death in about an hour. The choice is yours - and all you have to do is tell me something. Give me an access code to the Apolyton network."
The agent struggled some more against the long beryllium dart. It held his shoulder tight against the wall. "You win. I'll tell you," he said. "Just tell me what happened to my comrades."
"One of your comrades will be made into an Actigator hybrid. The other is dead. Now tell me the code!"
Eis waited for the creature to lean forward. He was furious about being fooled, and stared into the slime-streaked face of his betrayer. "Go play a real-time strategy game!" he snarled. Then Eis spat the jawbreaker at the creature's face.
The candy-bomb hit its mark and fell innocently to the floor. "That was a mistake," said its victim. The Actigator stooped over and picked it up in his hand. "Now you die!" It squeezed the marble in its hand until there was a loud 'pop.'
Then it happened. Suddenly, the Actigator's hand disappeared in a vacuous black cavity. The black sphere turned bright white and hung in the air. The next thing Eis saw was the Actigator's arm get half-sucked, half-stretched into the blazingly bright floating marble.
Eis watched in horror as it grew. After eating the arm, it went from the size of a marble to the size of a baseball. Air started to rush towards it with tornado-like fury. Eis pressed himself against the wall as the rest of the Actigator fought to stay standing. The creature turned, slimy green blood oozing from its open arm socket. The blood was swept up with the wind and got gobbled by the sphere, which was now the size of a basketball and as bright as a welding torch.
Finally, the Actigator lost its ground and got slurped into the fiery void. The effect was like adding gasoline to a fire, and it pushed the sphere down the hall towards the doorway Eis had been monitoring. With a rubbery crash sound the doorway, a huge chunk of floor and ceiling collapsed in a burst of radiation. The wind screamed past, and Eis's body swung on it's beryllium hinge. He shouted in pain and held frantically onto the shaft of the dart with his good hand. His feet felt like they were on fire. The sphere was collapsing most of its lunch into a 10-tonne grain of sand, but it ate like a junkyard dog, and some of the scraps were getting thrown out in a torrent of X-rays. Eis' diffusion shield red-shifted the X-rays to mostly visible light, but some of it was ultraviolet and the radiation caused his boots to catch fire.
Seconds later everything went quiet, and the agent fell back on his flaming feet. "Aaaugh! Fire!" shouted Eis. His boots were ablaze and the agent danced like the river dance guy until the flames were extintuished. His soles had begun to melt, and even his pantlegs were scorched black.
The agent stood there against the wall, exhausted. He knew there was no way to break the dart or pull it out of the wall. He looked down and saw that its shaft extended about 20cm from his chest. "The things I do for Apolyton!" he cried, and Eis pushed his shoulder along to the dart's end, until finally he was freed from its hold.
Eis fell to the floor and almost lost consciousness. With the dart free, the agent's uniform oozed an antiseptic foam that covered the wound on both sides of his shoulder, protecting it from the elements. He spent a few minutes resting while the foam hardened to a flexible, rubber-like form and the foam's painkiller set in. His left arm was useless now, but Eis was fighting mad. His pack had been sucked into the sphere and all he had on him were two combat knives.
The agent walked over to the doorway. There was a hole in the floor that exposed the level below. The same thing had happened to the ceiling. The hole itself was about 2 m in diameter, and Eis easily leapt across.
The HQ room was a mess of char. In front of the burned out monitors were blackened husks of individuals that Eis guessed were Silica and company. "So this is how it ends, " he said. Eis was never one to be overly verbose. After checking to see if anything was working, the agent jumped back over the hole in the floor and went looking for his comrades.
December 27, 2001, 18:27
Local Time: 09:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: in perpetuity
Posts: 4,962
Just found this, and thought it was to funny not to bump.
If you remember half the people named in the story, then you've been here to long.
Yes. Yes I have
December 28, 2001, 16:07
Super Moderator
Local Time: 10:53
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: Tübingen, Germany
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The most interesting thing about this is Ben that I found this yesterday, too as I tried to find this secret word that Peter mentioned in the AI thread that I bumbed yesterday.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
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