There havent been much discussions around deep sea. Now that the space layer is gone and since I read somewhere that there is an emphasis of deep sea I have some questions regarding this topic:
1.) Is it still possible with surface units to attack sea colonies? Or even more ridiculous: Is it possible with aircrafts to attack sea colonies?
2.) Can submarines take over enemy deep sea cities?
3.) Is there an own deep sea layer?
3.1.) Is there a surfacing option for submarines?
4.) Does water combat differ from surface combat?
5.) Is it crucial to build sea colonies if you want to win?
You know I've been thinkin' about the terrain under the seas. In ctp the terrain was pretty plain, just a couple of volcanoes and ridges made it look cool, while in real life the sea is filled with canyons, guyots, knolls (sea hills), hydrothermal vents, basins, etc. Is there going to be more exicting terrain for ctp2?
[This message has been edited by Stratesford (edited October 09, 2000).]
Attacking undersea colonies isn't so silly. Use of torp's of various sizes by aircraft is part of the anitsub philosophy of all nations.
If undersea colonies, do they need a land connection? In reality they would, at least in formative years. And will you need to develope certain technologies first?
The secret to life is-
there isn't any.
Torps 5000 meters below sea level?
Even if possible I dont like it! Air is air and underwater is underwater!
That 2 should be seperated IMO.
That no one from Activision responds gives me 3 conclusions:
a.) No new features are added to that sector.
b.) They are too busy to respond.
c.) They dont care.