March 26, 2000, 04:29
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Suggestions for a new poll
501 votes for the old one. Well, I guess hes nearing his end.
I would suggest this poll:
Q: How would you react to the release of CtP2?
A1: Head for the car and speed to the store!
A2: Wait for better weather to go to the store!
A3: Wait for detailed Reviews and Player-comments.
A4: Wait if someone recommends it you.
A5: You dont care at all.
March 28, 2000, 15:48
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Good idea, Ata!
I wonder what Activision is thinking these days, anyways?
Maybe they're saying:
"That Apolyton site! They always seem to have it together - it's like they don't even need us!"
Yeah, that must be it. Maybe some good opion polls will inspire them to see how much we do want their input.
Here's one:
Q: What is the most essential element to improve between CTP1 and 2?
A1: Stacked Combat
A2: Public Works
A3: Animated Units
A4: Interface
A5: Wonder Movies
A6: "Mod"-ability
March 28, 2000, 15:55
thanks for the ideas, a new poll will be up tonight
beyond we have something quite interesting coming up in a couple of days
March 28, 2000, 17:14
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The suspence.
March 29, 2000, 01:03
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Jesus, the headline today really shocked me!! CtP2 released, what do you do? For some seconds I really thought they have released CtP2. My heart is still beating like hell!
Good work Markos.
March 29, 2000, 15:17
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Ata, you're not the only one. I was already almost on my way to buy it.
March 30, 2000, 01:09
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beyond we have something quite interesting coming up in a couple of days
Hmmmmm..... High-level meetings between Apolyton and Activision
Thanks for the heads up!
March 30, 2000, 01:42
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Here's another poll suggestion:
Q: What is the one CivII element you would like to see in CTPIII?
A1: Engineers for tile improvements
A2: City Window Screen
A3: City View
A4: Throne Room
A5: Caravan Units for Trade Routes
A6: Keep CTP2 Distinct / Other
Personally, I think that engineers are an indispensable part of any good sim
March 30, 2000, 03:20
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A7: the research goal button
March 30, 2000, 04:16
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A1: thats a step backwards!
A2: argueable
A3: would be cool yes, but would be even better if it has more functions than just "watching"
A4: already in CtP (but not named Throne Room)
A5: thats a step backwards again! The CtP trade system is soooo much better than the Civ2!
A6: Definetly!
A7: Yep!!
March 30, 2000, 09:23
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I'm going to have to agree with Ata on all counts.  The different trade and public works systems were part of what helped distinguish CTP as a new game, rather than the same thing with a new interface and graphics. A possible poll could be:
"What game system in CTP most needs to be advanced/revised/redone"
A1: Combat
A2: Diplomacy
A3: Scenerio/Map editor/Modability
A4: Tech Tree/Wonder balance
A5: Timeline
A6: User Interface
We know a number of these are being worked on, but it'd be interesting to find out what people thing needs work the most desperately. I suppose a less kind way of phrasing the question would be "What part of CTP sucked the most jimmy."
On the other side of the coin, a poll could ask what game system in CTP "worked" the best.
"De maximus ni curat lex"--The law does not apply to giants.
March 30, 2000, 12:13
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Good idea glossy, but we should leave out the obvious answers. I guarantee you that your poll will have results of 55% diplomacy, 20% mod-ing, 20% interface.
"What minor feature from Civ1/Civ2 would you most like included in CTP2?"
1: End-of-game replay
2: Research "goals" button
3: City View
4: City Radius indicator
5: "Casualties" listing
6: Demographics
7: All of the above
...of course, given what I said about "obvious answers", maybe we should leave off #7?
[This message has been edited by wheathin (edited March 30, 2000).]
April 2, 2000, 23:44
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Another idea:
Q: What would make you go and buy CTP2 within the first week of its release?
A1: A special discount for Apolyton members.
A2: A promise from Steve M. that the game is as good as gold.
A3: A promise from DanQ/MarkG that the game is as good as gold.
A4: There's no way I'd buy it so soon!
April 3, 2000, 03:40
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Slingshot: yeah!
April 5, 2000, 17:21
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Another idea:
Q: If playing CTP2 made it impossible to play CivIII, what would make you buy CTP2?
A1: No settlers (PW is better)
A2: Better graphics and smoother interface
A3: CTP will be out sooner, and I don't want to wait!
A4: Activision has more vision than Firaxis
A5: CTP2 will be the only Civ sequel with something innovative
April 6, 2000, 19:40
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Another idea:
Q: I expect the CTP2 gaming experience to be:
A1: The best, most innovative version of Civ to-date
A2: Not the best, but worth $40
A3: Something to tide me over until CivIII
A4: Worth $10 in a discount bin
A4: Worse than a kick in the teeth!
I would have said "a kick in the dingleberries," but I am hoping that not all Apolytoners are of one gender!
Maybe our Austrailian-rules Rugby player-type Apolytoners can tell us which spot hurts more.
April 6, 2000, 20:44
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Heh, heh. You might start an argument amongst Aussie Apolytoners talking about AFL (Australian Rules) vs Rugby  Of course, everyone knows that AFL is much more skillful and athletic that bashing your head against a human brick wall.
Actually, it's always a pleasant surprise when someone outside of Australia mentions AFL. We generally get the impression that most people don't know about it. Even fewer understand it.
'Carn the Cats!!
April 6, 2000, 23:27
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I played Australian Rules "rugby" once. After the game it was like being skinned alive... not that I minded the scars, it was more the head concussion that worried me.
But I was wondering what it took to become an honorary Austrailian  . There's probably a high level of refinement to the culture that's hard to achieve if you're not born there.
Actually, I think the hardest part about being an honourary Austrailian would be to learn how to drive on the left side of the road!
April 6, 2000, 23:36
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Another idea:
Q: What is your biggest fear about CTP2
A1: It will have the same interface as CTP1
A2: The new AI won't cut the mustard
A3: There will be too many bugs
A4: There will be too much emphasis on nonconventional units
April 7, 2000, 00:47
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Why do you want to become an honorary Australian? Not that I mind...  It's a great place to live.
And you weren't actually talking about AFL (or so it seems). Were you playing rugby league or rugby union? In the southern states of Australia (I'm in Victoria) rugby isn't very big. We're more AFL. Perhaps I should ask if you were mostly throwing the ball or kicking it.
You're really coming up with a few surveys there, Slingshot.
April 7, 2000, 21:47
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Actually MKL,
It was probably somebody's wierd idea of Canadian football-gone-psychotic, with no protective equipment and no respect for rules!
Another idea:
Q: What sort of tech tree enhancements should CTP2 have?
A1: None, CTP1 had too many already!
A2: Some more, especially in the genetic age.
A3: Some more in all the ages.
A4: The tech tree should have twice as many techs. Don't leave anything out!
April 8, 2000, 11:06
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Another idea:
Q: How many types of victories should CTP2 allow for?
A1: The same as before
A2: The same as CivII
A3: There should be a few more ways to win
A3: There should be many more ways to win
A4: You should be able to pick from a long list at the beginning
[This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited April 08, 2000).]
April 8, 2000, 11:09
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Another idea
Q: Where should CTP2 cap the CTP1 improvement tree?
A1: Oribiting cities and space marines
A2: Underwater cities and war walkers
A3: Nothing that we don't have today
April 10, 2000, 02:46
April 10, 2000, 02:58
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I always knew you were an intelligent one, Pren Draig.  And Geelong had a thumping good win on the weekend too.
I'm pretty surprised that no one's leapt to the defense of rugby yet. Despite the fact that it's an inferior game.
April 10, 2000, 16:25
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Another idea:
Q1: With the reduction in timespan, CTP2 should have...
A1: More turns per age
A2: More intermediate ages (eg. mideval & rennaisance)
A3: More ages/turns in the beginning (eg. inclusion of a stone age and bronze age)
April 11, 2000, 07:53
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Add this to Slingshot
B1: A1+A2
B2: A1+A3
B3: A2+A3
B4: A1+A2+A3
I'll wote for B4.
[This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited April 11, 2000).]
April 11, 2000, 14:15
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My tribute to Danes:
Det er ikke mange mennesker i Danmark, men alle det mennesker i landen er cool!
Thanks for the feedback, guys.
Thanks especially for breaking the solid line of Slingshot posts!
[This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited April 11, 2000).]
October 11, 2000, 06:10
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How about comparing the different combat models we have experienced with different games. which do you think would be most suitable for ctp2. it may be too late to change that and the addition of class levels might elminate some of the discontentment with the previous game. but frankly i am not sure that would be enough. any of you played "age of wonder". what do you think of the combat model there. the fact that units on surrounding blocks can contribute to an attack. i found that to be a swell idea. the fact that you can beseige a city with units all around it. initiate a multi-coordinated attack. it is more realistic. and more effective.
October 11, 2000, 10:30
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Originally posted by Slingshot on 04-02-2000 11:44 PM
Another idea:
Q: What would make you go and buy CTP2 within the first week of its release?
A1: A special discount for Apolyton members.
A2: A promise from Steve M. that the game is as good as gold.
A3: A promise from DanQ/MarkG that the game is as good as gold.
A4: There's no way I'd buy it so soon!
A5: A $30 rebate for C:CTP owners! I might do it for $25.......
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