
The deception comes with the inability to tell exactly what is in the stack. You only get to see one unit type, usually the strongest unit.
Yeah thats the system now. I also thought there could be another deception level as you can only tell a vague number of how many units are in there.
A game that already has his feature is HoMM3. When you view an enemy hero you get to see a picture of the units he has and below are the numbers, but not hard numbers more like: few, a bunch of, a group of, a hord of, a legion of,... . And each of this description represents a number range. For example "some" would be: 1-4. Now it matters if you fight 1 angel or 4 angels! (Of course the game is fictional and I dont want that stuff - the fictional stuff - to be included).
This made it a lot more thrilling in HoMM3 to fight against enemies as you dont know the exact number.
And I guess it would also be more thrilling in CtP2. Just guess a medium stack with a marine on top marches towards you! Now that could be just 4 marines to upset you, or it could been 8 to really cause some troubles. The next deception level ist that you dont know if there are 8 marines or if there are 4 marines and 4 tanks!
I dont think it would be too much micro to scout them as you could have spies or other stealth units that could do the job for you.

And as for McClellen, this is represented by Democracy having Bad military. McClellen is the perfect example of a "political general", concerned more with his standing in public opinion than how best to fight the war.
That still doesnt play down the fact that Confederates fooled him on their troop size all the time.
P.S.: Thanks for the feedback so far.