Arguing about country and city names in a computer game - looks like we're not ready to merge peacefully into one happy world state just yet :P
The mention of England, Wales and Scotland caught my eye (well it would, being my place of birth, mothers place of birth and fathers place of birth respectively.) Recent political manoeuvers have seen limited independence passed back to Wales and Scotland from the UK Parliament precisely because many people still believe in their ancestral roots. It is very possible that in the future Scotland will once again become completely independant from England, undoing the change that took place when King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England. Events elsewhere in the world over the last decade continue to demonstrate how seriously old allegiances and old hatreds are still held and the folly of 'inventing' new countries.
The ability to easily replace the entire civ list with ones of your own choosing would certainly be welcome. I'm always happier using an invented civ with invented town names because it eliminates the intellectual and emotional baggage associated with playing with or against historical nations whose situations were undoubtedly different.
A game mechanic 'hardening' city loyalties after they have belonged to a certain civ for centuries also seems like a good idea but not one I have heard appearing in CTP2. Much of current world affairs centres around guerilla, terrorist and revolutionary activities because their culture, religion or race is in a minority in the nation to which they now supposedly belong.