October 29, 2000, 00:43
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Are you going to buy CTP2?
Are you guys going to buy CTP2 right after it come out of what? I'm going to wait for feedbacks from the users and apolyton review.
October 29, 2000, 01:21
Local Time: 08:56
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oh man, you got PS2 already? how much did it cost? like 299USD? Is it really cool?
October 29, 2000, 01:22
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Huh? your log on name is Chang KaiSek, I gotta name myself Mao Tse Tung next time.
October 29, 2000, 01:26
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I'll buy it right away. Well, that is if I have the cash available.. Still hurting a little after the purchase of my PS2
October 29, 2000, 09:57
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My brain says what i should wait, but my heart says i should bye the game directly on the spot.
I *want* CTP-2 game to succeed, i really do. If CTP-2 flops, who would then dare to give the Civ-genre another try (except for Firaxis who already involved)?
What the CTP-2 team need is some really good reviews, with lots of "significant improvement" type of comments. Maybe, if the sales are significantly better then CTP, they even contemplates a CTP-3 follow-up after some other game-projects in between (i hope these "game-projects in between" are NOT going to be something realtime). There are so many realtime strategy clones out there, and so few turnbased ones.
Oh well, i guess im going to buy myself a CTP-2 copy. Then i come back to this CTP-2 forum and give my specific viewpoints on this beast!
October 29, 2000, 12:01
Im gonna wait and see if i get it for christmas.. then i'll check out the user reviews and think about shelling out the bucks
October 29, 2000, 14:48
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I'm going to buy it ASAP!
October 29, 2000, 14:49
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I'm going to buy it ASAP!
October 29, 2000, 16:11
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My heart tells me to buy it right away.
My brain tells me to buy it right away.
My fingers can`t wait to move the mouse when my eyes look into the holyness of the best game there will ever (I hope) be constructed.
In other words. I agree with you Bartemans.
October 29, 2000, 16:13
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What kind of stupid question is this?
Damd I hate my Civ addiction. Don't usally play cumputer games, only CIV. CTP2 is going to ruin my exams this year... Maybe I should start an organization called ACA. Anonymous Civilization Addicts.
October 29, 2000, 20:10
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I'll wait for the patches to come out to adress the hordes of bugs. Then I'll read the reviews and consult the psychic friends network.
October 29, 2000, 22:19
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Unlike DarthVeda, I don't mind being a playtester for Activision. It lowers the cost of the product and lets me get more input into its construction. Best of all, it lets me start playing sooner - and for that I'll put up with a few bugs. So, yes, I am going to buy CTP2 ASAP.
The Electronic Hobbit
October 29, 2000, 23:20
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Hoping to get it for Christmas. That way:
1) I can spend the money on other things
2) It doesn't ruin my exams
3) Hopefully some patches will be out by time I get it.
Thankfully, I have some patience. Not a lot, but some patience. If I don't get it for Christmas I'll run out and buy it ASAP.
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- Douglas MacArthur
October 30, 2000, 00:43
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Noooooooo Way!!!! I am NOT going to subject myself to another agonizing round of months of frustration trying to get a poorly programmed product to work nor will I put up with endless abuse from Activision's technical support people.
You'd have to guarentee that Activision will cheerfully refund my money if, after the last patch is installed I STILL can't get the game to run (without crashing every 2 or 3 turns). You'd have to guarentee that Activision will cheerfully provide suppport for the WHOLE game, not just part of it.
October 30, 2000, 01:51
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I'm going to pre-order it over the internet.
I want this game soon as I can get it.
...And if the British Commonwealth and its people live for a thousand years, man will still say "this was their finest hour"- Winston Churchill.
October 30, 2000, 03:55
Of course, I'm buying the game.
Asking this question here in this forum is a bit pointless. Those who aren't going to buy the game won't even post/lurk here.
This thread in the OT, however, would be a more accurate gauge.
MarkG, was that SPAM  ?
October 30, 2000, 16:12
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NO! Activisions history is bad enough to make me wait for reviews and patch(....es) before I give them any money.
And if the game does not support PBEM as I read in an other forum... then just forget me....
October 30, 2000, 16:18
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yeah, i'll buy it as soon as it hits the "add-on" (think "half-life: opposing forces") game price of ~$20  well, ok, at least not until the reviews (if and only if they are outstanding), all of my questions about the functionality of many game features that have been added have been answered, and the post christmas sales. (byw, what happened to M.A.D.? i have yet to see it on any game review site yet. is it not yet in teh beta, or is it that poorly implemented? it better be good enough to compensate for the loss of the throne/castle room)
also, there have been several issues on teh game review sites that SERIOUSLY need to be addressed before it goes gold/my purchase.
"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."
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October 30, 2000, 19:38
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I'm impatient, so I've already pre-ordered my copy of CTP2 from amazon.com. So I think that it's safe to say that, yes, I am buying the game as soon as it comes out.
And, Mark, after all of the lectures that you've given about spam...
The Electronic Hobbit
October 30, 2000, 23:31
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Nemo, check out the thread on the new Gamespot preview. Pyaray posted a number of responses to the bugs noted by the game reviews in testing the beta version. It seems that the bugs addressed by the game reviewers have been resolved.
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- Douglas MacArthur
October 31, 2000, 02:07
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I will only buy it after seeing some hard reviews done by the gaming sites, apolyton and the newsgroups... although I admit the hype is slowing getting to me
October 31, 2000, 12:07
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I couldn't resist; I've gone and pre-ordered it from Amazon. They say "available Nov. 1," but they're obviously wrong on that count...
October 31, 2000, 14:03
October 31, 2000, 15:21
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Originally posted by meriadoc on 10-29-2000 09:19 PM
Unlike DarthVeda, I don't mind being a playtester for Activision. It lowers the cost of the product and lets me get more input into its construction. Best of all, it lets me start playing sooner - and for that I'll put up with a few bugs. So, yes, I am going to buy CTP2 ASAP.
If you don't mind me asking, how much do you pay your current employer?
Big Dave
My karma ran over my dogma.
October 31, 2000, 17:29
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Posts: 64
Yes, I guess I am repeating myself. I just got mad and wanted to vent my frustration. I remember the anticipation of CTP and then the let down. I was really looking forward to this game and then no more than 8 Civs, no PBEM, no hotseat, no canals What are we getting - diplomacy and then no space either. I am just mad about getting excited about a game that is just going to let me down again. And I am mad at Activision for publishing another low quality game.
October 31, 2000, 20:48
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Haven't you figured out why I don't mind being a playtester of sorts?
1) I save money (I am after all a cheapskate.)
2) I get to feel like a real important programmer when I point out all of their mistakes to them.
3) Deep down, I have some respect for software developers. When was the last time that you saw WesW complaining?
The Electronic Hobbit
October 31, 2000, 20:54
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Posts: 117
The bottom line is people:
When you settle for less, you'll always be dissapointed. Trust me, all those 'little' features we asked for and were not implemented will hurt, and hurt bad, after you shell out hard cash for the game. And there's not a damned thing that Pyaray or Mark G. can say that'll make things better. All we can do now is hope that the Civ3 team will take a look at CTP2 and implement those tiny features that we need. The hype is dying and the bad news is coming out so close to the release date. Whatever you do, don't forget the dissapointment you felt when CTP1 was released.
November 1, 2000, 00:36
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We are the ghosts of past customers screewwwwwed. Take heed of these warnings Activision.
November 1, 2000, 01:56
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I remember when CTP1 was coming out. I waited sooooo long for Civ3 that I just couldn't wait for CTP1. I believed all the hype and all the reviews which said it was a great game. I waited for the game to come out and bought it within the first week. Then the frustration set in followed by the disappointment. Then I was made at Activision for releasing such a low quality game. Than at myself for being stupid enough to believe the hype and immediately buy the game. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Now the hype starts again with all the great features and I can't help but wanting to buy the game right away and in fact I was actually starting to believe and trust Activision that they would indeed release a quality game.
Then No more than 8 Civs Why- How hard is that to implement and how often was that request. Hotseat is in the current game but not in CTP2 nor PBEM why: I like multiplayer but did you ever try to play a Civ game live over the internet, so for a Civ game multiplayer is Hotseat or PBEM. Now why are these features not in the game. They are very easy to implement and some were in the CTP1. They stress the game, and games under stress experience bugs. What this indicates to me is that during testing bugs were found with these features, so instead of fixing the bugs which we don't have time to do and make the Christmas release, we will just remove the feature. What does that say about the quality of the game. I am very tired about buying games with great potential and then being disappointed because the simply things don't work. I will not let myself be treated like a sucker again, so I will not buy the game upon release. It is obviously not ready so why should I buy it and be frustrated and then mad at myself for again being a sucker. For those who will buy the game. Good luck! It is your decision and your money and I hope you are not frustrated and it is a good game. I just don't believe it will be and past on experience no not to trust or believe the pre release hype nor the previews, at least for Activision games. The developers may be of high quality but they probably still have the same people running marketing that released CTP way to early and with way too many bugs. I believe that history is repeating. Again Good luck to those who buy the game upon release.
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