October 31, 2000, 11:47
Local Time: 09:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Posts: 13
From the interview (about the german localisation):
I've translated the German in a (hopefully readable) English text:
Q: During the 20th century war plays a great role, of course, we mean the 2nd World War. Were there any restrictions in the presentation, particularly regarding the German version?
A: We had to make a few modifications, particularly in the intro movie, especially with the german voices that are omitted in the video completely. Also some symbols were removed, this was one of the prerequisites for the german localization.
Most other things, I think, are nothing real new.
October 31, 2000, 11:54
Local Time: 09:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: voice of reason
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From Powerplay:

Ein Spiel im Vorgänger umfasste ungefähr 350 bis 500 Spielzüge. Diesmal soll die Spanne zwischen 800 und 1100 Runden betragen.
A game in CtP1 had from 350 to 500 turns. Now in CtP2 it should range from 800 to 1100 turns.

Neu ist weiterhin, dass weniger kriegerisch veranlagten Naturen die Möglichkeit gegeben wird, ihre Spielziele überwiegend durch die Entwicklung von Technologien, Diplomatie, Politik und Handel zu erreichen.
New is that more peaceful players will be given the possibility to reach their goals mainly through science, diplomacy, politics and trade.
The rest is blahblah.
The 4player Preview is not worth mentioning! It looks like they havent even played CtP1. For example they mentioned the build queues as if they were a new feature to CtP! Then they said that CtP2 dont offers a lot new features.
They didnt ever mention the new diplomacy features and all.
October 31, 2000, 14:52
Local Time: 09:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: Atlantis, Bermuda
Posts: 54
How are there many new units in CTP2, compared with the predecessor? About 30% new units, and about 30% new wonders.
[This message has been edited by Nsae Comp (edited October 31, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Nsae Comp (edited November 02, 2000).]
October 31, 2000, 15:29
Local Time: 08:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Kristiansand,Vest-Agder,Norway
Posts: 75
I don`t know bout the miracles, but hope for a lot of new units
November 4, 2000, 01:39
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November 6, 2000, 18:04
Local Time: 03:57
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Posts: 121
I'm always in favor of new wonders, and if the 30% new units are not too hoky, then I might buy this game after all. Copernicus is singing!
November 7, 2000, 00:35
Local Time: 08:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 39
4Players Preview:
Soon it will be again time to write story. Call to Power goes into the second round and becomes revalued with an entire row at improvements. We tested a Vorabversion in detail, and here our first impressions are.
Also in Call to Power II, nothing changed at the actual Civilization-game principle. Again the player has only and alone the task of constructing the most powerful empire of the world within tightly 6.300 years. Should yes based on the rather luxurious time specification actual no problem be - would be there not yet up to seven further nations, that the same goal pursue.
Activision has let itself occur nevertheless each quantity new Features for Call to Power II. It was the primary goal of improving this part with all the desiring and proposals of the Call to Power(1)-Spieler.
So also not all too much power was stuck and expense into the graphics. On the first view, the environment looks exactly like in the first part. In more exact Hinsehen fells one to be sure up that the units are animated now very prettily gerendert and above all loving. Each unit became such a few more life eingehaucht. Call to Power II can be wetted however also yet of players, whom no Highend-computer name its characteristic, by the little changed graphics. A P233 should perfectly suffice in general for a party CTP2.
The time, that was saved in the graphic conversion, became in a diplomacy revised totally and battle system, a new interface, as well as an improved KI stuck.
Next to the long-known fields around the characteristic cities now also a visible country boundary hinzugekommen is. This marks the characteristic territory, and so injuries of the Hoheitsrechts leave themselves whether now on characteristic or strange countries, quickly recognize and accordingly act.
Bauaufträge were from one certainly amount at cities previously a time-consuming and partial nervige matter, now so-called "Queues" can be set up, therefore rows at units to be produced, buildings and miracle. These can even be stored and in other cities wiederverwenden. Whom also this is yet too much work, that in its cities also mayor can insert, who attend in the future then to everything.
The concerning world ruler remains so essential more time in order to attend to the war leadership. The battle system has also some reforms and learned improvements. So a warrior himself has no more chance at a really good day to overcome a tank. A further improvement is the army that attains now an advantage if it consists of different units. Standing in the first row our well gepanzerten knight and behind them the archers conceal themselves, can attain such an army thoroughly an advantage vis-á-vis a warrior larger substantially or knight army.
To see like already mentioned and also on the Screenshots very well, the Navigation was revised complete. The player can settle now that with a couple Mausklicks, what drove it previously almost in the insanity. Also in some menus, advisers to the aid, who have always a good advice ready, stand.
All in everything does not offer on the first view much new to Call to Power II. One worked himself however first once a few into the depths of the game, unexpected possibilities, that are not investigated also after several thousand trains yet always everyone, expand. Also the about 30% new units and miracle contribute for a long time motivation. Shortly said - becomes again the Fans of the genre at the Monitore fetter and a long-known to Call to Power II and value found give game of new.
41 Nations
6 Difficulty steps
up to 8 partners
various Sonderregeln
about 30% new units
about 30% new miracles
Multiplayer in the LAN or Internet
new diplomacy and battle system
visible boundary
November 7, 2000, 00:39
Local Time: 08:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 39
PowerPlay Preview: (this translation is so bad, its fun to read!)
The long Harren of the Civilisation-Fangemeinde now soon an end is set. Again it is at the time to pass through the epochs of the story and to help your empire over 6000 years away brightness to be radiated and boundless renown. Done all like have? The Civilisation: the Endphase of the development graduates Call to Power-successor Call to Power II. The fascination of this row consisted already always of the gelungenen processing of the total humanity story of the Anbeginn of the time calculation until there into a distant future. Paired with incredible complexity and Langspielbarkeit previously each title of the series to a commercial Renner with Kultambitionen and a large number of lover advanced. We were able to convince ourselves already of the advanced status of the potential construct-strategy-bestseller and become obvious the changes and reforms.
Be in no case only of cosmetic nature. To be sure finds the graphics gins out of Civilisation: Call to Power again use, but the complete optics runderneuert became. All land masses and sea surfaces get one Texturierung new totally. Thereto numerous new units come and building that are everyone newly designed and have much love to the detail recognized.
Mass and balance the follower shafts will hear with joy, retained becomes that the long-known game principle, to be sure around a few things more stratified. The events should learn in addition further enrichment with some new Handelsfeatures, diplomacy option and government form. Also aufgebohrt become research and technology tree. A game in the predecessor comprised approximately 350 to 500 game trains. This time the span between 800 and 1100 should round amount to. Alone this fact promises yet longer game joke than previously. The increased game time does not result however out of an extension of the events, but rather results very simply from the refinement of the Gameplays. For example the development of all available units will have a practical utility and overtaken become not like previously possibly by the technical progress before an useful amount produced and used became. The developers put now considerably more attention on the game balance. For example a horde archer will have now clearly less chances against a Panzerbatallion. Or also that the tactical advantage is considered, if a group of soldiers defends a city instead of meeting the enemy in the free field. Is new further that the possibility is given to less warlike assessed natures to reach its game goals predominantly by the development of technologies, diplomacy, politics and trade.
A criticism point of the past was the multitude at partially tangled menu. This Manko is perfectly supposed to be eliminated by the comprehensive reorganisation in Design and functionality. And actually wise the shown version to be sure a complex, but clearly structured interface up, that bribes through logical connections and clearness. Through it not only practiced strategists are, but rather to shift also genre novice in the situation the prevailing power ratios in Call to Power II to its Gunsten and the world its imperialen stamp aufzudrücken.
November 7, 2000, 12:29
Local Time: 08:57
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November 8, 2000, 01:29
Local Time: 08:57
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 39
Yes it was a webbased translator
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