Specialized reviews, anyone?
Once then CTP-2 is released, many wants to express their viewpoints on this game here at Apolyton. The problem is that most of us wants to play the game instead of writing lengthy reviews. At least the first week or more. I was thinking:
Most of us have their own pet-subjects when it comes to what they think is of particular importance in a game like CTP-2. It can be combat-AI, units, tweak-files, diplomacy, trade, map/scenario-editor and more.
In my case it is the AI-logistics (= how, well the AI keeps even steps with the human perfectionist-player in building city-improvements, units, terrain improvements, and also - how effectivelly the AI make best use of the available overall landarea and of the special resources.
Why not concentrate on specialized mini-reviews on what *you* think is especially important?
This way uncertain visitors can get quick feedback on the subjects *they* are most interested in.