August 7, 2000, 15:04
4th POLL: What kind of scenarios would you like?
[This message has been edited by MarkG (edited October 29, 2000).]
August 7, 2000, 17:14
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Again I didn't vote, this time because you didn't have an "All of the above" choice. Can your polling software be configured for multiple choice or a "weighted list". By a weighted list I mean number the choices in the order you want them. The pick with the lowest number of votes is the most popular.
And in actuality I'll probably come back and vote after I consider the choices for a while.
Big Dave
A bad pun is its own reword.
August 7, 2000, 17:25
1) an "all of the above" choice in this poll was useless. what good will such a vote mean? since you vote, it already means that you do want scenarios in the game...
2) multiple choice or "weighted list" polls are not doable. in the end though, a weighted list will exist from the votes of all the people
please choose the one you prefer the most and add a comment on what you might like second, etc...
August 7, 2000, 21:12
I voted for Ancient Scenarios, because I felt that in Civ games esp. CTP the ancient times seem a little dull due to the small nature of your empire as well as the defensive nature of early CTP.
Whats more important to me however is that the scenarios use as much SLIC as possible, so that they will not only be different from the regular game, but serve as examples and building blocks for scenario creators. Hmm maybe I should have voted for fantasy.
Anyhow a short list of scenarios Id love to see.
Cold War -- You've got MAD a scenario around it would cool.
Ancient -- Alexander
Modern -- With the world as it is today, of course thats close to Cold War.
American Civil War -- With the South having slaves, more experienced units to start, and the North having greater production. Maybe include England somehow.
Rome -- Everybody wants to be caesar.
At least one fantasy/fiction where you push SLIC to the max.
August 9, 2000, 00:25
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I would like to see the following scenarios :
1)World War I(1914-18)
2)Middle East Wars(1947-today)
3)XV-XVI Centuries
4)Iberian Reconquista(Reconquest)
5)Balkanic Wars(1991-today)
August 9, 2000, 01:12
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Originally, I was thinking both the middle and modern ages equally, because those are the time frames i liked most. but, the more i think back, i would have to say definately modern age. reason: by the time i got to the modern techs, i was either ending the game, or my science was at its peak during this time period and i would fly through the era.
August 9, 2000, 06:13
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With M.A.D. you just HAVE to have a Cold War Scenario!!!!!
August 9, 2000, 07:59
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I see almost every proposed scenario focused on war. While I agree that fighting in games can be very fun, I think that limiting CTPII (or any CIV like) game as a wargame is not making great use of its engine.
I support ideas as Cold War, Napoleon, or Fallout-like, still I would like to see some scenario where war is not the main backbone.
Just to suggest some theme:
1) run to the moon (discover the needed tech on appropriate tech tree, with or without other countries help, and having enough production points for enough time).
It could be a variant of the Build the starship to Alpha Centauri, but starting right in modern era (after WWII).
2) italian renaissance (some little states deeply involved in trade, diplomatic move and limited fights, while arts and sciences grow to industrialization)
3) age of exploration (some limited and dedicated exporer units must survey - and survive to native encounter - every square of the globe)
4) save the earth (quickly solve a scenario where production is growth so high that pollution is almost out of control. Tune down production, improve eco-enhancement, clean up polluted area and save the world from global warming, trading and treating with less developed country to join your efforts)
5) world peacekeeping (stop every war using diplomacy, money or - as a last resource - your U.N. peacekeeping forces  - in a defined turn limit, with the limit to free back every city you conquer in a few turns - you can't conquer the world just to force the peace)
May be my suggestion are a bit crazy and have some limits to be implemented in an interesting way, but I would like to suggest a different point of view about this scenario approach.
Any comments and critics are welcome. Supports and agreements are more welcome, indeed
Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
[This message has been edited by Adm.Naismith (edited August 09, 2000).]
August 9, 2000, 08:04
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Europa at the times of French revolution and Napoleon.
August 9, 2000, 20:25
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I like the idea of non-war scenarios as well as war-based scenarios. I'm not quite sure some of my choices fit as they are not modern or ancient. There are a number of interesting Empire/Colonial/Victorian periods.
- Colonial North and South America
- Colonial Africa and Asia
- American Revolution (I enjoy playing the British in the CivII scenario) and Central and South American revolutions
- Boxer Rebellion
- etc.
And since I lost or gave away my copy of Machiavelli (Italian Renaissance variant of Diplomacy) years ago I think that would make a neat scenario to play again.
August 10, 2000, 06:45
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Good point Naismith!
I would also like some non-war scenario but well it should at least involve some fighting. Stacked Combat is just a great concept.
But I agree I would definately like a "Colonization" Scenario. Maybe one where you dont start with a Settler somewhere, but with a Ship that has a Settler and a Musketeer loaded. So to say a "Colonization(tm)" cover.
August 10, 2000, 22:41
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How about several Colonization - Exploration scenarios?
1. Ancient Greece - including such players as the Persians, Scythians, Carthaginians, or just a bunch of Greek city-states. You start with one or more tririmes, settler, phalanx or combo of above and a Home City. Idea is to establish more colonies than the opponent, which thrive and don't get "barbarianized". Modeled after the great Greek expansion of the 8-6 centuries BC. Call it the CtPII version of "Zeus"
2. A-Viking We Will Go: Start with a longship and crew, look for places to pillage, trade, or settle, points for most area covered as well as loot/trade brought home. Special Feature: Longship can be hauled overland with much effort for 1-2 tiles of flat (non-hill, non-mountain, non-cliff edge) terrain. Really special points if you manage to find and settle a whole new world (Vinland or Mexico, take your pick)
3. Age of Exploration. Using Spanish, Dutch, French, Venetian/Genoese, English, Portugese civs, try to plant colonies in either the New World or Africa/Asia, develop trade as well as new cities, fight "barbarian" natives or each other. To do this right, you're going to need a Carrack, Caravel, Cog, and/or Galleon unit for the appropriate naval ship. Other specialties: Spanish Conquistadors with effects of Monks against barbarians, European Monks that can only convert non-Europeans? In short, the CtPII version of Imperialism II or 1602
And finally, how about a scenario based on the Robber Barons or Monopolists of the nineteenth century? Goal would be to build railroads across a continent, Amass most money through trade, monopolies. Need rules for getting "trade concessions" from civs. Consider this a CtP version of "Railroad Tycoon".
In other words, take advantage of the sprawling nature of the CtP subject to model features of other popular game-periods in the CtP mode, both combat and non-combat.
Among "Combat" or Conquest scenarios, I suggest the Wars of Alexander's Successors (Ancient), Establishing the Persian Empire (Cyrus, also Ancient); Fall of Rome - everybody plays a barbarian "civ" and the Computer plays Rome; the First World War (the real one: 1757 to 1763 with Frederick the Great and England against everybody else from Europe to India and Ohio). Instead of WWI or WWII as separate scenarios, do The Twentieth Century: Germany, Britain, france, Russia, USA, Japan, China with Civil War/Revolution and Involuntary Government Change and see who survives from 1900 to 2001...
August 12, 2000, 18:22
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I'd like to see some WW2 campaigns, especially Rommels battles. Anyone know anything about the battle in North Africa.
But anyway, this campaign would include major battles in some way ie; Tobruk, El Alamein.
ACTIVISION, if you're listening, please include these or I will. Er.
August 14, 2000, 07:16
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I'd be very surprised if the CtP2 team would be willing to model specific warfare campaigns accurately. Even redesigning the whole unit set to provide the different quality of infantry, armor, artillery and aircraft available during WW2 it is unlikely to be able to model the unique supply and other problems that existed during the desert campaign. Concepts like weather, fatigue, supply and morale are not relevant in the wider years-per-turn game. The sort of extra development these will require (assuming the code will support them) demand the time and patience only dedicated players can put in.
August 14, 2000, 11:27
Hmm why does this thread always get displayed at the top of the Forum.
I think Grumbolds right whatever scenarios Activision puts out will probably only use units already made for CTP, pity that. That doesn't mean that the scenarios won't be fun.
Of course I can say it enough, if activision gives us the right tools we can make tons and tons of great scenarios.
August 16, 2000, 13:32
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My favourite scenarios are:
1. Cold War 1985 (full world displayed)
2. WW2
3. Napoleon
4. MiddleEast
5. WW1
At least for the first two scenarios it wouldnt be necessary to create new units --> easy scenarios
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Emperor Palpatine
August 16, 2000, 14:17
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I didn't vote, because I don't care for scenerios. So I would prefer that effort be put into other areas.
August 17, 2000, 21:31
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Originally posted by Sophanthro on 08-14-2000 11:27 AM
Hmm why does this thread always get displayed at the top of the Forum.
Mark has installed a hack that keeps the thread of his choice at the top of the forum.

I think Grumbolds right whatever scenarios Activision puts out will probably only use units already made for CTP, pity that. That doesn't mean that the scenarios won't be fun.
Of course I can say it enough, if activision gives us the right tools we can make tons and tons of great scenarios.
In reply to a comment of mine stating that if Activision were smart they'd have gotten some scenario builders here at Apolyton Lt. John said that we should recognize the names of some of the scenario builders.
Big Dave
Failure is not an option
It's bundled with the software
August 17, 2000, 22:06

Originally posted by MarkG on 08-07-2000 05:25 PM
1) an "all of the above" choice in this poll was useless. what good will such a vote mean? since you vote, it already means that you do want scenarios in the game...
2) multiple choice or "weighted list" polls are not doable. in the end though, a weighted list will exist from the votes of all the people
please choose the one you prefer the most and add a comment on what you might like second, etc...
 | are soo true..and YES!!.. A VOTE..constitutes..having a definitive ability to choose ONE!!!..but maybe more 2nd place choices..needed..or wanted..I agree with your assumption that "ALL-OF-THE-ABOVE"..doesnt fit well in a "VOTE"..category.
Keep up Great work keeping us Straight Partner!!!
IT's BUNDLED up with what I Call the REAL WORLD!!!
August 17, 2000, 23:35
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I really hope that there are no fantasy/fictional scenarios included, excluding possible near-future ones. I know that I don't have to play them, but I see CTP as more of a historical simulation; if I want to play Tolkien, I'll get a LotR game.
Although I have a feeling that Activision will include one scenario from each of the categories in the poll, my choices would be:
December of 1941
The British Empire, Victorian period
The Punic Wars
The crusades (2nd-4th, probably)
The Spanish vs. the Mexica
Great to be back!
August 18, 2000, 09:03
There simply MUST be a cold war/MAD scenario. This is one of the most crucial and interesting times in history, and definetly is worthy of a scenario. And please, please, NO FANTASY OR OUTRAGOUS FICTIONAL SCENARIOS!!!!!
"And it was destined that he should fall before the mighty hoof of our Lord and King of Spain."
August 20, 2000, 08:34
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I disagree. I think that if there are 5 scenarios released with the game that a fantasy scenario would be very important. I wouldn't play it, I'm a history buff. But I feel that it would make a great sample for mod makers to show how to do things that might not be shown in other scenarios.
Big Dave
If a pig looses it's voice is it disgruntled?
August 20, 2000, 14:22

Originally posted by Big Dave on 08-20-2000 08:34 AM
I disagree. I think that if there are 5 scenarios released with the game that a fantasy scenario would be very important. I wouldn't play it, I'm a history buff. But I feel that it would make a great sample for mod makers to show how to do things that might not be shown in other scenarios.
I have to Agree with Big Dave on this..After All..IF you have that Fantasy might be able to get some EXTRA info to alter or "MOD"..something that might fancy your interests!!..And Like BIG DAVE..I wouldn't play it..(maybe to see how it's put together)because I too enjoy History...!!
If they call an Orange an Orange........
Why dont they call a Banana a Yellow?
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September 4, 2000, 10:51
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So you wouldnt even give it a try?
I think releasing scenarios WITH the main game is a great idea!
Not that again we get them promised with a patch!
And I hope this time Activision will not cut off support after the 2nd patch. I hope they keep on working on it and even if there are no bugs they could release maps and/or scenarios. Or maybe some official Mods.
September 8, 2000, 21:30
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Perhaps instead of having scenarios that start at the beginning of a war, they could have some that start at a historical point of relative peace, perhaps at the end of a major war.
I would certainly like to see a "modern" whole-world scenario that starts at the time of the formation of the Germany and Italy (circa 1870).
I'd like to see an American colonies scenario with a map of eastern North America, starting around 1600, and including scheduled landings of settlers in historically accurate times/locations, including Natives, English, French, Dutch and Spanish, and with some kind of trigger that causes a revolt, after which time you have the option of playing the role of the revolting colonists instead of the mother country.
I would like to see an expansion of Rome scenario with a map that covers the historical max extent of the empire, but that starts with Rome controlling at most the Italian peninsula, perhaps much earlier.
I'd like to see a Dark Ages scenario that covers western Europe and includes major tribes and civilizations including Visigoths, Ostriogoths, Franks, Vandals, and Romans. As the Roman you would try to minimize the onslaught, and as a Germanic tribe you would try to establish a sizeable feudal monarchy.
I'd like to see an Age of Exploration scenario starting circa 1500 where your goal at the English, Spanish, Portuguese, French or Dutch is to colonize the New World, Africa and Southeast Asia/Pacific. (The previous American one is specifically intended to lead to a revolution.)
In the past I would be eager for Napoleonic, WWI and WWII scenarios, but I am more eager to play scenarios where trade and diplomacy are central.
September 9, 2000, 19:29
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I think one scenario that should be included is the latin american revolutions against Spain, since it icludes war, deplomacy and trade. Or the rise of rome
September 13, 2000, 02:56
Maybe this is the wrong place to post this but does anyone know if there are going more than the three scenarios announced in IGN's designer diary?
Cold War, WWII, and Alexander the Great
September 27, 2000, 00:17
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Cold War, at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis
Age of Imperialism (1815-1918)
October 1, 2000, 00:05
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I would like to see a Mars senario. If Civ 2 can do it, I don't see why CTP II can't.
October 1, 2000, 04:57
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don't worry when ctp2 comes out with it's new scenario building capabilities I'll make one
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