city radius thingy
The new city radius system seems pretty cool, but I'm not sure I quite understand it.
I took a size 4 city, added up the food/production/commerce values for all 8 sorrounding (including tile improvements). As for the actual city square it didn't say what the value is, so I just added in the normal value for its terrain type.
I have no wonders that would affect any of this and only a granary in the city (+10% food). As well, none of the citizens are specialists.
I got a total of 85 food and 95 production in the radius, and yet my city is making 89 food, and 110 production. I don't get it.
Does anyone have this figured out?
Also, how do I find out how much food a city needs per turn? Is it the rations (set in the Empire Manager) times the city size?