A few first impression comments
After plyaing a good bit last night and for about 4 hours today....
Game seems to run faster (no long delay when clicking the Great Library is especially nice)....
Slightly annoying at this stage that it doesn't show what you can build from your new advances. This won't matter after a few games though....
At least at Hard (King) level, technologies come too fast. Gunpowder/Renaissance at 280BC for me. Not long afterward for AI....
Trade is a lot easier to make happen, although not easier to conceptualize for me. Not sure why certain cities want certain goods. Monopolies were easy to understand for me.....
Like not having to micromanage nearly as much.....
Good new units.....
Good new wonders....
Global adding to build queues is VERY nice....
Don't like having to hit the sleep key THEN the spacebar again to cycle to the next unit....
That ends my notes for now.