Just wondering if you guys have seen these problems as well...also hoping that there is a fix or a workaround:
Game not always recentering on active unit...(I know, use "o")
When cities have finished building things, the game does not open up the city or tell you...(I know it says it in the message section, but I want it to be in my face...sometimes I forget to check that)
Map does not recenter on cities when they have built something...I love the way Civ2 and Smac did this, it went through, city by city, and showed the events as they occured...very easy to follow
I still can't figure out how to rename my cities
I'm a bit embarrased by this one, cause it would seem that it would be quite simple to do this, so I must be missing something...
Am I missing something...can I tell what squares are specifically being worked on? I'm thinking, again, of Civ2 and Smac, where you could micromanage what squares your workers were on...
Like I said, these are just some initial observations...overall, I am really enjoying the game, though I haven't been sucked in yet because of a few minor annoyances...that'll probably disappear soon as I adjust to the new program...
Any help, plus your comments would be great!