We all know what the original was like, so let's just put that in the past; I had to in order to bring myself to buy the sequel. So, tonite, I did.
I went to Best Buy, debated about the price, broke down and bought the game. I had a feeling this one would be an improvement over CTP1, and so far, it's looking pretty good. I like the improvements made on the interface since the original, and though many players are having a hard time with the 'workerless' city management system, my opinion is that it is one less bit of micromangaing to have to deal with. Haven't been in any battles yet on this, my first game (turn 75ish), but I think the improved battle system is going to add some tactics to the usually cut-and-dry CIV battle resolution.
Only complaint so far is, why do archers cost the same as warriors? Warriors are essentially the same as archers, yet archers get a range attack, which seems to me would warrant some added cost/support. Hmm, but that is not a big deal AT ALL, since that is very patchable, and, if CTP2 is as customizable as the Sid Meier line of CIV games, then I can just edit this attribute myself.
I am sure I will be posting some more stuff later, but must go play for now.