In the scenario, what happens is that the "Persian" control is replaced by "Macedonian" control on just the single square containing the fortress. To "cover" and "de-Persianize" the entire area previously "ruled" by the fortress, you would have to build a fortress in each and every square - which would be foolish.
It was freaking me out, so I tried adding a Macedonian fortress to every affected square in cheat mode and then sending people out to demolish the superfluous ones - and this caused a REAL bug, where the squares in question turned unexplored/black and would never be visible again unless I parked a unit right on them.
As I said, I don't know what happens in the random-map games. Anyone who captures an AI fortress in a random game, please let us know if you take over the terrain, too.
It seems kind of silly - if I seize an enemy city, city changes to my control, and the tile improvements associated with the city change to my control. Why can't I seize fortresses and have them change to my control?
I looked through the tileimp.txt file and nothing in there seems to be related to the concept of control. There is a "border radius" reading, but nothing to specify WHOSE border. I looked through the city.txt files to see if I could figure out what would make a city change owners, and couldn't find anything obvious there, either.
Does anyone have any ideas?