My present game setup is medium with 6 civs, random map with a good amount of ocean and islands. At early to mid game, I had a decent navy built up. But I felt it was costing me to much money to keep it. So I decided to dispand more then half of my naval vessels, effectively cutting the naval budget. It was not that I was going broke or anything, its just that I needed all the money I could get to use elsewhere. Well, BIG and I mean BIG mistake. First off, with the little navy I had left(maybe 3 ships) I attacked a ship which was attempting to destroy my improvements and pirate my trade routes.
So, now this was the second BIG mistake and was even bigger then cutting my naval budget. First off this was a Greek ship I attacked and the Greeks were much more advanced then I was, much more. After I attacked and sank it I thought the famous Japanese words..."I feel we have awoke a sleeping giant".
I was right, the Greeks had a powerful and somewhat modern navy. Approached my coast was 4-5 Destroyers which sank all of my remaining ships and destroyed more then half of my ports and nets, they had no mercy. I need to get those ships off of my coast asap. I mean they are killing me to death. My most advanced ship which is an ironclad can't sink a Destroyer, I have lost several trying to do so. I manage to get a little damage but I lose.
So I dumped every one of my cities into science all out, attempting to get the Battleship as soon as possible. I can go for Destroyers also but I am very outnumbered. Anyone know why I decided to cut that naval budget?