Bias in Reviews?
I've noticed that the magazine reviewers have rated CTP much lower than the general populace. One obvious explanation is that the mag reviewers aren't fans of TBS games and haven't played the game all the way through.
However, I've wondered if the real players of the game are biased to overrate the game. Overall rating by readers at gamespot is 8.2 (a whole point above gamespot's own review)and the two written reviews at this time rate it 9.6 and 9.8. Near perfect scores...if the game is so perfect why did it get such lower scores for the "professionals"? Is there any over-exuberance left over from the Great SMAC-CTP War? I remember SMAC advocates tried to rip apart CTP whenever possible. Is this disparity in scores partially due to CTP advocates making sure its score finally beats out SMAC?
I really hope that CTP2 is all everyone says it is because I need a new fix since I've conquered SMACX. I just want to make sure people aren't letting their allegiances get in the way.