You see, the thing is, I pretty much ignored everything else and just go straight to navy advances. I start owning the sea since ship-of-the-line, also rushed to build/buy East India Company to have 1 extra move on naval units. Honestly, I read the great library very carefully before I start my game and I set my first goal to Battleship (think it's advance naval tactics).
For inland cities, I simply send in bombers then machine gunner, well... if it's *really* inland I guess I couldn't capture it in one turn cause it takes time for the stupid land units to get in and I haven't got up to helicopters and paratroppers, but yes I can pretty much get whatever the hell I wanna

On the other hand, I don't have Calvary tactics, communism and such "terminal technologies" (non-preq. on higher techs), I just ignore them.
My cities are smaller than my components, (mine's 19-25, their's 25-30ish) but guess what? I can point to a city and say "mine"

My #1 priority in city improvements is to keep up with production (mill, factory, oil refinery, etc) then science, then gold. I figure that in CTP2 (haven't tried CTP) it's very unlikely to be in financial trouble.
Talking bout the real world, I believe in the future naval units are going to give way to airborne units; incidentally, in SMAC (the future right?) air units owned the game
[This message has been edited by BadScript (edited November 24, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by BadScript (edited November 24, 2000).]