I would like to find out (purely for my interest!) if someone knows just how many cities can be build max.
I have seen someone who used 30 civs on one map.. so how many unique cities can exist at once? Is it still this silly maximum of 255 or has it been extended to a larger number?
And the same goes for the max population anyone can have in his/her empire.. in 'old' Civ2 the max was 320.000.000. After that on-screen there would be no more increase. Although I understand it had something to do with the datatypes used I have hopes Activision has provided in a much larger amount.
Again, if someone knows what the max is now, please tell me.
I'm that type of player who likes to grow (and play the game) until everything is at the max

It's kinda like playing SimCity until every square is filled with buildings.. the challenge of winning isn't the most important thing for me.. being able to play in 10.000 AD is.. I know, I'm strange hehe..
Okay, thanks for any replies.