Over at the www.cdmag.com forums, there is a guy called jonah that are doing reviews for gamepen. He has been *****ing about this game for two weeks now, claiming to find more bugs that the rest of us put together
Im just gonna warn you that he will probably give this game a very very bad grade, if one should take his posts seriously.
Him and me had a bit of a fight about CTP 1 when it came out, and it was clear to me then that he would downgrade all games in the CTP genre in the future. Itīs nice to see things happen as i predicted. Luckily gamepen is a ****ty site
It's a waste of time to build 10 caravans -- I'd rather expend the production points on more useful things. Multiple builds of an item were enough in Civ II when you were building the spaceship parts. I'd rather build ONE caravan, and go through the trouble of actually having to get the caravan to the target city.
Which is easier? Building 10 caravans at 10 production days EACH to get a trade route from A to B, or building one caravan, and get it from city A to city B manually? Meanwhile, you could be using that time to build city improvements. WHY BOTHER MAKING TRADE ROUTES if you want to, especially when any schmoe can pirate the route. It's not very well thought out.
But as you see from the quotes above, Jonah pretty much invents things to dislike about the game.
He has taken up everu aspect of the game. Complained about it, and then when someone counters he just let it drop
And now poeple are genuinly disliking him for it, and he is the one doing the review. Itīs kind of backwards.
Plainly saying: CTP2 is Civ Lite. It's a pretty bad game, especially at a $50+tax pricetag. Sorry, this game will be quickly forgotten -- maybe within 3 months. It's simply a buggy, badly designed game. When you can't count on troops to follow a "Go To" path, that'd bad.
CTP2 is simply a case of experimentation for the sake of experimentation.
new poll: will you be here after three months?
btw, here's a great quote from someone named Marc Wilson
As far as I'm concerned there are as many game reviewers as there are game players