September 1, 2000, 14:52
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I will buy CTP2 !
I did not get CTP 1 and I was very wary at first about CTP2 because of the things I heard about the first CTP.
But looking at the previews, I must say that I am impressed. The improvements seem really substantial:
- better diplomacy (counter-proposals)
- cool scenarios (Alexander the Great, WW2 and Nuclear Detente)
- nuclear MAD implemented
- urban planner unit
- better city management (no more heads in each tile, yippee!!)
- borders
So, I am here to say that I will undoubtly buy CTP 2 when it is released.
Activision: you got one more customer
No permanent enemies, no permanent friends.
September 1, 2000, 22:06
The Diplomat...dont believe everything you hear.(LOL..But listen to me please)..CTP is a pretty sweet game!!
And YES CTP:2 looks sweeter!!
WW2 Mod is waiting with my name on it!!
A friend in Need is a FRIEND INDEED!!
September 2, 2000, 00:04
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Well i do believe in a more practical approach on buying games.
Although CTP2 looks very promising on paper i tend to remember that a lot of games also looks good on paper but didn't met all the expectations they might have raised.
Given my little experience in civilisation games, i will sit back and listen to the experts around this forum in order to know what they think of this game when it comes out.
If CTP2 is a keeper, i will know soon enough :-)
September 2, 2000, 08:48
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Well, I'm going to be cautious too. I remember how great CTP sounded on paper last year and when it shipped it didn't quite live up to expectations. Let's hope that Activision has gotten it right this time. I think people are still going to buy it even if it is still not as good because civ3 wont be in stores at least for another year and there aren't a lot of other civ games(ones that actually bear resemblance to civ) coming out soon.
September 2, 2000, 11:17
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I will wait and see what the reviews say. I know that a game can look great on paper and not translate into a great game. CTP is probably a good example of that.
If the reviews were bad then I would not buy the game.
What I am saying is that up to this point I like what I am seeing. I am simply seeing a lot of features that I have always wanted to see in a civ game! I mentionned most of them in my opening post. Another feature that I am looking forward to is CTP2's stacked combat where stacked units can move as a single unit and allow the player to name his/her armies! I want stacked units to move as one, and I want to be able to name my armies. This something that civ3 better implement because I am sick of civ2 ans SMAC's way of moving each unit separately.
I also really like CTP/CTP2 Alert system for military units!
I am also really excited about those scenarios.
I hope that CTP2 is all it seems to be shaping up to be. We shall see. (Activison: don't drop the ball now!!
No permanent enemies, no permanent friends.
September 3, 2000, 02:15
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Frankly, I'll probably end up buying CTP2 as well. And not like I did SMAC, 2 years after it cam out and for only $5. But I'm not going to pay $40+ to alpha or beta test it, either.
Big Dave
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you'll fall for everything.
September 3, 2000, 08:29
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If you ar eso passive about buying games, just download it and test if first, if you end up liking it buy it, otherwise erase it and never bother with it again. Illeagal yes, but it´s really a right way to go as long as you have the moral to buy it if you like it...
September 3, 2000, 18:09
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You are sooooo right, Depp. I usually borrow the CD from someone or wait for 6 months.
Big Dave
If you don't stand for anything
you'll fall for everything.
September 4, 2000, 09:05
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Depp, you read my mind. There are a lot of features that make me want to buy the game. But, alot of the extra, little things that made it fun in the past seem to have been removed, so I am hesitant also. A full version test is definately in order here...not going to be "duped" twice 
But, unfortunately, i do have morals (eventhough activision apparently didn't have any during the first release). The team seems to be putting alot of hard work into it, and even if the game fails, I give them props for having such concern for what their customers think, by visiting these forums and doing their best to impliment ideas for the game.
dave: damn, you had me beat by $5 on SMAC
[This message has been edited by Nemo (edited September 04, 2000).]
September 4, 2000, 09:27
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Hey, it's supposed to be coming out during the holidays/my birthday, so with any luck, I won't have to buy it, but just unwrap the gift paper!!!
I do like what I am reading (for the most part) - just make sure it is balanced...
September 4, 2000, 16:49
Hmm let me think 200+ Megs on 56k modem. Hmm guess not  . To big to DL at school and then bring back.
I know I'll buy the game anyways, but I'll wait till it's finished, like patch 1.2 for CTP.
September 5, 2000, 04:36
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I`m going to buy the game the same second the stores get it. I can easily get it for free from some friends, BUT I`ll buy it anyways. Nomater how bad reviews it get I MUST have it. I`m a major civ addict, and have waited for this game for a looong time. A bad civ game is still better then no civ game ..... and all I have heard about the game so far looks good.
(err hope the game comes a long time before my winter exams or after ....)
September 5, 2000, 07:46
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aCa - I can't help but feel cheery at your unbridled enthousiasm. It makes for a nice change.
September 5, 2000, 11:59
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Thx. I think many of you guys are to negative. You guys are tooooo critical. It`s just a game. Hopefully a fun game. A computer game isn`t exactly very expensive. I think game is going to be a best seller. And I promise you I`m one of the one buying it .... it`s only money isn`t it?
September 5, 2000, 15:00
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I have no pity for you people.
September 5, 2000, 21:50
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Of course, I can't speak for everyone else, but personally, I don't want your pity, nor do I believe I have any need for it.
It's a shame that aCa can't express his love for a Civ-genre game on what is a Civ fansite without getting subjected to your taunts.
September 6, 2000, 00:53
Local Time: 04:06
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As a software professional I know how difficult it is to produce a software that reaches the public expectation and works without major bugs right out-of-the-box. I doubt that CTP2 will. The question in hand is will activision keep working and fixing it? The more responsive Actvision is, more likely that I will buy the software.
For example if a month after the software is out, I see Activision sending patches to fix bugs and present at this forum to respond to critics then I'll buy right away, otherwise I will wait until they fix it. If they don't fix it, I don't buy....
I have purchase CTP itselfonly after the 1.2 patch and after finding the apolyton site and this forum, that I was really able to enjoy the game. (BTW, I've bought CTP to give to my nephews as a gift when they were visiting me, but turned out their computer was not strong enough to run it, so I've stick with the game and gave another one to them. Now they have another computer and want CTP so I guess I'll have to buy CTP2 sometime in the future!!!!) 8^)
September 6, 2000, 03:01
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Yes I'll also buy CTPII... hmmmm on or about March 1, 2001.
September 7, 2000, 22:44
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you know how some people make the wrong choice in life and then tell other about their mistake so they don't do the same dumb thing an regret it too? well, all i can say is that i jumped on the propaganda wagon thinking cpt I would be the 'next best thing' and was greatly let down by its serious flaws, and lack of activision support. i litterally got it out of the box the day it came out (like the big brown UPS box next to the cash register...the guy routed through and opened teh shipping box just so i could get the game...hey, i had off that day  ) so, i am not saying that ctpII is going to be auwfull, i am just SERIOUSLY questioning the hype this time, and offer my *suggestion* that others not make the same mistake many people did the first time round...but instead wait for the reviews, and possibley a demo this time.
just my 1¢ (because my girlfriend took the other 1¢  )
September 8, 2000, 07:59
Local Time: 09:06
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I will definitely buy CTPII, as soon it's available. I even would die to get a Beta, if there will be one. I would test/play it all night long.
When CTP came out, I had my doubts and problems with it, since I played CIV and CIVII for years. But now I love it, regardless of bugs and missing features it has (not). I hope, it will come out very soon.
[This message has been edited by TomTom (edited September 08, 2000).]
September 8, 2000, 09:09
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September 8, 2000, 09:31
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TomTom: Any release dates are pure speculation. Nevertheless if you ask me for a tip I would also say December. But well I wouldnt get upset if they would say: "Nah we cant make it till then, we have some really awesome features to add to the game". Then I would say: "Take as much time as you want, just make sure that its an awesome game".
September 8, 2000, 23:16
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I keep hearing late fall too - I suspect that there will be a push to get the game out to take advantage of the Christmas season.
That could be bad though if it is incomplete - but I hold out hope that they have had close to 2 years to wade through all the negative feedback and get it right.
And now there seems to be info about the official website coming out soon - could be a good sign.
BTW, my birthday is Nov. 24 - at the start of the selling frenzy - for all of you dying to get me something
I will get to see the reviews and not have to spend my hard-earned cash on it. A win-win!!!
September 15, 2000, 23:58
I will preorder it, the same way I order CTP 1, right from AV. I like CTP overall. Yes there was a few problem, and yes AV should have done a better job of supporting it. I belive this was their first shot at a and I hope they have learned from their mistakes. Also I would like to thank WesW, and all of the other, who help on Med 4 to make CTP a great game.
[This message has been edited by joseph1944 (edited September 17, 2000).]
September 19, 2000, 01:34
I will not. Reason? Civ2/SMAC baby... plus Civ3 will blow it to bits and pieces...
only human...sigh
September 19, 2000, 17:42
I am a DIE HARD Fan-attic of CTP!!!
So I guess I am only one according to these forums that Loved CTP..from current...and beyond...
Go get 'em Activision!!!!
I am and will allways be a true CTP Fan!!
I have thoroughly enjoyed the Multitude of MP the Online Character Patton..played many of the Old timers...Aero..Pin..Black...DrBibber..Thomas Diemar....too many to whooped!!..and occasionaly whooped a few too!!
Many Hours..many Battles...Soo Much fun over the years!!
I just want to say...( Without slamming I did Previously)..that I forgive the problems you folks hjad..and I make mistakes in my profession..and learned the Hard Lessons......
However..I remain a Die Hard Fan..
Good Luck
I will purchase soon as it hits stands..WHENEVER!!!!!!!!!!
Have a blessed day!!
God Bless
Brother Bruce..A.K.A. DrDanger..also known as Patton
KEEP UP THE TERRIFIC WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 20, 2000, 03:23
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That makes 2 of us, DrDanger. Civ2 just looked OLD when put next to CTP. I will buy CTP2 as soon as possible, whenever it lands in Africa. In the mean time, I will try out Wes' final Mod pack, just to keep me busy.
September 21, 2000, 15:42
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I also will buy the game ASAP!!
It is true that a rushed game contains a lot of bugs, but lets be realistic here!
CTP2 is build on the engine of CTP. The pathces of CTP solved a lot of problems, and the team really didn't start form nothing. They continued repairing the game, and putting new features in it.
If you are worried about the Beta-testing time, well I thing you can say we all betatested the game by playing CTP.
btw, I realy liked CTP! The graphics were very cool, and they idea of sea-exploration was awsome! For me the only problem was the bad diplomacy.
I think even Civ1 had a better diplomacy. But I am trilled to see that this is the biggest improvement. Ofcourse, you can't always believe what they show you, but well... it is just a game. And this one, I LIKE IT!
September 22, 2000, 03:00
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...This is excactly like CTP1. I was so excited about it that couldn't wait to buy it her in Greece so downloaded from internet 1 day before the official release......and was so slow, so BAD!!!
I eventually liked the game after the 1.2 patch and the CD's mod... but PEOPLE DONT RUSH.
take your time to see if the game is really so good
December 1, 2000, 21:05
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Dear Diplomat,
When you have bought and played CalltoPower II, could you please post your detailed review and impressions on this Forum?
You are one of those posters on the Forum whose opinion I hold in the greatest esteem. I am curious to hear from you.
Sincere regards, thanking you in advance!
S. Kroeze
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