Anyone seen weird text errors?
I've been seeing some weird text errors the last two times I've started playing the saved game I've been working on.
The last time I started the game, the Text in the Msgs box was all wrong. I was getting messages like "GOLD", "Assasinate", "This tone should only be used when...".
When I clicked on the Eye symbol for the last sort of message, the game correctly took me to a city that had just finished building.
This evening when I started the game, the Msgs are ok. The bad ones were still in the list, but the new ones coming up are all ok.
What's wrong now is the Text in the window of the City manager Status window. The string that I think should read "Wages" instead reads "The {player[0],civ_name_plural}has accepted our proposal." The String that I think should read "Buildings" instead reads "MAYOR".
I've been opening the supporting .txt files to look at them. But I don't think I've changed anything. The only Mod I know that I've made has been changing the AI time info in Const.txt. Generally I haven't been going into the Text messages file. And since they are in the "English" folder rather than the "Default" folder I've generally been exploring, it seems less likely that I've been there accidently. Still, I will admit that having had some of the various .txt files open in a .txt editor, I may have mistakenly changed them without knowing.
However, if I had done so, wouldn't this be a consistent error where I had screwed something up. It wouldn't seem that it would be something bouncing around like this.
Does anyone have any idea what's causing this?
Has anyone else seen anything similiar in their games? If so, have you been looking at the .txt files or is this something that occured to someone who has not been looking at these files?