weathin: Actually the game is not over yet

I said the AI could still beat me if it GETS UP AND BUILDS AN INVASION FORCE. But well it doesnt - I do
Dont know where all the gold comes from. Lets see, I have Corporate Republic, Hollywood, lots of TV Stations, Big Cities,...

I get around 10,000+ gold every turn.
So I could rushbuy all the time and still have so much money left.
My victory wasnt caused by rush-buying though, cause I forgot about that most of the time. I always find myself thinking: "Man, still 4 turns to complete

" And then realize that I have 200,000+ money left

In the last few turns I did massive rushbuying.
Nothing done about the wage sliders. Should I? Most of the time I have set them one below normal, so that I get even more money out.
Activision: Do something about the AI!!! I have tens of subs round the mayan island and destroy all his PW and that doesnt matter to him? Why doesnt he build more subs, destroyers or PTBoats? Instead he builds Battleships which dont do my subs harm.
Actually no Nation counts much on subs. I see lots of Battleships, but only very few subs, even though subs have much more potential (Battleships get fired up by Arti anyway, and when I only have subs where is the need for Battleships?????)