I'm on my fourth game 1st was trial 2nd was on a crappy island 3rd was good until i knocked my keyboard to the ground and lost 4 hours play

4th is great:
On Medium level(easy enough)
1450 ad have got:
Democracy(gov since 500ad), Battleships(cool guns), bombers, troop ships, loads of artilleries(main fighting piece since 700ad) striving for corporate republic(2 techs away)
techs every 5-6 turns, twice as big as anyone else,
destroyed 1 civ trying to find last city of another that ive beaten into submission, Allied with all the gunk thrown in with the Irish(small), only one other medium sized power(@2) rest on 1,(me @4).24 cities, 1000 PW a turn only 400gold a turn(large science, old gov.)
Good bad Indiferent?
one glitch in the game is that I got up to where i am now without getting: Cannon, slave labour or naval tactics. Overall the graphics have been excellent compared to anyother TBS game yet and thats on my P166.
some glitches like cities staying in the same place while scrolling the screen.Can't wait until i get to really good units.(nukes, ecoguys, leviathans mouth watering

" mind over body "