Max hours, minimize food and max wages + slaves
I am still on my first game and have been using an old strategy from ctp.
right after starting a game, i max out production by maximizing hours worked. i also minimize the amount of rations. this creates some negative happiness so i compensate a bit by maximizing wages. gold does not seem to be a problem in this game. this seems to give me a big performance boost with no major unhappiness complications (at least through the middle ages where i am).
i also use a slaver extensively, i have one 24 city with 12 slaves. i had one problem with a slave rebellion in taking the city requiring a major effort to retake it. now at mid game, i am the strongest and ahead in science, but i am worried about someone finding the Emancipation Proclimation wonder which will hurt my empire.
does anyone have a way to set your slaves free, either one at a time or collectively, without the consequences of EP (slave revolts,etc.)? what if I get EP?