I cannot remain silent!!
I have been a civ player for 10 years. I have only posted on and off for the last one. I have always prefered reading other's threads than sounding off. However, with all the discussion surrounding CTP2's weak AI and lack of naval assaults, I reealize I cannot stay silent, anymore! So here is my experience...
It's 1100AD. It's my first full CTP2 game; medium difficulty; normal size map; max number of civs(8?). I started on an isolated island and slowly built my power-base, remaining high in the pack in most ratings. As my island prooved too small it was soon time to branch out. Founding colonies in the new world to my north, I began to meet others: Greeks, Spaniards, Welch, and Indians. They seemed welcoming, yet weary of my Incan peoples.
The greek city of Delphi was the first to fall. I am a peaceful leader, but a statement needed to be made as they refused to respect my territory. Besides, conquering a few key greek cities would help secure my bounderies. Once these borders were stablished my armies marched north toward a Spanish city that encroached upon my kingdom. All previous attempts at diplomacy proved fruitless as the Spaniards failed to live up to the few agreement would make. Seeing the strength of my army, they surrendered without bloodshed and their kingdom was divided. In short order their western kingdom fell under Incan control and my might appeared unmatched. World domination was just a matter of endless turns and managing resources.
It was then that the frightening thing happened. Scanning back over my empire, I saw ships. Lot of ships. Stacked ships carrying cargo. Perhaps a fleet of 8 ships waving the Spanish flag were scattered along my shores, each stacked 8 to 12 deep and carying armies bent on my demise. How? This was not to be!! I read on Apolyton that the AI will not, cannot, launch massive naval assaults! As the romours spread throughout my empire I heard the screaming of children, the wailing of cries in the night. Was I lost?
Suddenly, I openned my eyes to the darkness, my covers wrapped around me, my wife laying beside me, and my young son screaming from his crib down the hall. All was well (with my empire at least). Booting up my system I found that everythings was as I had left it: the Incans slowly on the move, devouring their much weaker and defenseless (c'mon does the AI really pose a challenge) neighbors. God have mercy on us all!
These Civ nightmares always return, when I play just a little too much, for a little too long!!