Regard and trespassing
I thought the AI was supposed to have been improved upon so that it would honor its ":no trespassing agreements"? Or perhaps it is and the AI players are trying to cheese me off. I don't mean stealth units, either. If I did then I'd be the bad guy...I've franchised every single english city and my corp branches are still in their territory watching them. (The english sent a few into my territory where they whacked by a lawyer positioned at a chokepoint. They also sent spies....each one got killed by spying on the SAME city every time even though theres a spy in it.)
No, I mean really trespassing. Even though they "respect me but are vigilant" the Greeks pulled up in a troop ship and unloaded 3 tanks in a stack and a single tank. I asked them to withdraw all friendly like. They accepted then went tooling around my nation in the tanks while the transport sailed away. So I asked again. They accepted and the stack disappeared into english territory. The single tank plopped itself right in between Miami and Nashville and fortified. I called the Greeks and embargoed them. They asked me to lift the embargo (with the intent that they'd leave)They didn't and I'd had enough. I declared war and blew the tank up with a few bombers. Then I used my submarine fleet to sink every greek transport I saw. After awhile we agreed to a cease fire. But then I saw a stack of 3 scottish hoplites (in 1910!!!?) appear out of the fog of darkness between two formerly thai cities. (I conquered the thai WAY back in the stone age.)
These jerks according to diplomacy admire me and have faith in me. But they too agreed to withdraw then fortified the stack right in the middle of a road! I waited a few turns and a scottish troop transport arrived. But it sailed right by without getting these guys. Angrily I sent a squadron of bombers and killed them. Screw the regard...if they admired me and it meant something they would have picked up the hoplites and left.
I don't get it. If those two actually had any regard wouldn't they have left lickity split? In comparison, the english, who really really don't like me hauled ass when I asked them to leave. Go figure.