There is a forum there and ctp stories. I will be continuing to build upon. Email me or leave a message post on the forum there if you want to add your own stories.
PS: No nutscrape.... It won't work!
[This message has been edited by Dominous Nemo (edited December 19, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Dominous Nemo (edited December 19, 2000).]
Originally posted by RayvenWolfe on 12-20-2000 06:09 AM
I take it you mean the browser...
You're not going to support as many browsers as possible? Shame on you. I certainly won't be visiting
I am supporting as many browsers as possible. Too bad it is not possible to support netscape because, frankly its a peice of ####! I use lots of DIV objects because their awsome and netscape does NOT support nested DIV's. DIV's is what allows me to hide the adds for your viewing conveinence. Besides this is a ctp2 site. You must have windows to play CTP...If you have windows you must have IE 4 or higher. Therefore what is the big deal?
[This message has been edited by Dominous Nemo (edited December 20, 2000).]
Yes, I have windoze because Loki hasn't ported enough games to Linux yet. Even so, I don't use IE to browse. Currently, I'm using Opera to respond to this thread. IE, for some reason, makes my eyes bleed. Netscape has become progressively worse, but it's still not IE.
I miss the days when Lynx was all one needed The ad thing isn't so bad, depending on if it's just a banner or if it's an evil popup.
Sorry if you can't visit my site because your anti-ie. I understand completely because I too am a Unix guru and dislike Microsoft as a whole. But this does not change the fact that IE is without a doubt technically superior to its opponents. The fact is that I am not making any money off this and I am not going to downgrade my site so I can support the minority. I have put a lot of work in making my site look professional, user friendly, and visually appealing. So sorry for those of you that refuse to use a better product and I hope those of you that take the time to visit my site enjoy it.