1 turn.City building and research seems to come before growth.ie-say you have just seen your first size 1 unhappy.If you rush a unit,then the unit is finished before your city goes into disorder.
Your size 3 city food box is full.12 sheilds needed to finish 3rd unit.Producing 6.Next turn:6 sheilds added, 3rd unit not finished,citizen added-disorder
Now if you needed 6 sheild to complete 3rd defender you get:6 sheilds added.3rd defender finished.New citizen added-no disorder.
So,I think its done Sheilds,Gold,Beakers,Food.In that order.I think.Definetly food last.....I think...hehe
One of the necessary pains of micromanaging.And deity level.You must make adjustments before a new citizen is added.(if necessary)You should be able to completely eliminate disorder caused by new citizens.Course you get lazy or miscalculate and get disorder anyhoo