December 7, 2000, 02:52
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Many of these are single player, but we play Civ games in Hot Seat Only. I have played some single player, but usually become bored and quit as does my wife, ddaughters and son.
I am the opposite of you Mike the Nuke. Gaming is a very personal interest for me. But then again, I am introverted by nature. I doubt your imagination resources if you get bored whenever you're gaming alone.
December 7, 2000, 11:11
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Geez Mike! You have actually made me gelous! Your daughters play CTP! Why can't I find girls like that to go out with? The world needs more of these girls!
December 7, 2000, 12:02
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Originally posted by Mike the Nuke on 12-06-2000 09:52 PM
I'm 45 and am retire form the U.S. NAVY. My wife is slightly youger (still in her 30's). My daughters, who also play the game with us (Hot SEat Mode only) are in their teens (High School, 16 and 18 espectively). My son who also plays in teh Hot Seat games is 13. His friend who also plays in our Hot Seat games is about 15 (Freshman in High School I think). ...
So there you have it. Drag Racing fans can and will play Civ games too!
I also owned and played ATARI 2600 games, ATARI 800 Computer games, and PC games (8088 cpu types). Our family enjoys a good game of quality and entertainment value. AI's are of little interest to us. In fact, those are the first civilizations we attack and beat the crap out of in our Hot Seat games! Then we get serious amongst ourselves.
I also play 'Rock Guitar' and own a 1976 Gibson Les Paul Custom. I grew up on Creedance Clearwater Revival, Jimi Hendrix, the Stones, Santana, Zepplin, The Beattles and Neil Young. I also listen to Montrose, and lots of Van Halen. I enjoy playing many of the Van Halen tunes, Hendrix, Montrose, Black Sabbath, DIO, Deep Purple, Aerosmith, Lynard Skynerd, Neil Young, Creedance, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eric Johnson, Eric Clapton, Spin Doctors, The Smitherines, Joe Satriani, Tom Petty, etc, etc (I think you get the idea).
In other words...computers and games (of nearly all types) are not "just for nerds" anymore (Ha Ha) or "kids" either.
I'm in the same age group as Mike (48), but we adopted our kids relatively late in life, they're ages 8 and 5, so we're not quite at the joint gaming stage with them, although the 8-year-old is starting to get into chess, which is nice.
What really gets me in Mike's post is that Les Paul Custom. Man, talk about green with envy.  Our musical tastes are pretty much the same. Montrose! Mike, as if the kids on this site needed any further confirmation that we're geezers.
December 7, 2000, 22:09
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Originally posted by Bkeela on 12-07-2000 01:52 AM
I am the opposite of you Mike the Nuke. Gaming is a very personal interest for me. But then again, I am introverted by nature. I doubt your imagination resources if you get bored whenever you're gaming alone.
What has imagination got to do with the enjoyment of playing startegy games against humans. I don't consider myself as 'wide open', but I'm not an introvert either. I work in the 'real world' not the imaginary one. People make the 'world go around' as far as society goes, not individual games. I find it more enjoyable to compete against humans in strategy situations. I think I'll leave it at that. I really don't what to step down to you and be inflamatory.
December 7, 2000, 22:15
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Originally posted by JasonL on 12-07-2000 11:02 AM
I'm in the same age group as Mike (48), but we adopted our kids relatively late in life, they're ages 8 and 5, so we're not quite at the joint gaming stage with them, although the 8-year-old is starting to get into chess, which is nice.
What really gets me in Mike's post is that Les Paul Custom. Man, talk about green with envy. Our musical tastes are pretty much the same. Montrose! Mike, as if the kids on this site needed any further confirmation that we're geezers. 
Hey...we're not old. We are only as old as we feel. I still play softball, football (with the kids in the neighborhood), basketball). I listen to the new stuff too..everything except RAP! I never liked that 'dico junk either' Ronnie Montrose still plays as far as I know. Sammy Hagar went to VanHalen, then left back to his own band. The Stones ar OLD!
I bet there are others out there like us who haven't seen this forum or haven't answered. It definately was a fun topic. Keeps the site fun.
December 7, 2000, 22:19
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Originally posted by Dominous Nemo on 12-01-2000 09:44 PM
Just out of curiosity I wonder how old are the people that play this game? I am 24. Am I an old fart that like’s to play a kid game or is this normal?
Good topic!
December 7, 2000, 22:55
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I am 15, i was introduced to the original Civ in the early 1997 by my Dad, he got it from his friends in the university. We played it a lot on his Pentium 133 MHz-laptop. Six months later we bought Civ 2. I played the SMAC demo but never really got the chance to play CTP, so that's why I am buying CTP II.
I play all kinds of games, my favorite being racing and strategy games (sometimes 1st-person shooters too).
All right that's it for right now, keep posting...
December 8, 2000, 06:02
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Heh, I am going to get a booting for this one... I'm currently in Sydney, Aus. But I couldn't resist. I am 26, MrOgre is 30, the lead designer, Dave, is 27. We're a bunch of old farts too.
December 8, 2000, 09:54
I am 'only' 23 and started with civ1 in 1994... haven't stopped since.. civ II, SMAC, CTP1, and awaiting CTPII which is not shipped to such far away places as Berkshire on the day of it's UK release...
[This message has been edited by Coflek (edited December 08, 2000).]
December 8, 2000, 16:25
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I thought I'd throw in my two-penneth worth.
I'm 30 now (although not for much longer)and came to Civ in '95 - it was Civnet,pre-installed on my first new computer for 10 years (since my Spectrum).
From there I've been hooked, the only snag is that having to work burns so much game time...
December 9, 2000, 03:49
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What has imagination got to do with the enjoyment of playing startegy games against humans. I don't consider myself as 'wide open', but I'm not an introvert either. I work in the 'real world' not the imaginary one. People make the 'world go around' as far as society goes, not individual games. I find it more enjoyable to compete against humans in strategy situations. I think I'll leave it at that. I really don't what to step down to you and be inflamatory.
Well, when I play Civilisation, I'm not merely playing a clever strategy game, I am playing the role of an Emperor in charge of a nation. Infact, when I play, I AM that Emperor. I play Chess for a challenge with friends, but for me: Civ, SMAC, Colonisation, MoOII, despite being strategy games, are purely role playing games for me. I am an unknown meglomaniac with an artificial outlet. I hope I never get bored of such games, otherwise I might have to actually get into politics or something....
December 9, 2000, 12:04
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32 turns, huh years !
I played Civ2, Moo2, SMAC, CTP and... CTP2
I played also a lot of Axis & Allies (board game)
and i want to known if anyone have try the
computer version ? should i buy it ?
December 11, 2000, 17:26
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risk was a favorite then axis and allies then nabunagas ambition and genghis khan for nintendo back in the late 80s then i found civ1 , ceaser (sucked) civ2 was good i play every strategy game i can get my hands on though. I have to say my all time favorite is still genghis khan for nintendo, against friends it was a blast. board games back in the school days of the 80s with friends was a blast too. a1 just isnt a good friend especially in ctp2. :^)
December 11, 2000, 17:38
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Been playing wargames since Blitzkreig and before.
Big Dave
Do the Vatican police speak Pig Latin?
December 11, 2000, 18:12
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I'm the just about the average here... 23 and a graduate student in optometry... and I've been playing it seems for ever... the original hooked me and I've played everyone except for ToT... me thinks that was a money grab ploy...
And now I have time, I mapmake.. just a hobby...
December 12, 2000, 07:11
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Originally posted by Carrion on 12-07-2000 10:11 AM
Geez Mike! You have actually made me gelous! Your daughters play CTP! Why can't I find girls like that to go out with? The world needs more of these girls!
There are girls, and women, who play this type of game. I happen to be one. The reason you can't find us to go out with is because we're cloistered in our computer rooms playing these games. Go figure.
December 16, 2000, 11:27
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42 hahahahehehe 42 I played the civilization board game hahahaha still have it
December 16, 2000, 11:36
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Hi louis yes axis and allies is good but the computer game is even more imbalanced than the board game.
Axis and allies iron fist is better still it is imbalanced I have them they are ok. Shogun is different some game flaws, but they do do a good job of recreating the milton bradley game master series.
December 16, 2000, 16:23
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37 here. Interesting to see some "late 30's" players!! I started back in the 70's playing the AH Bookshelf games, and I've moved on up to today's computer games.
December 16, 2000, 19:25
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Thought I was getting old.
I am 26 going 27, computer engineer and works with Business Systems (Do you have a opening in the gaming industry call me)  .
Got a cold so are staying for myself this weekend, and what a good thing that I got CTP-2, all these strategy games have been great when you have to stay home for any reason. And I also like when you can stop your hectic life nowadays for a few hours and just sit down and dvelve into these games. Girl-friends usually objects though. Girl Friends come and go the computer games are there for life.
Started playing on the VIC-20. Games wasn't that fancy and nice looking but they had gameplay. This thread brings back a lot of memories of good old classics.
You get a bit nostalgic.
And so the Computer Game addict goes on.. 
WARNING: BELOW are my rants of some OLD Classic Strategy games.
Mule (My first strategy multiplayer game)
Lords of Conquest (Also multiplayer)(Fun, simple strategy game)
Empire (The first real civ game.) Spent alot of time building maps on this one. (Multiplayer aswell, great game to bad all my multiplayer games ended with somebody giving up after realising I had to many battleships. Really fun fleet battles. Cruisers, Battleships and Carriers. Good AI aswell.
Really Great Game.
War Game Construction set (I beleive it was called this you could edit and create you own scenarios)
UMS I-II Universal Military simulator (Boy the graphics where ugly)
CIV I (Now we are talking)
Colonization (Loved the cheerful music when you found the fountain of youth still remember it, more of this in games, more great music)
MOO (The Master of Orion) And they are making a MOO3
MOM Master of Magic, really great magic/civ game some have tried to copy it but nobody have really done a good job) Copies. (Lords of Magic, Age Of Wonders)
MOO2 (The best strategy game in space yet, They are still not as good as the down to earth CIV games)
There is so many I spent lots of hours on.
The ones I remember right now is listed below.
Warlords I-III, Colonization, Conquest of the New World
Pax Imperia, RailRoad Tycoon I-II, Heroes of Might And Magic I-III, Imperium Galactica II, Ascendacy, Supremacy.
And not only strategy games, Roleplaying Games for which I spent hours on making maps.
Heart of Africa
Bardstale I-III
Captive (Cool Scifi Roleplaying Game)
Wizardry (one of them)
Ultima Underworld
And all those TSR & SSI games Pool of Radiance, Azura Bonds. SSI and Microsoft where big stars in the computer gaming industry those where the days.
Might And Magic I-VIII
Baldurs Gate I-II
And all other games. Dune, C&C I-II, Red Alert, Starcraft, Doom I-II, Quake, Half Life, Delta Force, Rainbow Six....
the list goes on. Don't play that much anymore real life taking to much time..
And to those that say playing computer games is lonely, my experience is totaly diffrent meet alot of friends that way. But one thing I found out is that those that don't play games don't understand us that play games.
To conclude this. My most profound experience with civ was when I went to University and had a great time with friends at a club and I meet this really beautiful girl that I started to talk to and she somehow got into the subject of her playing CIV games. I changed subject because you really don't wannt to start talking civ in a club, there is a place for everything.
To bad maybe I would have been more lucky if I had continued talking about CIV.
But the fact remains there is alot of us out there.
Enough ranting. If I didn't had a cold you would not
be reading all this nostalgic rambling.
"Life is but a game and sometimes hope I could load up an old saved game"
[This message has been edited by Matte979 (edited December 16, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Matte979 (edited December 16, 2000).]
December 16, 2000, 19:40
Local Time: 10:12
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Had to start calculator to calculate my age but I know now. I am 47.
Started playing board games a long time ago. Very time consuming but fun. Except for the time it took to set up the game, it was difficult to find opponents. Once started a game with my sister but after an hour explaining the rules and setting up, she asked whether I had other games in my closet. Wraagh. Fortunately two of my three sons share my interest in Strategic games and that is when life got better.
When I got my hands on ????was it History line (great graphics for its time)???, I immediately stopped the board games and started computer games. Am always on the lookout for good strategic games (SMAC is one in my opinion although I agree that graphics are bad).
No more setup problems with computer games and since the Internet I can not only play with my kids but with people all over the world. This way, life gets better every decade and I am planning to stick around for a while to play and see strategic games evolve. It will definitely get much better. I and many others have plenty ideas of how it could be improved. So, manufacturors, deliver us real improvement and we will certainly buy your stuff for a long time to come.
December 16, 2000, 19:54
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Franses--now I don't feel so old!! Seriously, it's great to see middle-aged (doesn't _that_ antiquate us!) gamers who are very much into their hobby. Well, back to my game of CTPII....
December 16, 2000, 22:03
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I'm 14 years old, and first got into the Civilization series when I downloaded the Civ 2 demo quite a number of years ago. I played the demo non-stop, each time trying to get farther ahead before the demo quit at 1000 A.D. Finally I got the game for Christmas that year and played it for hours and hours. Since then, I've picked up Alpha Centauri, which I think is a great game, as well as Call to Power. I just got CTP2 about a week ago and I'm lovin' it. Not a whole lot different that the first game, but I definately like what they've done with it. I really can't wait until Civ3. I'll be buying that the day it comes out.
December 19, 2000, 03:44
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I'm 25, and have been playing civ since the very first. Thats 6 or 7 years now.
December 19, 2000, 05:58
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37; but I don't look a day over fourty
December 20, 2000, 08:15
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I'm 26 year old and a software engineer. I've been playing civ games since 1994.
December 20, 2000, 09:24
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I'm 37 but feel like 29 and look like 32 with a brain maturity level of 39.
Regards Tassadar
December 20, 2000, 11:14
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Im just 13, but I have a lot of fun with the game regardless. Lots of kids need faster paced action, but Ctp and CtpII have enuff for me.
December 21, 2000, 15:28
I guess my sign-in said it all. I'm 56 and will be 57 in march. There was no PCs computers when I was a young one. Someone gave us pong way back in the 70s. We bought an Atari 2600 & 5200 in late 70s. Bought a Commodor 64 in 1984, a 386 in 90, 486 in 92, P-I 166 in 96, and a PII 350 in 98. It is now a PIII 600. I just 3 month ago threw away my Commodor computer and games. Started to play Sids games in 84. Micro Prose was a great game company back then until Hasbro bought it and cancelled most of their war game and close several design studios. Maybe now that MP has been sold to another studios it can make a big comeback. I did not know about Civ I right away. Was playing X-Com I and II, when to Sofeware Etc. and ask if there was any building games like RRTyc, and was showed Civ I. I than bought Window Civ I, Civnet, Bought Civ II day one, the CivII add on day one, Civ II MPG, CTP day one, CTP II day one, and will buy CivIII day one.
You younger people can grow up with computer and take advantage of them. We did not get a B/W TV until Sept 1958. I was a freshman in High School. My Kids grew up with color TV in the house. My GrandBoy are growing up with Color TV and Computer in the house. What will your Grandkids grow up with?
[This message has been edited by joseph1944 (edited December 21, 2000).]
December 21, 2000, 20:02
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thanks joseph.
i'm glad i'm not the only old gamer.
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