Well, that didn't take long.
I've been a fan of the C2P series, even though the game has sucked (makes sense, right?). I've always liked Civ, even through I'm not that good at it, its still enjoyable. So when I got a chance to play the orginal C2P, I jumped (and fell flat) - so much promiss! When C2P came out, I was so excited. And now... sigh.
There are so many things I love. The graphics. The idea of slavery. Public Works. Queueing. Even the combat system is fun. Trading is fun. So many things over Civ2.
But then there is that new way of doing cities. Yeah, I know you want to distance from the Civ series, but the game feels shallow without the ability to place population. Lets face it - that was a fun component of the game, and making it steril removes some of the depth. Its sorta like when the new RailRoad Tycoon II was released without signal systems. What was left was a rather flat product.
But the worst is the AI. I just don't understand how a game can get this far without an AI that dosnt attack! Whats the point of playing? Its like I'm going in the ring with Mike Tyson, but he cant swing at me. Well, it may take a while, but I'm going to win.
And then there are all the other bugs. Yes, I'm patched to 1.1, but I still see game save bugs, message bugs, all sorts of bugs. That really burns me that a product would be released with bugs so obvious that they are found within an hour of play. What are we, your beta team?
What has C2P2 done for me? Well, I'm going back to playing Civ2 - its wetted my appetite. I'll still keep checking the base for new patches. Maybe someday they will get things working and I'll have an enjoyable game. But until then, why bother?
One last thing - since the time man ventured out into a stream with dugout canoes, naval battles have occured. Its stupid to have the first two ships types that you get not have any offensive power. I had five of the cocerals (sp?) stacked and here comes an enemy one. I attacked, not realizing that I had no attack value. Now, that floored me. If a guy has a canoe and me and a dozen frends attack in canoes, I'm sure we could kill our enemy, even if it comes down to bashing him on the head with our oars. That really bummed me when I saw it.
Maybe the coceral and longships can have minimal attack factors given to them in a patch. I wouldn't know. I'd be curious if the AI would fight with them. Maybe it will be in one of the patches. But someone in activision really bought into the idea of "two ships passing in the night".
Anyway, I'm done. Hope a patch comes out that makes this game what I thought I'd bought.