In real life, they would grab some innocent immigrant worker, blame him for all the mistakes made by the security people at the installation, and argue about whos fault it really was for years, without saying a damn thing to the chinese because they want chinese buisness, and are afraid of their nukes.
Ahem, anyways, this is something which should have been included, also, asking civs to stop warring on other civs should be an option too. These options were present in CIV2 and other civ-like games, and should not be carelessly discarded.
Actually, it is kind of silly to ask other nations to stop spying. They new un-conventional model in CTP2 gives nations a serious drop in regard for spying/ect. on them which effectivly restrics un-conventional tactics to nations you are already at war with or have a cease fire with. If you are on the reciving end of this kind of situation, well, you just gota be more aggresive with them. (Yes, I know only being able to use non-combat units during war really defeats the purpose of non-combat units!)