Number of Citys causing unhappiness
"You can change the number of cities maximum by changing the govern.txt file which is in the ctp_data\default\gamedata folder.
Each goverment type is listed there. Just change the number for the entry TooManyCitiesThreshold to be the number you would like.
You can also change the amount each city over the limit causes unhappiness by changing the TooManyCitiesCoefficient.
I would suggest making a backup of the original govern.txt file in case you want to revert back to the normal numbers, or you can just copy the govern.txt file into a new scenario and make the changes to that, and it will only apply to that scenario.
I hope this helps."
I copied this from another thread (sorry I didn't make notes on which thread it was from )to my CTP wordpad file. I have not tried it, but all the other adjustments I have made to the text files from reading these forums have worked out great! ( added randum civs, increased ships move points, added bombard land to Ship of the Line, added bombard sea to cannon, added more transport capacity to coracle.)