(i assume u'r playing at impossible difficulty, with always slides at their maximum(2 for food, 14 for day work and 4 for gold and in tyranny, the rules are different in my mind later in the game)
so for the early game my answer is YES!
farmers are baâaaad
i systematicly put one famer on my 1 cities
as soon as it reaches 2 i see if the increase of food is better than 30 or 40% i let the farmer, if not i leave it. Sometimes, when the citie is in a bad place(hills, forests, swamp, moutains, desert...) i put 2 farmers.
When the cities reaches 3 and 4 i let 1 farmer only if the base growth is under 600 or 700
and there is an acception(which confirm the rule

) my wonder citie
In order to build the ramayana and pyramids(the only 2 wonder in my mind who are essential to whin in that difficulty lvl) u have to settle a citie who will do only wonders! I put famers at thier max until it reaches 5 or 6(depends on the tiles arounds, the goal is maximize the shields as soon as the growth is stoped)
that's the easiest way to have a productive citie in the early turn of the game
ur opinion on farmers?