Hello everyone,
Well, we all know that the AI is not exactly great at the offensive side of civilization building. But I've noticed something else about the AI. It doesn't appear to be very creative in its choice of government.
One of my major delights with version 2.0 of Call to Power, oops, I mean Call to Power 2, is that governments are now much more balanced and the choice between them is equally split. Monarchy is actually viable now, theocracy isn't just quite so great, and Communism is even better than ever. However, the AI seems to follow the same strict kind of pattern pattern as it did in Call to Power:
(in the case of more peaceful civs) Democracy
Corporate Republic
I have to say that in all of my days playing Call to Power both versions 1.0 and 2.0, I have never seen a Communist AI. Sometimes I see a theocracy, sometimes a Republic, but not very often. In Civ2 the whole range of governments were used by the AI. At least, that is, until the way-too-powerful fundamentalism came along!

In Call to Power 2, it seems very restricted.
Any thoughts you have would be nice...if you want to flame me and prove me wrong, it'd be my pleasure!
Edit(s): Sloppy typing
[This message has been edited by David Murray (edited January 04, 2001).]