What units do I have?
Does anyone find it annoying that the units and improvements that are in a city aren't in full view when you are either trying to decide which units you need and also, when you are trying to work out which improvement/s you need to build next?I would like to have seen that system reproduced in CTPII.
On the other hand, some very valuable time saving devices have been added, the stack idea being the most useful among many other things.
All in all I think that if the old method had been kept in play (the city screen, with the impovement and unit inventories) I would not really have any problem at all with the layout of the game functions.
There are many new ideas that have been implimented, such as the stack and the borders. The borders are something that I have dreamed about since "CIVILIZATION", and when I saw them in this version I nearly fell off my chair. It would be good however if the AI actually respected those borders, because in real life they usually do.
I also like the diplomacy 'idea' much better, I like the fact that you can "declare" war. Something that should have been in all versions. The Dimplomacy options are better, but it would still be good to see that the AI used them.
It is good to see that you can now have a pretty good idea of the outcome of a battle a battle (before yu take the plunge), there is nothing worse than a phalanx taking over a city that has walls and 2 archers)
The flanking/ranged idea is the best since 'sliced bread', there are so many improvements in the game as a whole that I could sit here typing for 3 hours.
Really the only problem is the AI being a little procrastinating and a few bugs and glitches, but the only ones that I have noticed is that the chat screen displays text over a line that has already been typed on and the ranking chart drops out, I think that's when someone has lost connectionand rejoins the game.
My point is, I think that the only 'serious' problem is the layout of the city screen, but there are so many new ideas that bring its playability back up. The AI's lack of character can be fixed and so can the bugs.
My question is, do you like the way the layout is? Would you like to have seen any of the previous methods kept in place? All in all do you think that civ is getting better as a game, or losing it's powerful grip on the shelves of a competitive market?
My suggestion is that Activision should write a questionare and put it in every game. (The people that would reply would be the ones that know best) The questionare should contain every possible concievable concept and have 5 'tick boxes' with choices from "No Way!!!" to "YES, please... YES!!!"
Then what they should do is make a game with all the reuslts of that questionare.
It's better to close your mouth and let everyone 'think' you're stupid, than open it and let everyone 'know' you are.