Yo - merry Christmas CTP'ers
Am I the only one who thinks so?
Well if you ask me conquest has always paid off way more in Civilization (especially CTP, and WAY WAY more in CTP 2) than peaceful expansion. Which I don't mind becuase I like to blow stuff up.
What ticks me off about the AI though is that it still doesnt grasp some very elementary military concepts/tactics. Examples:
1) Blitzkrieg (sp?) works WAY too well against the AI - even on the deity/impossible setting you can totally whomp another CIV if you build 3 or 4 max stacks of troops and tear through your unexpting opponent at full throttle. Of course - I've played several humans who didn't know how to handle that either... }
2) Duuuhhhh....navy?....duuuuh....ships + troops?? - My impression of the AI and its grasp of naval combat -or lack there of. I love naval games so I usually play on a map with multiple large oceans and small continents and islands. I have yet to play a game where the AI launched anything but a laughable naval assault at me....no wait.....there was that one time that it landed a troop ship with 1 cavalry inside and backed it up with an aircraft carrier...without any aircraft on it.....ok, yea - it sucks
3) AI doesnt seem to realize where it needs extra protection. This seems to get a little better on VeryHard/Impossible setting but not by much. Sometime the AI will leave its border cities defended by 1 or 2 obsolete units - whats up with this? Other times the AI will put huge stacks of units in and around some random city that no one cares about and then leave a musketeer and cannon to guard the capitol..... ?
Short version - AI's military brain SUCKS - so play multiplayer.