Am I missing something, or is there none? This is a huge bummer. (This is also why you can't use the world map.) grrrrrrr Please, please, please add support for this or let me know what I'm doing wrong. This is the main reason I bought this game.
This pisses me off as well.
I mean, you could do this in CTP, so why not in CTP2?
Did they feel the urge to remove something good from the game so they wouldn't take the balance between good and crap away from it?
Hi. Im not sure if this helps but you can, after you are finished creating your scenario just go to the menu and just save your game in its current state. You will then need to copy the save game directory and file eg. \ctp2_program\ctp\save\game\henry\Henry-Engl-4000BC. and place it in the mp save directory eg. \ctp2_program\ctp\save\mp\Henry\Henry-Engl-4000BC.
Your original question is what im sort of here for also so im not sure if this works as a single player scenario would but it allows you to play a game from its saved state which you create through the editor. You can simply load it from the multiplayer menu.
Some notes concerning the above when actually playing the game:
1/ I have so far been unable to select a nation as Nations are disignated by the order you join although i expect you should be able too.
2/ The money and public works were reset and not what i set in scenario but i must check this again.
3/ The map size reads as small even though it is and was created as huge.
I have only just started messing around with ctp2 so forgive me if this doesnt help but just something you might like to try.