You can copy the servers.dat file from CTP1 to CTP2. If you could get into the lobby with CTP1, then you will be able to get into the lobby in CTP2 by copying the file over.
Are you really here in Chi? Would love to get together for a LAN game or to get in on the next multiplayer game your on. I just finished my first Impossible/8 civs/highest level barabarians game. I won but getting the Gaia oblisks to cover 60% of map was tough. Finished the Tech tree by 2037.
Originally posted by Swissy on 01-12-2001 10:50 PM
You can copy the servers.dat file from CTP1 to CTP2. If you could get into the lobby with CTP1, then you will be able to get into the lobby in CTP2 by copying the file over.