City Size Questions
I may be posting this in the wrong forum, but here goes. The current max city size is 60. Has anyone tried increasing the sizes as listed in ctp2_data/default/gamedata/citysize(1-5).txt. The last two entries look like this:
Population 60
SquaredRadius 20
IntRadius 4
MaxWorkers 60
GrowthRate 75
MinGrowthRate 15000
MaxSurplusFood 1500
BaseOvercrowding 4
BaseMaxPop 18
VisionRadius 3.7
Population 60
SquaredRadius 20
IntRadius 4
MaxWorkers 60
GrowthRate 75
MinGrowthRate 20000
MaxSurplusFood 2000
BaseOvercrowding 4
BaseMaxPop 18
VisionRadius 4.472
(This is copied from citysize5.txt)
The increases of some of the values in citysize_six suggest that there may have been a higher city population cap. Or maybe I'm just wishing. Anyway, has anyone messed with these text files? And if so, what effect did it have? Thanks for the feedback. As always, keep up the great work!
[This message has been edited by Calphor (edited January 24, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Calphor (edited January 24, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Calphor (edited January 24, 2001).]